Approved application for a grant from the Luzerne County Planning Board. (Res. 11/8/1961)
Agreed to the contract for designing a new Township building. (Res. 10/31/1962)
Agreed to apply for grant from the Housing and Home Finance Agency to build Township building. (Res. 10/31/1962)
Agreed to cooperate with the Trucksville Fire Company to build a Municipal Building on the Fire Company's land. (Res. 8/24/1963)
Repeated above (D-4) affirmation. (Res. 10/12/1968)
Agreed to mutual police protection within 20 miles of the Township. (Res. 8/9/1967)
Agreed to join the Luzerne County Communication System. (Res. 8/14/1968)
Agreed to a mutual police protection plan with Dallas Township. (Res. 2/12/1969)
Accepted the Joint Police Survey. (Res. 9/10/1969)
Agreed to join the Luzerne County Civil Defense Central Communications System. (Res. 12/10/1969)
Agreed to an election for referendum on a two mill tax for the Back Mountain Library. (Res. 6/10/1971)
Approved the Police Cooperation Agreement. (Res. 7/8/1970)
Merged the police department with that of Dallas Township. (Res. 11/11/1970)
Dissolved the merged police department with Dallas Township. (Res. 6/16/1971)
Joined the Greater Wilkes-Barre Narcotics Investigation Unit. (Res. 11/10/1971)
Agreed to take part in the Commonwealth Purchasing System of Act 31, 7/9/1971. (Res. 1/12/1972)
Approved an election for a referendum on a Home Rule Study Commission on 9/7/1972. (Res. 8/9/1972)
Agreed to place the issue of Home Rule on the ballot 5/21/1974. (Res. 3/13/1974)
Authorized an election as to the annexation of a portion of Kingston Township by Swoyersville Borough. (Res. 2/12/1975)
Approved the administrative code for the Township. (Ord. 6/11/1975)
Approved the cooperative agreement with the Luzerne County Housing Authority, with amendments. (Res. 8/10/1977)
Approved the Police Information Retrieval System of Luzerne County. (Res. 9/14/1977)
Approved agreement with the U.S. Housing Department in regard to the Meadowcrest Project. (Res. 9/16/1977)
Approved the cooperative purchase agreement with the state. (Res. 6/14/1978)
Approved an agreement with the Luzerne County Community Development Authority. (Res. 10/11/1978)
Approved the Police Training Resolution with the State. (Res. 1979-1, 10/10/1979)
Agreed to a Mutual Police Plan with Dallas Borough and Dallas Township. (Res. 1/9/1980)
Established a Capital Reserve Fund for the Township. (Ord. 79-2, 3/12/1980)
Applied to the Resource Conservation and Development Council for Flood Control Aid for Holcomb Creek. (Res. 2/11/1981)
An ordinance establishing a Personnel Manual for all Township Employees. (Ord. 1981-4, 4/18/1981)
Authorizing the Township of Kingston to join with other local government units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of the Trust. (Ord. 1981-6, 6/10/1981)
Agreed to joint purchasing of road materials with Dallas Township. (Res. 2/10/1982)
Authorized the Township Secretary to open a Community Development Fund account at the Wyoming National Bank. (Res. 3/10/1980)
Agreed to participate in the Vector Control program of Luzerne County. (Res. 5/12/1982)
Approved terminating the Luzerne County Municipal Police Information and Retrieval System of the Joint Police Commission and agree to its transfer to the County. (Ord. 1982-4, 12/8/1982)
Accepting the Police Arbitration Award, as decided by the American Arbitration Association. (Res. 12/28/1982)
Agreed to have the State Department of Transportation maintain, repair, and reconstruct, when necessary, the sidewalks along Legislative Route 40124, also known as Carverton Road, except that the State would not be responsible for the clearing and removal of snow therefrom. (Res. 2/9/1983)
The Unit Clarification Order excluding the Police Chief from being a member of the Kingston Township Police Officers Association for bargaining purposes. (Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, 2/14/1983)
Authorizing the West Side Council of Governments to act as the Code Enforcement Agency to enforce municipal, building, fire, electrical, property maintenance and plumbing codes within the municipal boundaries. (Res. 1983-3, 7/13/1983)
Setting forth the procedures for the destruction or transfer of municipal records in conformance with the Municipal Records Act, 53 P.S. § 13-11. (Ord. 85-8, 1/8/1986)
Exempting Kingston Township Police Officers from contributing to the Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 86-1A, 1/8/1986)
Signifying intent of Township to participate in an intergovernmental purchasing program with the municipalities of Kingston Township, Dallas Township, Lehman Township and Dallas Borough, Luzerne County. (Res. 86-2, 1/8/1986)
Recognizing the Trucksville Volunteer Fire Company for the purpose of participation in the Federal Surplus Property Program. (Res. 86-3A, 4/9/1986)
Exempting Township Police Officers from contributions to the Township Police Fund, retroactive to January 1, 1985. (Res. 86-4, 2/21/1986)
An agreement between the Kingston Township Board of Supervisors and the Luzerne County Board of Commissioners; a Capital Improvement Grant in the amount of $70,000 was awarded for storm sewer and street improvements on Goeringer Avenue and Spring Garden Street. (Res. 86-4A, 4/9/1986)
Statement of understanding between the Township of Kingston and the Wyoming Valley Chapter of The American Red Cross, re: the coordination of Emergency Services in the time of disaster. (Res. 86-10)
Establishment of Community Public Service Program under provisions of Section 1520 of Pa. Judicial Code. (Res. 86-11, 9/10/1986)
Participation in Back Mountain Communications Center Commission. (Res. 86-12, 11/12/1986)
Exempting Township Police Officers from contributing to the Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 87-4A, 2/11/1987)
Establishing a nonuniformed employees' profit sharing plan and trust. (Ord. 89-7, 11/8/1989)
Designating Dallas Area Authority as the provider of residential solid waste and recycling collection and disposal services within the Township. (Res. 91-2, 2/13/1991)
Designating Merchants Bank North as depository in which the funds and moneys in the custody of Kingston Township Tax Collector may be deposited. (Res. 91-4, 2/20/1991)
Protesting the announced rate increase of Tele-Media Company of Luzerne County. (Res. 91-5, 3/13/1991)
Participating in an intergovernmental purchasing program with the municipalities of Kingston Township, Dallas Township, Lehman Township, Dallas Borough, Franklin Township and Harveys Lake Borough. (Res. 91-6, 3/13/1991)
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Department of Community Affairs for financial assistance for community planning. (Res. 91-7, 4/10/1991)
Removing loan provisions from the Kingston Township Nonuniformed (401-K) Pension Plan. (Res. 91-8, 6/12/1991)
Adopting rules and regulations and a schedule of fees of service rates and charges, and ratifying an agreement between this Township and Dallas Area Municipal Authority and Danella Environmental Technologies, Inc., for collection, transportation and disposal of residential solid waste and recyclable materials. (Res. 91-9, 8/4/1991)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 91-10, 12/11/1991)
Appointing Jeffrey K. Box as chief administrative officer for the Kingston Township Police Fund and for the certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 91-11, 12/11/1991)
Establishing a policy for the public use of the Kingston Township Municipal Building. (Res. 1992-1, 1/8/1992)
Signifying intent to participate in an intergovernmental purchasing program. (Res. 1992-2, 3/11/1992)
Protesting the announced rate increase of Tele-Media Company of Luzerne County. (Res. 1992-3, 3/11/1992)
Requesting the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to revise the traffic signal permit regarding the intersection of State Route 309, Carverton Road and Church Road. (Res. 1992-5, 5/13/1992)
Protesting a proposed rate increase of the Shavertown Water Company. (Res. 1992-6, 5/13/1992)
Adopting amendments to the Nonuniformed Employee 401-K Pension Plan of the Township of Kingston. (Res. 1992-7, 6/10/1992)
