[Amended 12-17-2013 by Ord. No. 1579]
A. Purpose: Such regulations are deemed necessary to
achieve the following purposes:
(1) Promote orderly development: to protect the character
and to maintain the stability of all areas within the community and
to promote the orderly and beneficial development of such areas.
(2) Promulgate rules and regulations: to provide rules,
regulations and procedures where applicable and to the extent the
same have not been otherwise promulgated by ordinance in the Borough
of Franklin Lakes which will guide the appropriate development of
lands within the Borough in a manner which will promote the public
health, safety, morals and general welfare.
(3) To protect against hazards and danger: to secure safety
from fire, flood, panic and other natural and man-made disasters.
(4) Design standards: to encourage the design and location
of streets which will promote the free flow of traffic while discouraging
the location of such facilities and routes which will result in congestion.
(5) Creative development techniques: to promote a desirable
physical environment through creative development techniques, design
and arrangement.
(6) Open spaces: to promote the conservation of open space
and to protect the natural resources and to prevent overcrowding through
improper land use.
B. Exceptions to design and performance standards. The
approving authority, when acting upon applications, shall have the
power to grant such exceptions from the subdivision and site plan
requirements of this chapter as may by reasonable and within the general
purpose and intent of the provisions for subdivisions, plat, site
plan review and approval if the literal enforcement of one or more
provisions of this chapter is impracticable or will exact undue hardship
because of peculiar conditions pertaining to land in question.
C. Submission of concept plan for informal review.
(1) An informal review of a concept plan is optional.
At the request of the developer, the Planning Board shall grant an
informal review of a concept plan for a development for which the
developer intends to prepare and submit an application for development.
The purpose will be to review concepts to assist the applicant in
the preparation of subsequent plans. Other than classification, no
decisions will be made, no hearings held and no formal action taken.
Neither the developer nor the approving authority shall be bound by
this informal review.
(2) Filing procedure and information for concept review.
The developer shall file with the Clerk, at
least two weeks prior to the meeting of the approving authority, 16
copies of the concept plan and the completed application form.
The concept plan is considered a sketch or general
plan neither fully engineered nor surveyed. Information used to prepare
the concept plan can be available from secondary source information
such as the Soil Conservation Survey Map or U.S. Geodetic Survey maps,
but should be sufficiently detailed to allow the Planning Board to
make suggestions on general site design and layout for circulation,
stormwater management, location of open space and buffers and building
arrangements and to determine how the land use code affects the proposal.
[Amended 12-17-2013 by Ord. No. 1579]
A. Procedures for preliminary site plan approval.
(1) The developer shall submit to the administrative officer a site plan
and such other information as is necessary to make an informed decision
as to whether the requirements necessary for site plan approval have
been met. The site plan and any associated documents to be submitted
shall be prepared pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Submission
details are set forth in the forms in the Appendix.
[Amended 7-21-2015 by Ord. No. 1635]
(2) If the Planning Board requires any substantial amendment
in the layout of improvements proposed by the developer that have
been the subject of a hearing, an amended application shall be submitted
and proceeded upon, as in the case of the original application for
development. The Planning Board shall, if the proposed development
complies with this chapter, applicable state and federal regulations,
and sound planning principles, grant preliminary site plan approval.
(3) See §
300-47 regarding procedures to follow upon submission of a complete application.
(4) As a condition of approval the approving authority
may require the installation and maintenance of on-tract improvements;
and the regulations may require a developer to pay his pro rata share
of the cost of off-tract improvements in accordance with N.J.S.A.
B. Procedures for minor subdivision approval.
(1) "Minor subdivision" is defined in §
300-98 of this chapter.
[Amended 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 1895]
(2) Submission details are set forth in the forms in the
(3) Upon receipt of a completed application, the Board
shall, within the time periods prescribed by this chapter, take action
on the application as provided by law.
