For curbing and paving Washington Street in the Borough of Conshohocken.
To curb and pave Oak Street.
Untitled ordinance providing that the upper or north sides of Hector Street from Cherry to Fayette Street, and the upper or west sides of Forrest Street, from Washington to Hector Street be curbed and paved on or before October 1, 1855.
Untitled ordinance providing that the north side of Washington Street be curbed and paved from Oak Street to the Turnpike Bridge.
For curbing and paving Harry Street on the west side from Elm Street to Hector Street.
To grade the sidewalk from Third to Seventh Avenue on the west side of Fayette Street and all property holders within the above limits be notified to curb and pave the sidewalks in front of their respective properties.
Untitled ordinance providing that the Clerk notify the property holders on both sides of Elm Street from Fayette Street to Maple Street to curb and pave the sidewalks in front of their respective properties.
To curb and pave the west side of Fayette Street from Elm Street to Front Street.
Ordering John McCoy to curb and pave his property on Fayette Street.
To curb and pave the north side of Hector Street between Poplar and Cherry Streets.
To curb and pave Fayette Street between Third and Fourth, Fourth and Fifth, and Fifth and Sixth Avenues.
To curb and pave Elm Street on both sides from Fayette to Poplar Streets.
To curb and pave Fayette Street from Taylor Street to Third Avenue.
To curb and pave Hector Street on the south side from Fayette Street to Cherry Street and on the north side between Poplar and Cherry Street.
To curb and pave Poplar Street from Hector to Elm Streets on the east side.
To pave Locust Street on both sides between Hector and Marble Streets, and curb wherever necessary.
To curb and pave Hector Street on both sides from Cherry Street to Apple Street.
To curb and pave Fayette Street from Seventh to Ninth Avenue on both sides; to curb and pave Front Avenue on both sides between Fayette and Maple Street; to curb and pave Hector Street on both sides from Fayette to Robinsons Alley on the north side, on the south side to Oak Street.
To grade Hector Street from Oak Street to the Borough line and requiring owners of property fronting on said street to set the curb and pave the footways, and to repair footways in front of their respective properties.
Requiring owners of property fronting on Fifth Avenue from Wood Street to Freedley Street to set the curb and pave the footways in front of their respective properties.
Requiring owners of property fronting on Marble Street from Fayette Street to Oak Street to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
Requiring the owners of property fronting on Harry Street from Hector Street to Eighth Avenue to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
Requiring the owners of property fronting on Fourth Avenue from Fayette Street to Spring Mill Avenue to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
To curb and gutter Seventh Avenue between Fayette and Hallowell Streets
To grade First and Third Avenue from Fayette Street to Harry and requiring the owners to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
To curb, gutter and pave along certain streets in the Borough of Conshohocken, relating to the following streets: Oak Street, Forrest Street, Ash Street, Poplar Street, Cherry Street and Spring Mill Avenue.
To grade Elm Street from Poplar Street southeast to the Borough line and requiring the owners of property fronting thereon to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
To provide for the paving, curbing and guttering of Sixth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken from Fayette Street to Spring Mill Avenue.
To provide for the paving, curbing and guttering of the south side of Front and Spring Mill Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken between Harry Street and Poplar Street and also for the paving, curbing and guttering of the south side of Elm Street, from the east side of Maple Street (now vacated) westward to the Borough line.
To authorize the curbing and paving of the footways and gutters of Sixth Avenue from Forrest Street northwestward to the Borough line.
Requiring the owners of property fronting on Fifth Avenue from Fayette Street to Spring Mill Avenue, Sixth Avenue from Fayette Street to Spring Mill Avenue, and Seventh Avenue from Fayette Street to Hallowell Street to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
Untitled ordinance relating to the curbing and setting of sidewalks, relating to the following streets: Second Avenue, Maple Street, Third Avenue and Wood Street.
Requiring the owners of property fronting on Seventh Avenue from Hallowell Street to Wells Street, and on Eighth Avenue from Harry Street to Hallowell Street to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
Requiring the owners of property fronting on Hallowell Street from Fifth Avenue to Ninth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective property.
Requiring the curbing, paving and guttering on Ninth Avenue.
Requiring curbing and paving on Eighth Avenue and Spring Mill Avenue.
Requiring paving, curbing and guttering on Cherry Street from Elm to the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Requiring property owners on Maple Street northeasterly from Elm Street to Fourth Avenue to curb, gutter and pave the sidewalks in front of their respective properties and fixing the width of said sidewalks.
Requiring property owners on Forrest Street from Front Avenue northeasterly to Fourth Avenue to curb, gutter and pave the said sidewalks in front of their respective property.
Requiring property owners on Ninth Avenue southeastwardly from Fayette Street to the southeast Borough line to curb, gutter and pave the sidewalks in front of their respective properties.