Approving the destruction of certain records based on the retention and disposition schedule of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 1992-8, 7/8/1992)
Authorizing and directing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute an agreement on behalf of the Township. (Res. 1992-9, 7/8/1992)
Requesting permission to participate in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Cooperative Purchasing Program. (Res. 1992-12, 9/9/1992)
Authorizing and directing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute a grant on behalf of the Township. (Res. 1992-13, 11/11/1992)
Protesting the announced rate increase of Tele-Media Company of Luzerne County. (Res. 1992-15, 12/9/1992)
Appointing the Township Manager as Chief Administrative Officer of the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund and for the certification of various documents to the Department Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 1992-16, 12/9/1992)
Exempting Kingston Township Police Officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 1992-17, 12/9/1992)
Intergovernmental agreement between Kingston Township, the Township of Dallas and the Borough of Dallas, designating and delegating the Dallas Area Municipal Authority to perform and enforce the requirements of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act within the Township of Kingston. (Ord. 1994-12, 9/14/1994)
Resolving that traffic signals be erected at State Route 309 and the proposed driveway for G. Isaac's commercial development, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Transportation. (Res. 1995-1, 2/8/1995)
Agreeing to participate in the 1995 Intergovernmental Purchasing Program with the municipalities of Kingston Township, Dallas Township, Lehman Township, Dallas Borough, Franklin Township and Harvey's Lake Borough. (Res. 1995-2, 3/8/1995)
Exempting Kingston Township Police Officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 1995-3, 5/10/1995)
Appointing Jeffrey K. Box, Township Manager, as chief administrative officer to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund for 1995. (Res. 1995-4, 5/10/1995)
Approving a cost-of-living increase to eligible retired personnel of the Township of Kingston Police Department beginning January 1, 1996. (Res. 1995-6, 10/11/1995)
Exempting Kingston Township Police Officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Plan. (Res. 1996-1, 1/10/1996)
Appointing Jeffrey K. Box, Township Manager, as Chief Administrative Officer for the Township police and nonuniformed pension funds and for the certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 1996-2, 1/10/1996)
Declaring a disaster emergency due to excessive snowfall. (Res. 1996-3, 1/10/1996)
Conceptually approving all presently existing design and schematic plans and specifications for the erection of a new Administration/Police Department buildings and the renovation of the Road Department building. (Res. 1996-4, 2/8/1996)
Signifying intent of the Township to participate in an intergovernmental purchasing program with Dallas Township, Lehman Township, Dallas Borough, Franklin Township, Harvey's Lake Borough and Jackson Township. (Res. 1996-5, 3/13/1996)
Authorizing the Township Manager to execute all forms and documents necessary for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. (Res. 1996-6, 3/19/1996)
Authorizing the Township Manager to execute all forms and documents necessary for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. (Res. 1996-7, 3/13/1996)
Expressing approval of the creation of the Luzerne County Tourist Promotion Agency, a single, intra-county tourist promotion agency under the Tourist Promotion Law. (Res. 1996-9, 7/8/1996)
Authorizing the proper officers of the Township to execute an agreement with the Department of Transportation to transfer from state to municipal control a portion of State Route 1043. (Res. 1996-10, 8/14/1996)
Authorizing the proper officers of the Township to execute an agreement regarding winter maintenance to Overbrook. (Res. 1996-11, 11/13/1996)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund, effective January 1, 1996. (Res. 1997-1, 2/12/1997)
Appointing Jeffery K. Box as chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds and appointing the chief administrative officer for the purpose of certifying any and all documents filed with the Department of the Auditor General and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 1997-2, 2/12/1997)
Objecting to any consideration to consolidate, close, or to any degree, impede the effectiveness of the State Police Crime Lab at Wyoming Barracks and urging Governor Ridge to reject any such proposal from the PRIME Laboratory Task Force. (Res. 1997-3, 3/12/1997)
Establishing an anti-litter program known as "Adopt a Roadway" program and providing for safety recommendations and safety requirements. (Ord. 97-1, 8/13/1997)
Assigning Dallas Area Municipal Authority as the provider of a Joint Yard Waste Composting Program. (Res. 1997-4, 10/8/1997)
Authorizing the Zoning Officer of the Township to execute all documents required to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection in respect to any sewage disposal systems or certifications of public sewage service regarding land subdivision applications. (Res. 1997-5, 10/8/1997)
Supporting the plan and designation of the Upper Susquehanna/Lackawanna Watershed as an American Heritage River. (Res. 1997-6, 12/10/1997)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 1998-1, 1/14/1998)
Appointing Jeffrey K. Box, Township Manager, as chief administrative officer of the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund and nonuniformed pension funds for 1996, for the purpose of certifying any and all documents as from time to time must be filed with Department of the Auditor General and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 1998-2, 1/14/1998)
Exploring the possibility of saving debt service by refunding certain previously incurred debt of the Township (the "Project") and resolving that William Runner, consultant to PNC Capital Markets, Inc., Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, is hired as underwriter for the purpose of said project and Donald D. McFadden, of Stevens and Lee, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, is hired as bond counsel for said project. (Res. 1998-3, 1/28/1998)
Authorizing the Office of the Luzerne County Sheriff to make application on the Township's behalf for grant to participate in a Luzerne County Criminal Intelligence and Analysis Support Unit operated by the Luzerne County Sheriff's Office. (Res. 1998-4, 4/8/1998)
Proclaiming May 13, 1998, as "Poppy Day" and ask that all citizens pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom by wearing the Memorial Poppy on this day. (Res. 1998-5, 5/13/1998)
Resolving to support the efforts of the Pennsylvania Civil Justice Coalition to restore fairness, common sense and personal responsibility to Pennsylvania's legal system. (Res. 1998-6, 5/13/1998)
Resolving to pledge support and cooperation to the Anthracite Scenic Trails Association regarding the Black Mountain Trail. (Res. 1998-8, 9//9/1998)
Appointing ASCO Financial Group, Inc., as pension management consultant and Manulife Financial as successor custodian and funding agent for said plan. (Res. 1998-9, 9/9/1998)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 99-1, 1/13/1999)
Appointing Jeffery K. Box as chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds and appointing the chief administrative officer for the purpose of certifying any and all documents filed with the Department of the Auditor General and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 1999-2, 1/13/1999)
Establishing the process to develop the Township of Kingston Y2K Action Plan. (Res. 1999-4,)
Providing for a cost of living increase for eligible retired personnel of the Kingston Township Police Department. (Res. 1999-5, 7/14/1999)