(4) The Planning Board may waive notice and public hearing for an application for development if the Board finds that the application conforms to the definition of "minor subdivision" as set forth in Article
(5) Minor subdivision approval shall be deemed to be final
approval of the subdivision by the Board, provided that the Board
may condition such approval on terms ensuring the provision of improvements
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-38, 40:55D-39, 40:55D-40 and 40:55D-53
of Chapter 291, Laws of 1975.
C. Procedures for preliminary major subdivision approval.
(1) Major subdivision is any subdivision of land that
is not classified as a minor subdivision.
(2) Submission details are set forth in the forms in the
(3) For all applications for preliminary approval of major
subdivisions the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing with public
notice given by publication in the official newspaper of general circulation
in the Borough; and a notice of the hearing shall be given to the
owners of all real property as shown on the current tax duplicates
located within 200 feet in all directions of the property which is
the subject of such hearing and to other persons as required by N.J.S.A.
40:55D-12 and in following the procedures set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12,
and shall have the effect of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-14.
(4) As a condition of approval the approving authority
may require the installation and maintenance of on-tract improvements;
and the regulations may require a developer to pay his pro rata share
of the cost of off-tract improvements in accordance with N.J.S.A.
D. Procedures for general development plan (GDP) approval.
(1) When an applicant proposes an application that meets the definition
and criteria for planned development, a general development plan application,
consistent with this article, may be submitted.
(2) The minimum land area for the submittal of a GDP application shall
be 100 acres.
(3) Any lands contemplated for development under the provisions of the
general development plan shall be included in the application.
(4) Submission details are set forth in the forms in the appendix.
(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Planning Board shall
have the right to make appropriate adjustments to the concept plan
once the site is fully engineered to account for health and safety
(6) Prior to the approval of a GDP application, the Planning Board shall
find the following facts and conclusions:
That departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations
otherwise applicable to the subject property conform to zoning ordinance
standards adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-65c of the Municipal
Land Use Law;
That the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common
open space are reliable, and the amount, location and purpose of the
common open space are adequate;
That provisions through the physical design of the proposed
planned unit development for public services, control over vehicular
and pedestrian traffic, and the amenities of light and air, recreation
and visual enjoyment are adequate;
That the proposed planned unit development shall not have an
unreasonably adverse impact upon the area in which it is proposed
to be established; and
In the case of a proposed planned unit development which contemplates
construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions
intended to protect the interests of the public and the residents,
occupants, and owners of the proposed development in the total completion
of the development are adequate.
(7) The Planning Board may set forth those conditions which it deems
necessary to protect the interests of the general public and the residents
and occupants of the planned unit development. Such conditions may
include, but are not limited to, the sequence and distribution of
uses and densities, limitations of land areas to be developed within
a given period, or provision of physical means to address critical
or unique environmental conditions. Such conditions shall be predicated
on the following criteria:
Each stage of a planned unit development shall contain, within
reasonable limits, a balance of the proposed uses, open space, and
community facilities to assure that the planned unit development is
a viable self-sustaining community unit at any given stage in its
Each stage of development shall include such open space in proportion
to that part of the total development units in the planned unit development
that are to be developed in that stage. Such open space shall be physically
proximate and accessible to the resident population within the planned
unit development; and
The size and timing of successive stages of a planned unit development
shall be conditioned upon the availability and provision of suitable
capacity of facilities such as arterial highways, primary roadways
of Bergen County, primary roadways of the Borough of Franklin Lakes,
sewer, water, stormwater drainage, and other services whose capacities
must be expanded as a result of the development of the planned development.
(8) Effect of approval.
A plan that has been given general development plan approval
with conditions accepted by the applicant (and provided that the applicant
has not defaulted under nor violated any of the conditions of the
general development plan approval) shall not be modified, revoked
or otherwise impaired by action of the Borough or any of its present
or future agencies or officers if an application for a section or
sections of subdivision or site plan approval is filed within five
years of the date upon which the general development plan has been
In the event the developer has not applied for preliminary approval
of a section or sections of an approved general development plan within
five years of the date upon which the general development plan was
approved, such approval may be terminated by the Planning Board upon
written notice to the applicant.