Requiring property owners on Ninth Avenue southeastwardly from Fayette Street to the Borough line to curb, gutter and pave the sidewalks and to gutter the portion of the roadway adjoining the outside of the curb in front of their respective properties.
Requiring property owners on Tenth Avenue from Fayette Street to Wells Street, in the Borough of Conshohocken, to curb, gutter and pave the sidewalks in front of their respective properties.
Untitled resolution providing that the gutters on both sides of Fayette Street between First Avenue and the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Bridge be paved.
Untitled ordinance opening Hector Street so as to be passable for vehicles.
Untitled ordinance opening Fourth Avenue from Spring Mill Avenue to Fayette Street.
To open Ash Street within the above limits to the full width.
Untitled ordinance opening Seventh Avenue from Fayette Street to Charles Jones' line of property.
Opening Elm Street from Fayette to Cherry.
To open Fourth Avenue from Fayette Street to Maple Street to its full width.
To open Wood Street from Sixth to Seventh Avenue to its full width.
Opening Front Avenue from Fayette to Woods line.
To open Fayette Street to its full width between Third and Fourth Avenues and property owners to remove their fences back and said street to be graded.
To open Washington Street on the south side from Ash to Poplar Street to its full width.
To open Canal Street on the south side from Fayette Street to Filbert Street and Filbert Street, from Canal Street to Elm Street.
To open Washington Street on the west side from Fayette Street to Poplar Street.
To open Elm Street from Poplar to Cherry to its full width.
To open Spring Mill Avenue from Cherry Street to Poplar Street.
To open Cherry Street from Hector Street to Spring Mill Avenue.
To open Poplar Street from Hector Street to Spring Mill Avenue.
To open Front Avenue from Fayette Street to Maple Street and property holders to remove all obstructions therefrom on or before the first day of April, 1869.
To open Harry Street from Spring Mill Avenue to Third Avenue.
Accepting as a public street that portion of Poplar Street between the Schuylkill River and Washington Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Maple Street from Seventh Avenue to Eleventh Avenue.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Righter Street from Ninth Avenue to the north Borough line.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Seventh Avenue from Fayette Street to Wood Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Tenth Avenue from Wells Street to the east Borough line.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Harry Street from Eighth Avenue to the north Borough line.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Wells Street from Sixth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Tenth Avenue from Maple Street to the west Borough line.
Untitled resolution relating to the opening of Third Avenue from Maple Street to the north side of Freedley Street.
Untitled resolution opening and grading Third Avenue between Maple Street and Freedley Street.
Authorizing the acceptance and placing on the Borough Plan of Forrest Street between Hector Street and Front or First Avenue.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Wood Street from Tenth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Providing for the opening and grading of Jones Street in the Borough of Conshohocken between Eighth Avenue and Ninth Avenue.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Maple Street from Eleventh Avenue to Twelfth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Providing for the opening and grading of Freedley Street in the Borough of Conshohocken between Tenth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Ninth Avenue from Maple Street to Wood Street in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Wood Street from Ninth Avenue to Tenth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Ordaining Freedley Street between Eleventh Avenue and Twelfth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Opening and extending Twelfth Avenue between Freedley Street and Wood Street in the Borough of Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Opening and extending Twelfth Avenue between Jones Street and Righter Street in the Borough of Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Ordaining and extending Wood Street in the Borough of Conshohocken between Eleventh Avenue and Twelfth Avenue for a distance of approximately 300 feet.
Laying out, opening and ordaining a public street in the Borough of Conshohocken known as "Whiskey Lane." This pertained to the portion of Whiskey Lane between West Eleventh Avenue and West Twelfth Avenue.
Laying out, opening and ordaining an extension of a public street known as "West Twelfth Avenue," for a distance of approximately 450 feet between Wood Street and Maple Street in the Borough of Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Laying out, opening and ordaining a public street in the Borough of Conshohocken between Eleventh Avenue and an alleyway running from Colwell Road, known as "Whiskey Lane."
Laying out, opening and ordaining a public street in the Borough of Conshohocken, between Wells Street and a point 316 feet north thereof toward Hallowell Street known as a portion of East Twelfth Avenue.
Ordaining West Eleventh Avenue between Freedley Street and Colwell Road in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Laying out, opening and ordaining a public street in the Borough of Conshohocken known as "Sutcliffe Park Drive" between Wood Street and Freedley Street adjacent to Sutcliffe Park.
Opening Fifth Avenue.
Opening First Avenue.
Adopting a grade for Ninth Avenue from Fayette Street easterly to the Borough line.
Adopting a grade for Spring Mill Avenue easterly from Harry Street to Poplar Street.
Fixing the grade of First Avenue westerly from Maple to Wood Street.