Ratifying the contract between Dallas Area Municipal Authority and Apex Waste Services, Inc., for the collection, transportation and disposal of residential solid waste and recyclable materials services within the Township of Kingston. (R-1999-6, 11/19/1999)
Indicating the support of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Kingston for the Dallas Area Municipal Authority (DAMA) to utilize whatever legal means available to force the General Municipal Authority of Harvey's Lake Borough to pay its outstanding debt to DAMA, and if necessary, to terminate all service to the General Municipal Authority of Harvey's Lake Borough. (Res. 1999-7, 11/10/1999)
Endorsing submission of an application by the Anthracite Scenic Trails Association for design and engineering services of the Back Mountain Trail under the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' Community Conservation Partnerships grant. (Res. 2000-5, 11/1/2000)
Exempting Kingston Township Police Officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 2001-1, 1/10/2001)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds and for the certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 2001-2, 1/10/2001)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute documents with PennDOT regarding the East Center Street Bridge project. (Res. 2001-3, 5/9/2001)
Readopting an Emergency Management Services Plan. (Res. 2001-5, 6/13/2001)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute documents with PennDOT regarding the emergency vehicle transponder project and accepting ownership and maintenance of the equipment. (Res. 2001-4, 5/9/2001)
Exempting Kingston Township Police Officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 2002-1, 1/9/2002)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds and for the certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 2002-2, 1/9/2002)
Recommending that Edmund J. O'Neill be appointed as Township Manager of the Township of Kingston, upon the condition that he serve a probationary period of six months, commencing on May 15, 2002, before becoming fully vested with the powers and duties of the Township Manager for an indefinite term. (Res. 2002-5, 5/8/2002)
Recommending that the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Kingston create a Township Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) composed of a volunteer from the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Zoning Board, Recreation Board, as well as up to seven volunteer Township residents and, as ex-officio members, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Township Manager. (Res. 2002-6, 5/8/2002)
Approving transfer of a liquor license owned by Buffy Won, Inc., trading as The Carriage Stop Inn, having a License Number R 14675 and LID number 29079, which is located in Plains Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to a facility within the limits of the Township of Kingston which will trade as Dino's Pizzateria. (Res. 2002-4, 6/11/2002)
Authorizing the Township Manager to implement and enforce a policy for the use of cellular phones issued to employees of the Township by the Township Manager. (Res. 2002-7, 7/10/2002)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute documents with PennDOT regarding the emergency vehicle transponder project and accepting ownership and maintenance of the equipment. (Res. 2002-8, 7/10/2002)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township police and nonuniformed pension funds and for the certification of various documents to the department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. 2002-9, 8/14/2002)
Approving participation in the organization of an association of municipal governments known as the Back Mountain Area Council of Governments for the purpose of intergovernmental cooperation. (Ord. 2002-5, 10/21/2002)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 2003-2, 2/12/2003)
Amending Ord. 2002-5. (Ord. 2003-1, 3/5/2003)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and nonuniformed pension funds. (Res. 2003-3, 3/18/2003)
Appointing J. Carl Goodwin as the delegate for the Township of Kingston to BMACOG and designating him as the Vice Chair of BMACOG. (Res. 2003-4, 5/14/2003)
Authorizing Edmund J. O'Neill, Township Manager of the Township of Kingston, to do all things required to complete a draft of the DCED Land Use Planning and Technical Assistance Program application for grants-in-aid assistance. (Res. 2003-7, 5/14/2003)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Paul M. Sabol, to sign the Agility Agreement. (Res. 2003-8, 6/11/2003)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Paul M. Sabol to sign an agreement for traffic signal maintenance. (Res. 2003-10, 8/11/2003)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign a supplemental reimbursement agreement regarding the construction of the East Center Street Bridge. (Res. 2003-11, 8/28/2003)
Authorizing the Township Recreation Commission to conduct a fund-raising event upon specified conditions. (Res. 2003-13, 10/27/2003)
Authorizing the transfer of funds of the Township involving the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund and the General Fund. (Res. 2003-15, 1/14/2004)
Authorizing the Township to appoint a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. 2004-2, 2/11/2004)
Exempting the Township police officers from contributing to the Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 2004-3, 2/11/2004)
Authorizing the Township to transfer funds from the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Fund (Res. 2004-6, 3/10/2004)
Authorizing the Township to transfer $196.04 from the Capital Fund to the Liquid Fuels Fund. (Res. 2004-7, 5/12/2004)
Authorizing the Township Manager to allow Township employees to donate sick time to Officer Frank Buckler due to his absence from duty due to an illness incurred in February, 2004. (Res. 2004-8, 5/12/2004)
Authorizing the Township to participate cooperatively in a multi-municipal land use plan under the auspices of the Back Mountain Area Council of Governments. (Res. 2004-9, 6/9/2004)
Authorizing the Township to amend the Nonuniformed Employees Pension Plan to appoint Trustees to the plan. (Res. 2004-10, 6/9/2004)
Authorizing the Chair and the Secretary of the Board to sell or liquidate 1,197 shares of Principal Financial Group, Inc. stock held in book entry form by Mellon Investor Services. (Res. 2004-11, 7/15/2004)
Authorizing the transfer of funds of the Township involving the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund and the General Fund. (Res. 2004-12, 7/15/2004)
Ratifying the transfer of funds of Kingston Township involving the Capital Fund and the General Fund. (Res. 2004-13, 9/8/2004)
Agreeing to participate cooperatively in a shared municipal services program grant application under the auspices of the Back Mountain Area Council of Governments. (Res. 2004-14, 11/10/2004)
A settlement agreement between Kathleen Sebastian and Kingston Township. (Res. 2004-15, 10/13/2004)
Declaring the Township's intent to adopt the schedules and procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the Municipal Records Manual. (Res. 2005-1, 3/9/2005)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. 2005-2, 1/12/2005)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 2005-3, 1/12/2005)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Jeffrey K. Box, to sign an agreement between the Township and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. (Res. 2005-5, 3/9/2005)
Changing the addresses of two residential properties to clarify their locations. (Res. 2005-6, 3/9/2005)
Readopting an Emergency Management Services Plan. (Res. 2005-7, 6/8/2005)
Authorizing J P Harris Associates to impose and retain costs of collection of delinquent taxes. (Res. 2005-9, 8/10/2005)
Adopting the Incident Command System (ICS) as the Township's official incident response system. (Res. 2005-10, 9/14/2005)
Amending the nonuniformed employees pension plan by reducing the involuntary cash-out threshold. (Res. 2005-11, 12/14/2005)
Approving an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Dallas Area Municipal Authority to increase its term of existence to 2054.
