[Ord. 476, 10/4/1955, § 1; as amended by Ord. 670, 4/20/1976, § 1; and by Ord. 830, 2/13/1995]
Under special circumstances where, in the opinion of the Street Committee of the Borough Council, there shall be no other practicable means for the temporary storage thereof, said Committee may authorize the Borough Secretary to issue a permit for the storage of building materials upon a limited portion of the sidewalk and/or street abutting the property where such materials are to be used. Such permit shall be issued to the owner or occupant of such property upon the following conditions, which shall be strictly adhered to by the holder thereof:
Such permit shall be valid for a limited time, not in excess of 30 days, which shall be determined by the Street Committee on the basis of the scope of the work being undertaken and the inconvenience to the public resulting from such storage, and shall be stated upon such permit.
Such building material shall occupy no more than 1/2 the width of the sidewalk and only such part of the width of the street that shall be stated thereon.
Such building material shall be placed so as not to interfere with the drainage of the street and sidewalk or with access to any fire hydrant.
Such building material shall be arranged in regular, neat, compact form so as to occupy a minimum of space and to present the least risk of falling.
The holder of such permit shall place lights and guards in the vicinity of and around such material so as to prevent injury to persons and property.
All such material shall be removed from the sidewalk and street and the sidewalk and street shall be restored to the condition in which they were immediately prior to such storage, on or before the date of expiration of such permit.
The holder of such permit shall file with the Borough Secretary a bond, in such sum as shall be determined by the Street Committee, to indemnify the Borough against all damages, losses, costs or expenses that may be occasioned by reason of the placing or storage of such material upon the street or sidewalk.
Permits Required for Construction of Driveways or Curb Cuts.
No person, firm or corporation shall hereafter construct, build, establish or maintain any driveway or curb cut over, across or upon any portion of the public sidewalk or public parkway without first having obtained a written permit to do so from the Zoning Officer of the Borough of Bridgeville. The permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer after consideration by the Borough Council where the driveway or curb cut is for other than residence or dwelling house use, or where it is necessary to elevate or depress the established grade of public sidewalks or parkways. No such permit shall be issued for construction or establishment of any such driveway or curb cut except in accordance with the provisions herein contained.
The application for permit must be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Borough. Said application shall contain the name and address of the person, firm or corporation making the application, the name of the contractor or person who is to construct said driveway or curb cut and the proposed location and dimensions of such driveway or curb cut. Complete plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer of the Borough of Bridgeville at least 48 hours before the permit shall be issued.
Bond. Before issuance of any such permit the contractor or person proposing to construct such driveway or curb cut shall file with the Borough Secretary, on a form furnished by the Borough and approved by the corporation counsel, a penal bond in the sum of $1,000 with good and sufficient surety thereon, conditioned that the makers shall save harmless, defend and indemnify the Borough against or on account of accidents, damages or claims arising out of or during the construction of any driveway or curb cut laid by the said contractor. All such bonds shall be continuing until terminated by notice in writing given 30 days in advance. The quality of construction and materials used must be approved by the Borough Engineer.
Fees. Before any work is started, the contractor shall pay to the Borough Secretary permit and inspection fees in the sum as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council for inspection plus a fee based upon the estimated cost of the project.
[Ord. 476, 10/4/1955, § 2]
If the holder of any such permit shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Part, such material may be removed by order of the Street Committee and shall be placed upon the property upon which such material is to be used, outside the limits of the street and sidewalk. In such case, the expense of such removal, and an additional charge of 10%, shall be collected by the Borough from the holder of such permit.
[Ord. 476, 10/4/1955, § 3]
Nothing in this Part shall be construed to interfere with the grading of sidewalks or streets, or the placing of material for such purpose under the direction of the Borough official in charge thereof.
[Ord. 476, 10/4/1955, § 4; as amended by Ord. 670, 4/20/1976, § 2; by Ord. 724, 5/4/1982; and by Ord. 830, 2/13/1995]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.