Adopting grades for certain parts of Spring Mill Avenue, Elm Street, Wood Street, Twelfth Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Second Avenue, Harry Street and Hallowell Street.
Adopting grades for Wells Street between Sixth and Tenth Avenue.
Adopting grade for Elm Street between Fayette Street and Maple Street.
Untitled resolution adopting a grade plan for Seventh Avenue from Fayette Street to Wood Street and for Maple Street from Third Avenue to Eleventh Avenue.
Untitled resolution adopting the grade of Jones Street from Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue.
Untitled ordinance adopting the grade of Twelfth Avenue from Fayette Street to Righter Street.
Untitled ordinance adopting the grade of Eleventh Avenue from Fayette Street to Righter Street.
Untitled ordinance adopting the grade of Righter Street from Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue.
Untitled ordinance adopting the grade of Tenth Avenue from Wells Street to Righter Street.
Adopting a grade for that portion of Hallowell Street lying between Fourth Avenue and Spring Mill Avenue known as "Cinder Hill."
Adopting a grade plan for Third Avenue from Maple Street to a point 75 feet east of Freedley Street in the Borough of Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
Adopting a grade for Ninth Avenue from Maple Street to the west Borough line.
Changing grade for Third Avenue between Fayette and Harry Street.
Untitled ordinance adopting the grade of Eleventh Avenue from Fayette Street to Maple Street.
Adopting a grade on East Eighth Avenue from the easterly side of Wells Street to the westerly side of Spring Mill Avenue.
Adopting a grade for Maple Street between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues.
Adopting a grade for Twelfth Avenue between Fayette and Maple Street.
Adopting a grade for Eleventh Avenue between Maple Street and the west Borough line.
Adopting a change of grade for East Eleventh Avenue between Fayette Street and Righter Street.
Adopting a grade for Forrest Street between Hector Street and First Avenue.
Adopting a grade for West Ninth Avenue between Maple Street and the west Borough line.
Adopting a grade for Walnut Street from Spring Mill Avenue to Hector Street, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
Adopting a grade for Harry Street between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues.
Establishing a grade of West Fourth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken from Wood Street northwesterly 525 feet to the edge of a certain quarry.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Wood Street from Tenth Avenue to Eleventh Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Maple Street from Eleventh Avenue to Twelfth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Ninth Avenue from Maple Street to Wood Street in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Providing for the opening and fixing the grade of Wood Street from Ninth Avenue to Tenth Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken.
Untitled ordinance providing that Forrest Street be graded and curbed, from the Norristown Railroad to Hector Street.
To open, grade and cinder Washington Street from Forrest to Oak Street.
Untitled ordinance providing that Hector Street be cindered from Cherry Street to the Borough line.
To grade Elm Street between Ash and Poplar Streets.
To grade Elm Street from Poplar to Cherry Street.
To grade Hector Street from Oak Street to the Borough line and requiring owners of property fronting on said street to set the curb and pave the footways, and to repair footways in front of their respective properties.
To grade First and Third Avenue from Fayette Street to Harry and requiring the owners to set the curb and pave the footways in front of their respective properties.
To grade Elm Street from Poplar Street southeast to the Borough line and requiring the owners of property fronting thereon to set the curb and pave the footways and gutters in front of their respective properties.
To widen the pavements of Fifth Avenue, west of Fayette Street, on Borough Plans.
Providing for the grading, curbing and paving of Elm Street, from Maple Street to the bridge crossing the Plymouth Railroad, and from the westerly side of said bridge to the Borough line, the last mentioned part of said street being formerly known as "Fourth Street."
Providing for the paving of Fayette Street between Canal Bridge and First Avenue in the Borough of Conshohocken with Warren's Bituminous macadam, waterproof pavement and providing for the payment of the cost thereof, part of which is to be collected from abutting property owners.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Fifth Avenue between Fayette Street and Wood Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Tenth Avenue between Fayette Street and Maple Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Fourth Avenue between Maple Street and Wood Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Forrest Street between Fifth Avenue and Tenth Avenue.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Elm Street between Cherry Street and the east Borough line.
To provide for the paving of Elm Street between Fayette Street and Maple Street in the Borough of Conshohocken, with vitrified paving brick, the payment of the cost thereof, and ratifying the contract entered into by the Street Committee of Town Council with Harry Moores for the doing of said work.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Eighth Avenue between Forrest Street and Maple Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Hector Street between Fayette Street and Forrest Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Seventh Avenue from Fayette Street to Wood Street and Maple Street from Third Avenue to Eleventh Avenue.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Hallowell Street between Ninth Avenue and Twelfth Avenue.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Hallowell Street between Fourth Avenue and Spring Mill Avenue.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Jones Street between Tenth Avenue and Twelfth Avenue.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Righter Street between Ninth Avenue and Twelfth Avenue.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Tenth Avenue between Wells Street and Righter Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of the following streets: Ninth Avenue, Forrest Street, Tenth Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Maple Street, Seventh Avenue and Elm Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Hector Street between Fayette Street and Poplar Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Fayette Street between First Avenue and the north Borough line.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Third Avenue between Maple Street and Freedley Street.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Wells Street between Sixth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Tenth Avenue between Maple Street and the west Borough line.