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds and for the certification of documents. (Res. 2006-1, 1/11/2006)
Exempting police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 2006-2, 1/11/2006)
Appointing Berkheimer as collector of earned income taxes. (Res. 2006-5, 1/11/2006)
Authorizing Berkheimer as collector of delinquent earned income taxes. (Res. 2006-6, 1/11/2006)
Appointing Edmund J. O'Neill as liaison between Township and Berkheimer for sharing confidential information regarding the collection of earned income taxes. (Res. 2006-7, 1/11/2006)
Appointing Edmund J. O'Neill as liaison between Township and Berkheimer for sharing confidential information regarding the collection of delinquent earned income taxes. (Res. 2006-8, 1/11/2006)
Approving Berkheimer's cost of collection schedule for delinquent taxes. (Res. 2006-9, 1/11/2006)
Appointing Berkheimer as tax hearing officer. (Res. 2006-10, 1/11/2006)
Authorizing participation in PACC Automotive and Equipment Contract for purchasing of supplies and services. (Res. 2006-11, 1/11/2006)
Appointing a designated agent to execute forms and documents for obtaining disaster relief financial assistance. (Res. 2006-13, 8/7/2006)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds and for the certification of documents. (Res. 2006-14, 10/2/2006)
Establishing a policy for the use and regulation of electronic control weapons by police officers. (Res. 2006-15, 11/8/2006)
Repealing Ordinance Nos. 5-2002 and 2003-1 and withdrawing from further participation in the Back Mountain Area Council of Governments. (Ord. 2006-11, 11/8/2006)
Protesting the announced rate increase of Comcast Cable. (Res. 2006-16, 12/13/2006)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds and for the certification of documents (Res. 2007-2, 1/10/2007)
Exempting police officers from contributing to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. 2007-3, 1/10/2007)
Updating existing traffic signals on Route 309, Roushey Street and East Center Street. (Res. 2007-4, 3/14/2007)
Closing out the Community Conservation Partnerships Grant Project (BRC-TAG-7-11). (Res. 2007-6, 8/8/2007)
Approving the application of Asaki, Inc., for the intermunicipal transfer of Liquor License Number R-16447. (Res. 2007-7, 9/12/2007)
Authorizing ad hoc police pension cost-of-living increases for 2007. (Res. 2007-8, 9/12/2007)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to execute documents with PennDOT regarding Supplemental Reimbursement Agreement 048105-B to add costs for right-of-way and construction on the East Center Bridge. (Res. 2007-9, 11/14/2007)
Protesting the announced rate increase of Comcast Cable. (Res. 2007-10, 11/14/2007)
Authorizing the Township to join with other political subdivisions as a member of the Northeast Pennsylvania Municipal Insurance Cooperative (NEPMIC) and the Pennsylvania Municipal Insurance Cooperative (PMHIC). (Ord. 2007-9, 12/12/2007)
Authorizing the execution of assurances relating to real property acquisition. (Res. 2007-11, 12/12/2007)
Appointing a chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. 2008-1, 1/9/2008)
Adopting guidelines for Kingston Township police officers when making authorized warrantless arrests. (Res. 2008-2, 2/13/2008)
Protesting a proposed rate increase of the Aqua Pennsylvania Water Company. (Res. 2008-3, 2/13/2008)
Appointing a chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Non-Uniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2008-5, 8/13/2008)
Promulgating an increase in fees for Uniform Construction Code (commercial structures) inspections. (Res. R-2008-6, 8/13/2008)
Authorizing Township participation in the PACC (PA Capital City) Automotive and Equipment Contract administered by the City of Harrisburg. (Res. R-2008-7, 9/10/2008)
Protesting the announced rate increase of Comcast Cable. (Res. R-2008-8, 11/12/2008)
Authorizing execution of a master lease agreement with Bank Capital Services Corporation for the lease of certain equipment. (Res. R-2008-10, 12/10/2008)
Appointing a chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2009-1, 1/14/2009)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2009-2, 1/14/2009)
Authorizing electronic access to PennDOT systems. (Res. R-2009-3, 3/11/2009)
Adopting a memorandum of understanding regarding the traffic signal conversion program. (Res. R-2009-4, 3/11/2009)
Approving the Articles of Agreement between and among the member municipalities of the Back Mountain Community Partnership. (Ord. 2009-4, 4/8/2009)
Approving the intermunicipal transfer of a liquor license. (Res. R-2009-5, 7/14/2009)
Authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (NEPA) for the BCMP to make application for a grant on the Township's behalf. (Res. R-2009-8, 8/12/2009)
Appointing a delegate and an alternate delegate to participate in the Act 32 Tax Collection Committee of Luzerne County. (Res. R-2009-9, 8/12/2009)
Authorizing the adoption of a premium only plan. (Res. R-2009-10, 9/9/2009)
Adopting Luzerne County Ordinance 1-2009, providing standards for the naming of streets, the fabrication, erection and maintenance of street name signs, and establishing a standardized street address numbering system for the County of Luzerne. (Res. R-2009-11, 12/9/2009)
Adopting an amendment to the Kingston Township Nonuniformed Pension Plan. (Res. R-2009-12, 12/9/2009)
Adopting the Bi-County Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Counties of Luzerne and Lackawanna. (Res. R-2009-13, 12/9/2009)
Protesting a proposed rate increase of the Aqua Pennsylvania Water Company. (Res. R-2009-14, 12/9/2009)
Appointing a chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2010-1, 1/13/2010)
Exempting Kingston Township police officers from contributing to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2010-2, 1/13/2010)
Designating emergency medical service providers within the Township. (Res. R-2010-3, 2/10/2010)
Adopting a supplemental municipal agreement between the Township and the commonwealth in respect to the East Center Street Bridge Project. (Res. R-2010-4, 3/10/2010)
Approving the financing by the Dallas Area Municipal Authority of certain capital improvements for the benefit of Miseracordia University. (Res. R-2010-5, 4/14/2010)
Declaring opposition to forced mergers and consolidation of local governments in Pennsylvania. (Res. R-2010-7, 7/14/2010)
Modifying existing traffic signals on Memorial Highway, Center Street and Roushey Street. (Res. R-2010-8, 8/16/2010
Modifying existing traffic signals on North Memorial Highway, East Franklin Street and West Franklin Street. (Res. R-2010-9, 8/16/2010)
Adopting the winter maintenance agreement 2010-2015 between the Township and Commonwealth. (Res. R-2010-10, 9/27/2010)
Appointing a chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2011-1, 1/12/2011)
Requiring Kingston Township police officers to contribute to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2011-2, 1/12/2011)
Authorizing Chairman to sign application. (Res. R-2011-3, 1/12/2011)
Resolution of Back Mountain Community Partnership authorizing NEPA to apply for grant. (Res. R-2011-4, 1/12/2011)
Resolution of Back Mountain Community Partnership supporting Jackson Township's grant application. (Res. R-2011-5, 1/12/2011)
