[Ord. 1783, 11/14/1994]
A separate fund hereby is created and shall be maintained as a capital reserve fund for anticipated legal capital expenditures. The money in the fund shall be used, from time to time, for the construction, purchase or replacement of or addition to municipal buildings, equipment, machinery, motor vehicles or other capital assets of the Borough and for no other purpose.
[Ord. 1783, 11/14/1994]
Council may appropriate monies from the general Borough funds to be paid into the capital reserve fund or place in the fund any monies received from the sale, lease or other disposition of Borough property or from any other source, unless received or acquired for another particular purpose.
[Ord. 1783, 11/14/1994]
The capital reserve fund shall be controlled, invested, reinvested and administered and the monies expended for any of the purposes for which the fund is created in such manner as may be determined by Council. The money in the fund, when invested, shall be invested in securities designated by law as legal investments for sinking funds of municipalities.
[Ord. 1783, 11/14/1994]
No funds shall be withdrawn from the capital reserve fund except as authorized by Council and upon the signature of the President and Secretary of Council, the Finance Director and the Borough Treasurer.