Untitled resolution for the grading of Harry Street between Eighth Avenue and Twelfth Avenue.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Elm Street from Fayette Street to Harry Street and from Harry Street to Ash Street.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Harry Street from Elm Street to the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Poplar Street from Spring Mill Avenue to the Pennsylvania Railroad, Harry Street from Elm Street to Spring Mill Avenue, and Ash Street from Spring Mill Avenue to the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Fayette Street from First Avenue to the east Borough line.
Untitled resolution relating to the improvement of Spring Mill Avenue from Fayette Street to Walnut Street, Harry Street from Washington Street to Tenth Avenue, Forrest Street between Hector Street and Elm Street, Wells Street between Sixth Avenue and Tenth Avenue, and Elm Street between Fayette Street and Ash Street.
Untitled resolution for the resurfacing of Elm Street between Fayette Street and Ash Street.
Untitled resolution opening and grading Third Avenue between Maple Street and Freedley Street.
Providing for the paving with concrete that portion or section of Washington Street in the Borough of Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, extending from the eastern Borough line westward to a point 100 feet west of the west side of Harry Street and providing for the manner of collecting the cost and expenses of the same from the owners of the real estate abutting thereon, and the method of estimating such assessment.
Providing for the opening and grading of Jones Street in the Borough of Conshohocken between Eighth Avenue and Ninth Avenue.
Providing for the opening and grading of Freedley Street in the Borough of Conshohocken between Tenth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue.
Res. 6-1968
Accepting proposal and recommendation of Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to the highway improvements and parking on Fayette Street between Second Avenue and Marble Street.
Res. 14-1968
Authorizing modifications and amendments to street and pavement improvements to be undertaken by the Pennsylvania Department of Highways pursuant to Res. No. 6-1968, adopted 4/1/1968.
Vacating Harry Street, widening Washington Street.
To narrow Second Avenue from Fayette Street to Forrest Street by vacating the outermost five feet on each side thereof.
To narrow Second Avenue from Forrest Street to Maple Street by vacating the outermost five feet on each side thereof.
Vacating a portion of Washington Street between Harry Street and Fayette Street, in the Borough of Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
To strike from the official map of the Borough of Conshohocken, Second Avenue from the easterly side of Colwell's Lane to the easterly side of Freedley Street; Third Avenue from the easterly side of Colwell's Lane to the easterly side of Freedley Street; Freedley Street from the southerly side of Second Avenue to the northerly side of Third Avenue.
To vacate and strike from the Borough Plan of the Borough of Conshohocken a street, 33 feet in width, known as "Whiskey Lane," extending between West Eleventh Avenue and West Twelfth Avenue.
Vacating a portion of Forrest Street extending from West Fourth Avenue to West Fifth Avenue.
To vacate and strike from the Borough Plan of the Borough of Conshohocken a street, 33 feet in width, known as "Whiskey Lane," extending between West Eleventh Avenue and Colwell Road.
To vacate and strike from the Borough Plan of the Borough of Conshohocken a street, 33 feet in width, known as "Whiskey Lane," extending between West Eleventh Avenue and Colwell Road.
To vacate and strike from the Borough Plan of the Borough of Conshohocken a portion of a street 66 feet in width, known as "Righter Street," extending between the southwesterly side of Ninth Avenue and the northerly side of Spring Mill Avenue.
To strike from the official map of the Borough of Conshohocken, Third Avenue between west house line of Freedley Street and property line of Alan Wood Company; Fourth Avenue between east house line of Colwell Lane and west house line of Freedley Street; Fourth Avenue between east house line of Freedley Street and property line of Alan Wood Company; Freedley Street between north house line of West Third Avenue and south house line of Fifth Avenue; and all alleys connected with said streets.
Vacating and removing from the Borough Plan of streets an unopened portion of Apple Street south of Washington Street.
Vacating and removing from the Borough map or plan of streets unopened portions of West Seventh Avenue and West Eighth Avenue extending from the southeast side of Colwell Lane.
Vacating and abandoning a portion of Corson Street located to the southwest of its intersection with West Elm Street and northeast of the railroad right-of-way in the Borough.
Vacating a portion of West Hector Street and Forrest Street.
Vacating and abandoning a portion of Corson Street located to the southwest of its intersection with West Elm Street and northeast of the Schuylkill River Trail.