Resolution of Back Mountain Community Partnership regarding the possible severance tax on natural gas extraction from marcellus shale. (Res. R-2011-6, 1/12/2011)
Establishing a policy for public use of Township Municipal Building. (Res. R-2011-7, 1/12/2011)
Authorizing Chairman to sign agreement with PennDOT. (Res. R-2011-8, 3/9/2011)
Approving the intermunicipal transfer of a liquor license. (Res. R-2011-9, 8/10/2011)
Designating first-due emergency medical service responders within the Township. (Res. R-2011-10, 7/13/2011)
Protesting a proposed rate increase of the Pennsylvania American Water Company. (Res. R-2011-11, 5/11/2011)
Waiving weight limits on Main Street and East Center Street for vehicles making local deliveries or pickups during the construction of the East Center Street bridge replacement and related street construction. (Res. R-2011-12, 6/8/2011)
Transferring funds from the capital fund to the general fund to meet financial obligations. (Ord. 2011-6, 9/14/2011)
Declaring November Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. (Res. R-2011-13, 10/12/2011)
Designating the Township Manager as agent for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act for damages from Hurricane Irene. (Res. R-2011-14, 10/25/2011)
Designating the Township Manager as agent for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act for damages from Tropical Storm Lee. (Res. R-2011-15, 10/25/2011)
Adopting the Capital Program of the Township of Kingston for the years 2012 through 2016. (Res. R-2011-17, 11/16/2011)
Authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance to make application for a grant on the Township's behalf. (Res. R-2011-18, 10/26/2011)
Requiring Kingston Township police officers to contribute to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2012-1, 1/11/2012)
Appointing a chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2012-21, 1/11/2012)
Adopting the Comprehensive Plan for the Township. (Res. R-2012-3, 2/8/2012)
Initiating and sustaining participation in the Back Mountain Regional Emergency Management Agency. (Res. R-2012-4, 3/14/2012)
Urging the General Assembly to eliminate or amend the Prevailing Wage Act. (Res. R-2012-5, 4/11/2012)
Grant agreement signature page for Center Street Park Security grant from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. (Res. R-2012-6, 4/11/2012)
Appointing Kathleen J. Sebastian as liaison between the Township and Berkheimer for sharing confidential information regarding the collection of earned income taxes. (Res. R-2012-7, 9/12/2012)
Authorizing Berkheimer to impose and retain costs of collection on delinquent taxes. (Res. R-2012-8, 9/12/2012)
Adopting the Capital Program of the Township of Kingston for the years 2013 through 2017. (Res. R-2012-9, 11/14/2012)
Adopting a memorandum of understanding regarding the five-year update of the 2009 Bi-County Hazard Mitigation Plan. (Res. R-2012-11, 11/14/2012)
Authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance on behalf of the Back Mountain Community Partnership to make application for a grant on the Township's behalf. (Res. R-2012-12, 12/12/2012)
Amending Charter of the Township following approval at referendum by a majority of the electors. (Res. R-2012-13, 12/12/2012)
Requiring Kingston Township police officers to contribute to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2013-1, 1/9/2013)
Authorizing execution of a master equipment lease purchase agreement. (Res. R-2013-2, 1/31/2013)
Appointing a chief administrative officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2013-3, 2/13/2013)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to sign an automated red light enforcement reimbursement agreement. (Res. R-2013-4, 3/13/2013)
Urging the General Assembly to free the taxpayers from the undue burden placed upon them by the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act of 1961. (Res. R-2013-8, 6/12/2013)
Adopting the capital program and providing for a capital improvement plan budget. (Res. R-2013-9, 11/13/2013)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2013-10, 12/11/2013)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2013-11, 12/11/2013)
Repealing Res. R-2013-1, relating to contributions to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2013-12, 12/11/2013)
Approving financing by the Dallas Area Municipal Authority of certain projects for the benefit of Misericordia University. (Res. R-2013-13, 12/11/2013)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2014-1, 1/8/2014)
Adopting the schedules and procedures for disposition of records set forth in the Municipal Records Manual approved on July 16, 1993. (Res. R-2014-2, 1/8/2014)
Appointing Karen A. Rose as liaison between the Township and Berkheimer for sharing confidential tax information with the district for official purposes. (Res. R-2014-3, 2/12/2014)
Authorizing participation in the Penn PRIME Trust's risk coverage pool and entering into the member participation agreement for the same. (Ord. 2014-1, 4/9/2014)
Granting the Board of Supervisors authority to execute an intergovernmental cooperation agreement to create a regional emergency management agency. (Res. R-2014-5, 4/9/2014)
Grant agreement signature page for Center Street Park Revitalization project. (Res. R-2014-6, 4/9/2014)
Resolution page for Center Street Park Revitalization project. (Res. R-2014-7, 4/9/2014)
Accountability of Township for safety and risk management goals. (Res. R-2014-8, 6/4/2014)
Adopting the capital program and providing for a capital improvement plan budget for fiscal years 2015 through 2019. (Res. R-2014-11, 11/12/2014)
Approving the financing, refinancing and/or reimbursing by the Dallas Area Municipal Authority of certain projects for the benefit of King's College and designating the Chair of the Board as the applicable elected representative. (Res. R-2014-12, 8/13/2014)
Authorizing the Township to enter into a "release and right of entry agreement" to implement a program of the demolition of qualifying vacant, derelict structures in furtherance of the Luzerne County Community Development Spot Slum and Bright Clearance Program and authorizing the Chairperson of the Board to take any necessary action. (Res. R-2014-13, 8/13/2014)
Releasing and holding harmless Luzerne County from claims related to the demolition of privately owned properties pursuant to the Municipal Spot Slum and Blight Clearance Program. (Res. R-2014-14, 8/13/2014)
Agreement for Harvey's Lake Borough to become a member of the Back Mountain Community Partnership. (Res. R-2014-15, 9/10/2014)
Authorizing the terms and conditions of the resignation and general release agreement between the Township and James J. Balavage upon the resignation of James J. Balavage as Chief of Police. (Res. R-2014-17, 10/10/2014)
Providing for the compensation of an Acting Chief of Police during the period preceding the appointment and service of a permanent Chief. (Res. R-2014-18, 10/10/2014)
Amending the Police Pension Plan to comply with State laws and regulations in effect as of May 20, 2014. (Ord. 2014-6, 12/10/2014)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2014-19, 12/10/2014)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2014-20, 12/10/2014)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2014-21, 12/10/2014)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2015-1, 1/14/2015)