The Planning Board shall grant these rights for a period of
time no less than 10 years but not longer than 20 years, as shall
be reasonable, taking into consideration:
The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible
under the general development plan approval;
Prevailing economic conditions;
The timing schedule to be followed in completing the development
and the likelihood of its fulfillment;
The developer's capability of completing the proposed development;
The contents of the general development plan and any conditions
therein which the Planning Board attaches to the approval thereof.
The applicant may petition the Planning Board thereafter and
the Planning Board may grant an extension of general development plan
approval for such additional time period as shall be determined by
the Planning Board to be reasonable, taking into consideration:
The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible
under the preliminary approval;
The potential number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor
area of the section or sections awaiting final approval;
Prevailing economic conditions; and
The comprehensiveness of the development, provided that, if
the design standards have been revised, such standards may govern.
[Added 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 1464; amended 4-4-2017 by Ord. No. 1701]
A. Plans submitted to the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment, including
all revisions and resubmissions, shall also be submitted in Adobe
portable document format (pdf). All other documents such as, but not
limited to, application, escrow sheet, completion checklist, environmental
impact study, traffic study, stormwater report, sewer and water report,
reforestation or woodland management plan, and permits associated
with the application shall be submitted in Adobe portable document
format (pdf). All plans and documents submitted in Adobe portable
document format (pdf) shall be at 600 by 600 dots per inch (dpi),
and shall be submitted on compact disk (CD-R).
B. In addition, plans for major or minor subdivisions, or any plans
that would require a change to the municipal tax assessment maps,
shall be accompanied by CAD-generated data files as described herein.
At a minimum, the initial plan submission and the final plan submission
shall meet these requirements. The Board, in its discretion, may also
require plan revisions that occur between initial and final submissions
to be submitted in CAD format. These requirements are as follows:
Digital data must be submitted in real-world coordinates (ground
coordinates). At least one point on the boundary of the survey must
have true state plane coordinates. This point should be distinctly
noted in the submittal and its coordinate values provided.
A horizontal datum reference of North American Datum 1983 -
New Jersey U.S. Feet (2011 adjustment - NAD 83) shall be utilized.
Vertical datum shall reference New Jersey North American Vertical
Datum 1988 (NAVD 88). Elevations referencing National Geodetic Vertical
Datum 1929 (NGVD 29) are acceptable, but must include conversion to
NAVD 88.
The digital CAD files shall have mapped features and associated
text stored on unique layers.
The digital CAD files shall be saved with a display view matching
the submitted hardcopy prints.
The digital CAD files shall be submitted on compact disk (CD-R).
Acceptable drawing formats include:
Autocad (.dwg), release 2006 or later;
Plans shall include bearings and distances of the whole tract
including proposed roadways, lot lines and easements.
[Added 7-21-2015 by Ord.
No. 1635]
A. No certificate of occupancy for any dwelling or other
building or structure on any lot shall be issued by the Construction
Official unless and until the street upon which said lot abuts has
been improved to the point where all utilities are installed and in
place, curbing and sidewalks have been installed and the street has
been installed in accordance with the specifications of the Borough,
including the completion of drains, drainage structures and all other
work and improvements required by the Planning Board of the Borough
and the Mayor and Council of the Borough, in accordance with the plans
approved and filed with the Planning Board of the Borough and in accordance
with the agreements with the Borough.
[Amended 2-21-2017 by Ord. No. 1697]
B. In cases where the topography or other conditions
of the land require a substantial amount of fill to be settled and
consolidated before construction of the street and the installation
of utilities can be undertaken, the Mayor and Council, upon application,
may waive the requirements contained in this section as to any such
street or part thereof so affected.