Group life insurance. McLean County provides term life insurance protection in the amount of $5,000, with accidental death and dismemberment provisions in an additional amount of $5,000 to eligible employees and officials. The County Administrator and the Finance Committee will be responsible for advising the County Board on the program and necessary in-house administration. The County Administrator will, in addition, promote the program and provide information to those eligible.
Group health insurance. McLean County provides health and major medical insurance to eligible employees and officials. The County Administrator and the Finance Committee will be responsible for advising the County Board on the program and necessary in-house administration. The County Administrator will, in addition, promote the benefits and provide information and assistance to those eligible. At time of initial sign-up, the employee may elect to purchase health and major medical coverage for spouse and dependents. This payment will be made by payroll deduction. Enrollment of dependents after the initial sign-up period of 30 days has passed requires proof of insurability.
Eligibility date. Any eligible employee may enroll on the first day of employment.
Employee booklet. A booklet describing the coverage of the group insurance program may be obtained from the County Administrator's Office.
Waiver. An employee who waives participation at the first enrollment opportunity and later wishes to participate shall provide evidence of insurability.
Exception. In the event an employee of McLean County suffers a death due to the employee's work for McLean County and the employee's spouse and/or dependents are receiving workers' compensation death benefits from McLean County, the spouse and/or dependents shall qualify for the "employee" rate, or "employee plus children" rate if the employee has dependent children, for County insurance coverage for three years after the date of the employee's death, as long as the spouse and/or dependents were covered by County insurance coverage at the time of the death.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS 5/7-101 et seq.), McLean County is required to provide a pension program, a long- and short-term disability program, a death benefit and survivor's pension to eligible employees and officials through the IMRF. The Treasurer of McLean County is the authorizing agent for the fund for McLean County employees and officials. All eligible McLean County employees, with the exception of elected officials, are required by law to participate in this program. Eligible employees are defined as those who work in excess of 1,000 hours annually.
In addition to the IMRF, eligible employees and officials are provided coverage under the federal social security system. The Treasurer's Office, with the County Administrator's Office, provides in-house administrative support for the program. The County Administrator will provide assistance and information to those eligible employees and officials.
In accordance with the Illinois Compiled Statutes, eligible McLean County employees and officials are provided coverage under the Illinois Worker's Compensation Act. The County Administrator, acting as safety coordinator, is responsible for advising the County Board on the program and providing in-house administration of the program. The County Administrator, acting as safety coordinator, and all department heads are responsible for reducing the County's liability under the Act.
In accordance with 820 ILCS 405/100 et seq., eligible McLean County employees are provided unemployment insurance coverage under the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act. The County Administrator is responsible for advising the County Board on the program and providing in-house administration. The County Administrator will be responsible for reducing costs under the Act and providing information for those eligible employees.
The McLean County Department of Parks and Recreation currently provides a Glasener Beach Family Fun Pass to all current and retired McLean County employees. This pass entitles an employee or retiree and his or her household members to free admission at COMLARA County Park's Glasener Beach swimming area, during operating hours. The pass shall be presented by the employee, retiree or household member at the time at which admission is charged. The employee's or retiree's name and all household members' names shall appear on the pass when presented. Accompanying photo identification is required. Children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. The Glasener Beach Family Fun Pass does not entitle nonhousehold members accompanying an employee, retiree or household members to free or reduced admission, nor may nonhousehold members be listed on the pass. Passes shall be issued to current employees by the County Administrator's Office prior to Memorial Day each year. New hires after Memorial Day and retirees shall be provided passes upon request.
McLean County employees may take advantage of both loans and savings offered by membership in the Bloomington Municipal Employees Credit Union. An annual Christmas Club is also available. The enrollment procedure is as indicated:
Credit union. Enrollment is provided by the Payroll Clerk, Office of the Treasurer, McLean County.
Christmas Club. Enrollment is in the Credit Union Office, City of Bloomington Building, 109 East Olive Street; or by phone at (309) 823-4265. There is also an office in the lobby of the McLean County Law and Justice Center.
All credit union payments may be made by payroll deduction.
Full-time and part-time. Full-time and part-time employees are recognized at the end of each five years of County service. Recognition is in the form of a service emblem pin.
Maintenance of records. The County Administrator is responsible for maintaining service records and providing the department head with the service pin for presentation to the employee on the employee's anniversary.
