[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Barkhamsted as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building Code Board of Appeals — See Ch. 4.
Certificates of apartment occupancy — See Ch. 98.
Zoning regulations — See Ch. 193.
[Adopted STM 9-21-1970 by Ord. No. 12]
The Town of Barkhamsted adopts the State Building Code together with any and all amendments to said code adopted by the State of Connecticut pursuant to law.
[Adopted ATM 5-6-2002]
Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute § 7-148(c)(2)(B) as amended by Public Act No. 95-320, the Building Official shall not issue a building permit to conduct work on any real property as to which there are outstanding delinquent taxes. Any person applying for a building permit shall present to the Building Official a written statement by the Tax Collector, on a form prescribed by the Tax Collector and Building Official, that the taxes on the real property which is the subject of the building permit application are either current or delinquent. If the Building Official does not receive such a statement within the time prescribed by law for deciding the building permit application, or if the certificate indicated that there are delinquent taxes on the property and the applicant fails to provide proof to the Building Official within said time that such delinquent taxes (including interest, lien fees, and litigation expenses and attorney's fees, if applicable) have been paid in full, the Building Official shall deny the building permit application. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Building Official from issuing a permit to perform repairs to an existing structure which is unsafe within the meaning of the State Building Code if the Building Official determines that such repairs should be performed immediately to protect the safety of either the building's occupants or the public, or if such repairs should be completed within the firesafety code as determined by the Fire Marshall.