[Ord. 11-4-1970, § 1]
Each board and commission of the City, at the first meeting during which members newly appointed to serve a full term are seated, shall elect a chairman and vice chairman by majority vote of those members present and voting. The chairman so elected shall preside at all meetings. In his absence, the vice chairman shall assume the duties as chairman.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 2]
A majority of the total number of members of any board or commission of the City shall constitute a quorum.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, §§ 2, 3]
At the first meeting during each calendar year, each board and commission of the City will establish a schedule of regular meetings to be held during the ensuing 12 months and shall notify the City Clerk in writing of the dates, times and places of such meetings prior to January 31 of each year. Special meetings may be called by the chairman or upon a call signed by not less than 1/2 of the members of the board or commission. Notice of special meetings will be given in accordance with the statutes of the state.
Every member shall attend all meetings of the board or commission of which he is a member unless prevented by illness, absence from the City, or other unavoidable circumstances. In any case, notice of the intended absence should be given the chairman prior to the meeting.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 4]
The chairman of a board or commission of the City shall preserve order and decorum at all meetings. He shall decide all questions of procedure subject to the right of appeal by motion duly made and seconded.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 5]
The chairman of a board or commission of the City shall declare all votes. A majority of those members present and voting shall determine all questions, unless otherwise provided by the statutes of the state, or the charter of the City.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 6]
At least five days before a regular meeting, the secretary or clerk of each board or commission of the City shall send each member a copy of the agenda of all business transacted at such meeting.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 7]
Minutes of all meetings shall be kept by the secretary or clerk of each board or commission of the City. Copies of such minutes shall be filed with the City Clerk within 10 days after each meeting.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 8]
The order of business at all regular meetings of a board or commission of the City shall be:
Roll call of members;
Reading of minutes of previous meeting;
Consideration of unfinished business;
Consideration of new business.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 9]
Each board and commission of the City shall maintain a policy book of rules and regulations setting forth the rules and regulations under which it operates and each member shall receive a copy and a copy shall be on file in the City Clerk's office.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 10]
In all matters of parliamentary procedure not determined in this division, Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall be taken as authority to decide the course of proceedings.
[Ord. of 11-4-1970, § 11]
In case of any conflict between the rules of procedure stated herein and the general statutes of the state or the Charter of the City, the latter shall prevail.