Employees shall report all changes in name, address, telephone number and marital or family status to their department head and to the County Administrator's Office. These changes shall be sent to the Payroll Clerk.
Change of address: provide on employee change of information form.
Change of family status (add or delete dependents): federal and Illinois tax forms, beneficiary changes to IMRF and group insurance.
For any such change, contact your department head. Most large departments have the proper forms available; smaller departments must contact the County Administrator's Office.
Purpose, applicability and authority.
Purpose. The purpose of this policy is:
To provide definitions for reimbursement of legitimate and necessary travel/business expenses in general conformance with Internal Revenue Service requirements.
To provide written guidelines for all County officials and employees who incur, authorize, and/or approve travel/business expenses.
To provide procedures for the equitable and timely processing of travel/business expense reimbursements.
To provide uniform instructions for the reporting and documentation of travel/business expenses.
Purpose and applicability. The purpose of this policy is to establish a uniform policy regarding the expenditure of public funds for travel/business expenses of County employees when engaged in County business within or outside McLean County. These provisions are applicable to all Countywide elected officials, County Board members, appointed department heads, and employees of McLean County, regardless of source of funds. This section shall apply to all County funds. Each elected official and appointed department head shall be held responsible for the execution of this section.
The McLean County travel/business expense reimbursement regulations and McLean County travel/business expense reimbursement schedule are promulgated in accordance with the statutory authority granted to the McLean County Board and consistent with the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act, Pub. Act 99-0604.
The County Board, through its approval and adoption of the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance, shall be responsible for maintaining a system for control of travel/business expenses for officials and employees. The County Travel/Business Reimbursement Policy is issued to provide for the efficient and economical conduct of the County's business, both within and outside the County.
Prior authorization for all travel planned during the budget year shall be obtained as a part of the approved budget for each department. If appropriations are depleted from all travel line items during the budget year, an additional appropriate sum may be added by budget amendment or transfer for unanticipated trips, subject to County Board approval. Transfers within the same appropriation category are allowed.
All travel outside of McLean County shall be approved by either appointed or elected officials, as department heads, prior to beginning travel. Said approval, when requested, shall be in writing.
Terms defined.
Travel types.
One-day travel does not include an overnight stay. Eligible reimbursement shall include defined expenses for registration, mileage, tolls and business telephone calls. Meals will be eligible for reimbursement if they are a part of a formal business meeting registration or conform to regulations under Subsection E(2).
Overnight travel includes an overnight stay. Eligible reimbursements shall include defined expenses for registration, transportation, lodging, business telephone calls, and reimbursement for meal expenses in accordance with the regulations under Subsection E(3).
Business travel includes:
Travel to business meetings as a direct assignment or in the direct interest of or benefit to McLean County, at which the attendance of a County representative is considered necessary for the development, execution, or maintenance of a course of action by the County or a County office/department.
Travel for training where such training is required for job performance; e.g., basic police training, property appraiser/assessment courses, and specialized technology courses.
Travel required by County officials and/or employees to appear before the Congress, State Legislature, other governmental bodies, their committees or subcommittees, or any other official body or organization, including attendance at professional conferences and/or conventions where pending or contemplated legislation will be reviewed or discussed which, if enacted into law, would affect the interests of McLean County.
Travel required for the planning and completion of newly approved or ongoing capital improvement/capital construction projects; e.g., site visits.
Travel required to maintain or obtain financing for ongoing or newly approved programs; e.g., capital markets financing, federal or state grant funding.
Professional/educational travel includes:
Travel to a meeting of a professional organization or a major division thereof at which subjects of general interest to the members of the professional organization or major division thereof are reviewed and discussed.
Travel to attend an institute, seminar, symposium, or lecture series where a specific course or instruction is provided, or opinions are gathered on a single subject or group of closely related subjects. Included are those meetings of user groups for certain systems and products utilized by the County.
Entertainment: includes, but is not limited to, shows, amusements, theaters, circuses, sporting events, or any other place of public or private entertainment or amusement, unless ancillary to the purpose of a program or event.
Preparation of a travel form.
General policy guidelines.
The policy of the County is to reimburse allowable, authorized travel/business expenses incurred in the performance of County duties, within the budgetary constraints established by the County Board.
The County Board will annually review travel/business reimbursement rates to conform to applicable rules of the Internal Revenue Service and economic conditions. County officials and employees are expected to exercise good judgment and proper regard for the expenditure of public funds when incurring travel/business expenses. Personal items and other non-business/non-professional-related expenses will not be reimbursed by the County.
