[Adopted 4-14-2009]
The term of office of the Town Supervisor shall be four years, beginning with the term of the Town Supervisor elected at the next biennial Town election.
The proposition to be placed on the ballot at the next biennial Town election shall read as follows:
"Shall the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Williamson on the 14th day of April, 2009, which changes the term of elective office of the Town Supervisor from a two-year to a four-year term be approved?"
In accordance with the provisions of § 24-a of the Town Law of the State of New York, this article shall not become effective unless and until it has been approved at the next general election held within the Town by the affirmative vote of the majority of the qualified electors of the Town voting upon the proposition.[1]
Editor’s Note: This article was approved by the electors at the general election held 11-3-2009.