[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Barkhamsted: Art. I, Annual Town Meeting 12-11-1991 by Ord. No. 55; Art. II, Annual Town Meeting 1-17-1996 by Ord. No. 64. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Driveways — See Ch. 110.
Firesafety zones — See Ch. 121.
Snow and ice on highways — See Ch. 106, Art. I.
Abandoned vehicles — See Ch. 184.
[Adopted ATM 12-11-1991 by Ord. No. 55]
Fire hydrant/fire lane. No vehicle shall be permitted to remain stationary within 10 feet of any fire hydrant nor within a designated fire lane.
Unsafe parking. No vehicle shall be permitted to remain stationary:
Within the intersection of any highways.
Within 25 feet of the intersection of any highways.
Between lines painted upon the pavement to designate where pedestrians may cross any highway.
Upon any marked pedestrian crosswalk.
Within 25 feet of any stop sign caused to be erected by any traffic authority.
Upon the traveled portion of any highway of any curve or turn or at the top of any grade where a clear view of such vehicle may not be had from a distance of at least 150 feet in either direction.
Within 50 feet of the point where another vehicle which had previously stopped continues to remain stationary on the opposite side of the traveled portion of the same highway.
Within the limits of a highway in such manner as to constitute a traffic hazard or obstruct the free movement of traffic thereon, provided that a vehicle which has become disabled to such an extent that it is impossible or impracticable to remove it may be permitted to so remain for a reasonable time for the purpose of making repairs thereto or obtaining sufficient assistance to remove it.
Upon the traveled portion of the highway except upon the right-hand side of such highway in the direction in which such vehicle is headed.
On or across any public sidewalk, except to perform necessary sidewalk construction or maintenance.
Obstructing driveway. No operator shall park or leave stationary on a highway any vehicle in front of or so as to obstruct or interfere with the ingress to or egress from any private driveway, except with the permission of the owner of such private driveway.
Overtime parking. No operator of a vehicle shall permit the same to remain standing on any highway in one position for more than 12 hours or any lesser time period which has been posted on a sign caused to be erected by the Board of Selectmen or other parking authority.
No-parking zone. No operator of a vehicle shall permit the same to remain standing on any portion of a highway designated by posted signs as a no-parking zone by the Board of Selectmen or other parking authority.
Handicapped zone. No operator of a vehicle shall permit the same to remain standing in any area designated by a posted sign for handicapped parking unless the operator shall have a parking identification card or special handicapped license plate issued pursuant to C.G.S. § 14-253a, which card or license plate shall be clearly displayed and visible from the exterior of the vehicle. Such card shall not be displayed on any vehicle when it is not being operated by or carrying as a passenger the person to whom the card has been issued.
The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Barkhamsted shall have the authority to designate areas, by the posting of signs, within which parking shall be prohibited, either on a temporary or a permanent basis, as shall be necessary for the public health and safety.
The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Barkhamsted shall have the authority, by the posting of signs, to limit the time period that a vehicle will be allowed to be parked in a single location.
Speedy and efficient removal of ice, snow, sleet or hail from the highways and public ways of the town is hereby declared to be vital to the public health and safety.
No operator of a vehicle shall permit the same to remain standing on any highway or public way during an ice, snow-, sleet or hail storm which shall have been in progress one hour.
The penalties for parking in violation of this Article shall be as follows:
Violation of
§ 187-1A, fire hydrant/fire lane
§ 187-1B, unsafe parking
§ 187-1C, obstructing driveway
§ 187-1D, overtime parking
§ 187-1E, no-parking zone
§ 187-1F, handicapped zone
§ 187-3B, parking during storm
Any officer appointed under C.G.S. § 7-92 or 29-5 may attach to any vehicle found in violation of any of the foregoing parking provisions a citation notice to the owner or operator that such vehicle has been parked in violation of this Article, which notice shall indicate the nature of the violation and instruct such owner or operator to pay the penalty for such violation to the Town of Barkhamsted at the Barkhamsted Town Hall. The payment of such penalty shall be made within seven days of the issuance of such notice. If payment is not made within such seven-day period, the penalty for such parking violation shall double.
Whenever any vehicle shall be obstructing traffic or shall otherwise be parked in violation of this Article, such vehicle may be removed or conveyed by or under the direction of any officer appointed under C.G.S. § 7-92 or 29-5 by means of towing the same, and such removal shall be at the risk of and at the expense of the owner of the vehicle. Before the owner or person in charge of such vehicle shall be permitted to remove the same from the custody of the towing company, he shall furnish evidence of his identity and ownership or right to possession, shall sign a receipt for said vehicle and shall pay the parking violation penalty fee and all towing and storage charges.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed to apply to emergency vehicles and to maintenance vehicles displaying flashing lights or to prohibit a vehicle from stopping or being held stationary by any officer, in an emergency to avoid accident or to give a right-of-way to any vehicle or pedestrian as provided by law.
[Adopted ATM 1-17-1996 by Ord. No. 64]
No commercial vehicle, construction or excavation equipment, or other equipment whether or not properly designated as a "vehicle" shall enter upon land adjoining a town highway from such highway or exit from such land onto a town highway, other than onto and out of either a preexisting driveway or approved driveway leading to a dwelling house or other building, for purposes of lumbering, hauling logs or wood, excavating or removing and hauling gravel, soil or minerals without a permit therefor.
Before engaging in any such activities, the owner of such vehicle and equipment or the property owner shall obtain from the First Selectman a permit and shall post a bond with sufficient surety to the Town of Barkhamsted in an amount determined by the First Selectman not to exceed $5,000, to be fixed with due regard to the size, type and weight of the equipment to be used, the loads to be hauled, the place or places of entry and exit from and onto the town highway, and the likelihood of damage to the town highway from such entrance and exit, including damage from water flowage from such adjoining land and erosion of soil and deposit of debris in the highway. Such bond shall be conditioned upon payment to the town of all damages to a town highway or highways caused by such activities of the owner, his servants or agents, including damages to the road surface and road shoulders and injuries to the highway by reason of water flowage from the adjoining land or erosion of soil and other debris resulting from such activities on such adjoining land.
No lumber, wood, soil, gravel, minerals or other materials being removed from such premises shall be deposited or stored within the limits of the town highway on either a permanent or temporary basis.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to vehicles or equipment with a gross loaded weight of less than 26,000 pounds (threshold requirement for commercial driver's license).
For each day that any person shall violate this chapter, such person shall be subject to a penalty of $100, and such penalty shall be enforced by citation as set forth in C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(10)(A).