Amending job title from "Custodian" to "Janitorial Maintenance Worker" and amending job description. (Res. R-2015-3, 2/11/2015)
Designating emergency medical service providers within the Township. (Res. R-2015-4, 2/18/2015)
Application for traffic signal approval. (Res. R-2015-6, 4/8/2015)
Requesting a GTRP grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority and authorizing the Township Manager to execute all related documents and agreements. (Res. R-2015-8, 7/8/2015)
Adopting the capital program and providing for a capital improvement plan budget for fiscal years 2016 through 2020. (Res. R-2015-9, 11/11/2015)
Adopting the five-year update of the Luzerne County Hazard Mitigation Plan. (Res. R-2015-11, 9/9/2015)
Adopting the winter maintenance agreement 2015-2020 between the Township and Commonwealth. (Res. R-2015-12, 9/9/2015)
Approving a master installment purchase agreement with Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. (Res. R-2015-13, 10/14/2015)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2015-14, 12/9/2015)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2015-15, 12/9/2015)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2015-16, 12/9/2015)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2015-17, 12/9/2015)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2016-1, 2/10/2016)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. R-2016-2, 2/10/2016)
Adopting the document "The Township of Kingston Procedures for Compliance with the Professional Services Contract Provisions of Act 44 of 2009." (Res. R-2016-3, 3/9/2016)
Approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of the Schedule of Equipment No. 01. (Res. R-2016-5, 4/13/2016)
Appointing Kathleen J. Sebastian as Chief Administrative Officer of the Kingston Township Police Pension and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2016-6, 5/11/2016)
Agreement between Kingston Township and Luzerne Borough regarding the Bunker Hill Road and North Street paving and drainage contract with respect to LSA grant therefor. (Res. R-2016-7, 6/8/2016)
Designating First National Community Bank (FNCB) as the Township’s depository for county and municipal tax collections. (Res. R-2016-8, 8/10/2016)
Designating First National Community Bank (FNCB) as the Township’s depository for school tax collections. (Res. R-2016-9, 8/10/2016)
Designating First National Community Bank (FNCB) as the Township’s depository for all general business Township accounts. (Res. R-2016-10, 8/10/2016)
Approving a maintenance agreement with PennDOT for Township to assume responsibility for maintenance of newly installed surface water drainage system on Carverton Road. (Res. R-2016-11, 9/7/2016)
Adopting the capital improvement plan budget for fiscal years 2017 through 2021. (Res. R-2016-12, 11/9/2016)
Providing for the retention of an alternate Zoning Officer and Code Enforcement Officer when necessary. (Res. R-2016-13, 11/9/2016)
Authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (NEPA), on behalf of the BMCP, to make application for a grant on the Township's behalf. (Res. R-2016-14, 12/14/2016)
Requesting a Local Share Account grant. (Res. R-2016-15, 12/14/2016)
Appointing Kathleen J. Sebastian as Chief Administrative Officer of the Kingston Township Police Pension and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2017-1, 1/11/2017)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2017-2, 1/11/2017)
Amending the Municipal Facilities/Meeting Room Use Policy. (Res. R-2017-3, 3/8/2017)
Approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of Schedule of Equipment No. 01 and Schedule of Equipment No. 02. (Res. R-2017-4, 4/12/2017)
Supporting Senate Bill 22 that would assign legislative redistricting and congressional reapportionment to an independent citizen's redistricting commission. (Res. R-2017-5, 4/12/2017)
Adopting amendments to the Kingston Township Police Pension Plan as a result of the 1/1/2017 collective bargaining agreement. (Ord. 2017-1, 5/10/2017)
Requesting a Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) grant for a new playground at Center Street Park. (Res. R-2017-6, 5/10/2017)
Adopting an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Dallas Area Municipal Authority. (Res. R-2017-7, 8/9/2017)
Approving an intergovernmental agreement with the Dallas Area Municipal Authority for the creation and implementation of a stormwater management and pollution reduction program. (Ord. 2017-8, 10/11/2017)
Adopting the Capital Program of the Township and providing for a capital improvement plan budget for fiscal years 2018 through 2022. (Res. R-2017-9, 11/8/2017)
Honoring the valiant efforts of several firefighters in saving a life. (Res. R-2017-10, 11/8/2017)
Authorizing the Township Manager to submit an application for traffic signal approval to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. (Res. R-2017-11, 11/8/2017)
Prohibiting the location of a Category 4 licensed casino within the Township. (Res. R-2017-12, 11/8/2017)
Requesting a Local Share Account grant. (Res. R-2017-13, 12/13/2017)
Requesting a Local Share Account grant. (Res. R-2017-14, 12/13/2017)
Authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (NEPA), on behalf of the BMCP, to make application for a grant to purchase police equipment. (Res. R-2017-15, 12/13/2017)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. R-2018-1, 1/2/2018)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund. (Res. R-2018-2, 1/2/2018)
Amending the Municipal Facilities/Meeting Room Use Policy. (Res. R-2018-3, 1/2/2018)
Opposing House Bill 1620 (PN 2146), entitled the "Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Bill." (Res. R-2018-4, 1/15/2018)
Urging Pennsylvania legislators to introduce and support anticorruption legislation in Harrisburg, PA, and Washington, D.C. (Res. R-2018-5, 2/14/2018)
Repeal of Resolution R-2017-14. (Res. R-2018-6, 1/10/2018)
Requesting a Local Share Account grant. (Res. R-2018-7, 1/15/2018)
Grant agreement signature page for the Center Street Park project. (Res. R-2018-9, 2/14/2018)
Designating First National Community Bank (FNCB) as a depository for funds of the Township. (Res. R-2018-10, 4/11/2018)
Requesting a Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) grant for the Center Street Park improvements project. (Res. R-2018-11, 5/9/2018)
Authorizing execution of a master equipment lease purchase agreement. (Res. R-2018-12, 5/9/2018)
Adopting an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Dallas Area Municipal Authority. (Res. No. R-2018-13, 6/13/2018)
Adopting the Capital Program for the Township for improvements for Fiscal Years 2019 through 2023. (Res. No. R-2018-15, 11/14/2018)
Authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (NEPA), on behalf of the BMCP, to make application for a grant for the BMCP Infrastructure Improvement Project. (Res. No. R-2018-16, 12/12/2018)
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Municipal Authority to sign an automated red light enforcement reimbursement agreement. (Res. No. R-2018-17, 12/12/2018)
