[Ord. 2160, 1/9/2017]
The President and Secretary of the Pottstown Borough Council are authorized to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement establishing a police emergency response team to be known as "Montgomery County S.W.A.T. - Western Region."
[Ord. 2160, 1/9/2017]
The intergovernmental cooperation agreement providing for Montgomery County S.W.A.T. - Western Region shall contain the following:
Provisions authorizing police officers to act outside the boundaries of their respective municipalities; establishing a Board of Chiefs; providing for meetings; directing finance procedures and reports; setting a procedure for activation and operation of Montgomery County S.W.A.T. - Western Region; providing for deputizing, immunity and claims; providing for additional municipalities; providing for interpretation of the agreement; providing for termination and for an effective date of the agreement; providing for the dissolution of CMERT; providing for transfer of all property of CMERT to Montgomery County S.W.A.T. - Western Region.
The intergovernmental cooperation agreement shall provide for termination upon 30 days' written notice.
The purpose and objective of the agreement shall be to have available for use throughout territorial limits of all municipalities signing the agreement the services of police employed by any and all of the participating municipalities for Montgomery County S.W.A.T. - Western Region activities.
All financing arrangements shall be approved by the Pottstown Borough Council.
The organization structure shall be by the Board of Chiefs, which shall be composed of the Chief of Police of each Police Department of the participating municipalities.
All property, real or personal, acquired by Montgomery County S.W.A.T. - Western Region shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Chiefs.
Montgomery County S.W.A.T. - Western Region shall be empowered to enter into contracts for insurance and other benefits only as authorized by the Borough Council by resolution.
The final form of any agreement and/or amendment thereto shall be approved by the Pottstown Borough Council.