Requesting a Local Share Account grant of $62,438, to be used for public safety equipment. (Res. No. R-2018-18, 12/12/2018)
Requesting a Local Share Account grant of $638,963, to be used for a new pavilion at Center Street Park. (Res. No. R-2018-19, 12/12/2018)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. No. R-2019-1, 1/7/2019)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund for calendar year 2019. (Res. No. R-2019-2, 1/7/2019)
Entering into a grant agreement with the DEP for support of municipal recycling program activities. (Res. No. R-2019-4, 1/9/2019)
Approving the transfer of a restaurant liquor license. (Res. No. R-2019-5, 2/27/2019)
Executing Schedule of Equipment No. 1 to a master equipment lease purchase agreement. (Res. No. R-2019-6, 2/13/2019)
Signing the grant agreement for the Center Street Park Improvements Phase II project. (Res. No. R-2019-7, 3/13/2019)
Greeways, Trails, and Recreation Program grant request. (Res. No. R-2019-9, 5/8/2019)
Executing Schedule of Equipment No. 1 to a master equipment lease purchase agreement. (Res. No. R-2019-10, 5/8/2019)
Urging the State Legislature to amend the Right To Know Law. (Res. No. R-2019-12, 5/8/2019)
Executing Schedule of Equipment No. 1 to a master equipment lease purchase agreement. (Res. No. R-2019-13, 7/10/2019)
Accepting the Dallas Area Municipal Authority’s PADEP Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Task Activity Report (TAR) as submitted and authorizing DAMA to complete the Act 537 Plan on the Township’s behalf. (Res. No. R-2019-14, 7/10/2019)
Adopting the Capital Program of the Township and providing for a capital improvement plan budget for fiscal years 2020 through 2024. (Res. No. R-2019-15, 11/13/2019)
Honoring the valiant efforts of several firefighters in saving a life. (Res. No. R-2019-16, 10/9/2019)
Requesting a Local Share Account grant of $355,633, to be used for a new pavilion and sensory garden at Center Street Park. (Res. No. R-2019-17, 12/11/2019)
Approving the Township’s participation in the Back Mountain Community Partnership’s LSA grant application for digital radio equipment for emergency services. (Res. No. R-2019-18, 12/11/2019)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Nonuniformed Pension Funds. (Res. No. R-2020-1, 1/6/2020)
Suspending member contributions to the Police Pension Fund for calendar year 2020. (Res. No. R-2020-2, 1/6/2020)
Amending the Municipal Facilities/Meeting Room Use Policy. (Res. No. R-2020-3, 1/6/2020)
Approving the Township’s participation in the Back Mountain Community Partnership’s LSA grant application for digital radio equipment for emergency services. (Res. No. R-2020-4, 1/8/2020)
Readopting an Emergency Management Services Plan. (Res. No. R-2020-6, 3/16/2020)
Requesting a Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) grant for the Center Street Park Phase II project. (Res. No. R-2020-7, 4/8/2020)
Waiving the penalty for late payment of real property taxes for Fiscal Year 2020. (Res. No. R-2020-8, 5/13/2020)
Designating the Township Manager as agent for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act for expensed related to COVID-19. (Res. No. R-2020-9, 6/10/2020)
Approving an intergovernmental cooperation agreement among the Luzerne County DUI Task Force, the Luzerne County District Attorney and the Township Police Department for the enforcement of DUI laws. (Ord. No. 2020-2, 8/12/2020)
Approving an intergovernmental cooperation agreement among the Luzerne County Drug Task Force, the Luzerne County District Attorney and the Township Police Department for the enforcement of laws pertaining to narcotics and illegal drugs. (Ord. No. 2020-3, 8/12/2020)
Authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign a municipal winter traffic services agreement. (Res. No. R-2020-10, 9/9/2020)
Adopting the 2020 Luzerne County Hazard Mitigation Plan as the official hazard mitigation plan of the Township. (Res. No. R-2020-12, 9/9/2020)
Schedule of equipment No. 01, dated 10/16/2020, to master equipment lease purchase agreement, dated as of 10/15/2020, between Community First National Bank, as lessor, and Kingston Township, as lessee. (Res. No. R-2020-14, 10/26/2020)
Requesting a local share account, Luzerne County grant of $355,633 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for a new pavilion and sensory garden at Center Street Park. (Res. No. R-2020-15, 10/27/2020)
Authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (NEPA), on behalf of the BMCP (Back Mountain Community Partnership), to make application for a grant to purchase police and emergency services equipment. (Res. No. R-2020-16, 11/11/2020)
Amending Paragraph 5(b) of the Articles of Agreement of Cooperation dated October .18, 1994, by and between the Municipalities of the Borough of Dallas, Township of Dallas, and Township of Luzerne County ,Pennsylvania, related to the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act and in accordance with Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Law. (Res. No. R-2020-17, 12/9/2020)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and nonuniformed pension funds and for the certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. No. R-2021-1, 1/4/2021)
Suspending member contributions to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. No. R-2021-2, 1/4/2021)
Consenting to the conveyance of a stormwater detention basin from Woodridge II Homeowners' Association to Dallas Area Municipal Authority. (Res. No. R-2021-5, 2/10/2021)
Approving the 2021 Luzerne County Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan. (Res. No. R-2021-6, 3/10/2021)
Consenting to the conveyance of a stormwater detention basin from Woodridge II Homeowners' Association to Dallas Area Municipal Authority. (Res. No. R-2021-7, 3/10/2021)
Requesting a local share account, Luzerne County grant of $164,492 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for ADA accessible sidewalks to better serve the diverse needs of guests at the Lands at Hillside Farms. (Res. No. R-2021-8, 3/10/2021)
Requesting a local share account, Luzerne County grant of $400,000 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for improvements to Center Street Park. (Res. No. R-2021-9, 3/10/2021)
Rescinding Res. No. R-2020-15 pertaining to a local share account, Luzerne County grant of $355,633 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for a new pavilion and sensory garden at Center Street Park. (Res. No. R-2021-10, 3/10/2021)
Allowing the Township Manager to electronically sign a grant application. (Res. No. R-2021-11, 4/14/2021)
Designating the Township Manager and Chairman to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority as they pertain to DCNR's GTRP grant application for the Center Street Park Improvement Project in the amount of $400,000. (Res. No. R-2021-12, 5/12/2021)
Approving the transfer of a restaurant liquor license. (Res. No. R-2021-13, 10/13/2021)
Schedule of Equipment No. 01, dated 8/24/2021, to master equipment lease purchase agreement, dated as of 8/24/2021, between Community First National Bank, as lessor, and Kingston Township, as lessee. (Res. No. R-2021-14, 9/8/2021)
Schedule of Equipment No. 01, dated 8/24/2021, to master equipment lease purchase agreement, dated as of 8/24/2021, between Community First National Bank, as lessor, and Kingston Township, as lessee. (Res. No. R-2021-15, 9/8/2021)
Approving the transfer of a liquor license. (Res. No. R-2021-16, 10/13/2021)
Participation of the Township in the Back Mountain Community Partnership's DCED LSA grant application for police and emergency services equipment. (Res. No. R-2021-17, 10/13/2021)
Requesting a local share account, Luzerne County grant of $553,595 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for the Center Street Park Phase III Project. (Res. No. R-2021-18, 10/13/2021)
Adopting the Capital Program of the Township and providing for a capital improvement plan budget for fiscal years 2022 through 2026. (Res. No. R-2021-19, 11/10/2021)
Authorizing and directing the Township Manager to submit a traffic signal maintenance agreement to the Department of Transportation. (Res. No. R-2021-20, 11/10/2021)
Approving the transfer of a restaurant liquor license. (Res. No. R-2021-21, 12/8/2021)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Non-uniformed Pension Funds and for the certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. No. R-2022-1, 1/3/2022)
Suspending member contributions to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. No. R-2022-2, 1/3/2022)
Authorizing the opening of an interest-bearing checking account for the deposit of grant funding for the Center Street Park Improvement Project from DCNR. (Res. No. R-2022-4, 2/9/2022)
Authorizing the opening of an interest-bearing checking account for the deposit of grant funding for the Center Street Park Improvement Project from DCNR. (Res. No. R-2022-5, 2/9/2022)
Authorizing the opening of an interest-bearing checking account for the deposit of grant funding for the Center Street Park Improvement Project from DCNR. (Res. No. R-2022-6, 2/9/2022)
Requesting a statewide local share assessment grant of $553,595 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used toward Phase III of the Center Street Park Improvements Project. (Res. No. R-2022-7, 2/9/2022)
Allowing the Township Manager to electronically sign a grant application. (Res. No. R-2022-8, 3/9/2022)
Supporting the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial. (Res. No. R-2022-9, 4/13/2022)
Requesting a statewide local share assessment grant of $505,225 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for the superstructure replacement of the East Franklin Street Bridge. (Res. No. R-2022-10, 4/13/2022)
Cooperation Agreement by and between the member municipalities of the Back Mountain Community Partnership. (Res. No. R-2022-11, 4/13/2022)
Requesting a Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) grant of $222,826 to be used for Phase IV of the Center Street Park project. (Res. No. R-2022-12, 5/11/2022)
Supplemental appropriations of up to $362,145.51 from the American Rescue Plan Act. (Ord. No. 2022-4, 8/10/2022)
Requesting a local share account - Luzerne County grant of $328,814 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used toward Phase IV of the Center Street Park improvements project. (Res. No. R-2022-13, 9/14/2022)
Participation in Back Mountain Community Partnership grant to purchase public works equipment. (Res. No. R-2022-14, 9/14/2022)
Adopting the Capital Program of the Township providing for a capital improvement plan budget stating proposed capital improvements by the Township for the fiscal years 2023 through 2027. (Res. No. R-2022-16, 12/14/2022)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Non-Uniformed Pension Funds and for certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. No. R-2023-1, 1/3/2023)
Suspending member contributions to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. No. R-2023-2, 1/3/2023)
Approving an excess maintenance agreement with Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC, and appointing a designated representative for the agreement. (Res. No. R-2023-7, 2/8/2023)
Approving the appointment of a Township Manager, and authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to conclude and execute an employment agreement between Kingston Township and the Township Manager. (Res. No. R-2023-8, 4/26/2023)
Requesting a Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) grant of $212,386 to be used for the Center Street Park Trail improvements project. (Res. No. R-2023-9, 4/27/2023)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Non-Uniformed Pension Funds and for the certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. No. R-2023-10, 5/10/2023)
Corporate authorization resolution. (Res. No. R-2023-12, 5/11/2023)
Appointing Township Clerk and assigning to the office of Township Clerk the duty of assisting the incoming Township Manager. (Res. No. R-2023-13, 7/20/2023)
Approving the appointment of a Township Manager. (Res. No. R-2023-14, 7/20/2023)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Non-Uniformed Pension Funds and for certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. No. R-2023-15, 8/9/2023)
Corporate authorization resolution. (Res. No. R-2023-16, 8/9/2023)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. No. R-2023-17, 9/13/2023)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. No. R-2023-18, 9/13/2023)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. No. R-2023-19, 9/13/2023)
Authorizing application for a Local Share Assessment Fund (gaming funds) grant. (Res. No. R-2023-20, 9/13/2023)
Adopting the Capital Program of the Township providing for a capital improvement plan budget stating proposed capital improvements by the Township for the fiscal years 2024 through 2028. (Res. No. R-2023-21, 11/8/2023)
Authorizing execution of a master equipment lease purchase agreement. (Res. No. R-2023-22, 12/13/2023)
Appointing a Chief Administrative Officer for the Township Police and Non-Uniformed Pension Funds and for certification of various documents to the Department of the Auditor General and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Res. No. R-2024-1, 1/2/2024)
Suspending member contributions to the Kingston Township Police Pension Fund. (Res. No. R-2024-2, 1/2/2024)
Authorizes Township Manager to execute for and in behalf of Kingston Township Board of Supervisors. (Res. No. R-2024-4, 1/2/2024)
Authorizing applications for expense reimbursements, for members of the Board of the Dallas Area Municipal Authority. (Res. No. R-2024-6, 2/14/2024)
Corporate authorization resolution. (Res. No. R-2024-7, 2/14/2024)
Supporting the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial. (Res. No. R-2024-8, 3/13/2024)
Appointing the Township Manager as its authorized representative to make requests upon and receive any and all tax information and records from Berkheimer, relative to the collection of taxes for Kingston Township. (Res. No. R-2024-9, 3/13/2024)
Authorizing the establishment of Pennsylvania Treasury Department Invest Program Account. (Res. No. R-2024-10, 3/13/2024)
Agreeing to participate in multi-municipal bidding process for application of tar and chip. (Res. No. R-2024-11, 3/13/2024)
Authorizing execution of a master equipment lease purchase agreement. (Res. No. R-2024-12, 4/10/2024)