Any deposit, preregistration fees or any other pre-trip costs, including nonrefundable costs imposed by discount travel vendors and internet travel sites, that are lost or forfeited due to an alteration in the official's or employee's plans, other than those caused by documented emergency of work or family, shall be reimbursed to the County.
No employee or officer of the County shall be reimbursed by the County for any entertainment expense.
Travel and business expense documentation.
All claims for the reimbursement of travel/business expenditures shall be submitted on a County travel expense form, which shall be itemized in accordance with this section.
All travel expenses charged to the County procurement card shall be reported on a County travel expense form and shall be itemized in accordance with this policy as soon as reasonably possible after charges are incurred.
An agenda must accompany all requests for reimbursement regarding travel to and from and attendance at conferences, seminars, schooling and meetings.
The purpose of the travel shall be indicated on the travel form and shall show in the spaces provided the dates and times of travel, the points of departure and destination, the mode of transportation and the cost of transportation incurred.
Receipts for lodging and transportation expenses must be submitted as documentation for travel/business expenses. If the original detailed lodging and transportation bills are not available, other credible documentation is required.
For business one-day travel, itemized receipts are required as documentation for meal expenses.
Gratuities, other than tips for meals, must be identified on the specific reimbursement line on the County travel expense form.
Original receipts are required for each miscellaneous item.
Miscellaneous items must be identified on the specific reimbursement line on the County travel expense form.
Individuals submitting travel forms are personally responsible for accuracy and propriety. Any misrepresentation shall be grounds for disciplinary action and possible legal action.
Approval and submission of travel forms.
The completed travel expense form shall be first approved by the elected official/department head, who shall review the expenses and attached receipts and approve the travel expense form by signing the form on the appropriate signature line. The travel expense form shall then be forwarded to the County Auditor, with a copy to be maintained by the department.
Travel expense forms that are not prepared in accordance with this section or not properly supported by receipts when required shall be returned by the County Auditor to the elected official/department head for correction.
Travel expense forms should be submitted to the County Auditor within 60 days of the completion of travel.
Travel expense forms submitted to the County Auditor after the deadline for payment of bills for the prior fiscal year may result in a disallowance of reimbursement.
Allowable transportation expenses.
General provisions. All travel shall be by the most direct route and by the most economical mode of transportation available, considering travel time, costs, and work requirements. In the event an individual, for one's own convenience, travels by an indirect route or a less overall economical mode of transportation, the additional travel expense shall be borne by such individual.
Use of personal vehicle for out-of-state travel.
When the use of a privately owned vehicle is necessary or desirable, it may be used at the reimbursement rate approved by the County Board for determination of mileage for business expenses.
When transportation by privately owned automobile is authorized or approved by the elected official/department head, distances between points traveled shall be recorded on the travel form. Only those expenses that are related to County business will be reimbursed. The employee will be responsible for all other expenses incurred.
When the use of a commercial carrier for out-of-state travel is an economical, feasible and practical alternative to the use of a personal vehicle, the total mileage reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle shall not exceed the cost of travel by commercial carrier, including the costs of taxi or limousine transportation, inclusive of local taxes and surcharges, to/from the terminal.
When two or more County employees travel in one privately owned vehicle, mileage reimbursement will be made to the employee who owns the vehicle. The names of all County employees who traveled in one privately owned vehicle should be listed on the travel expense form.
Certain incidental expenses associated with the use of vehicles shall be reimbursed as follows:
When driving a County-owned vehicle, the purchase of gasoline shall be reimbursed when the employee is unable to use the County's gasoline service pumps. An original receipt will be required.
The cost of automobile parking fees, bridge, road and tunnel tolls shall be reimbursed. The fee for parking a vehicle at a common carrier terminal, or other parking area, while the traveler is away shall be allowed only if the total parking fees plus the allowable mileage reimbursement to and from the terminal area does not exceed the cost for use of a taxicab or limousine service to and from the terminal.
Use of rental automobiles. The use of rented automobiles shall be kept to a minimum. Every effort shall be made to obtain other suitable transportation. Where circumstances require the use of a rental automobile, the most economical vehicle available that is suitable for the conduct of the County's business shall be obtained. In such instances, the actual cost may be charged and a full explanation for the use of the rental vehicle shall accompany the travel form. No reimbursement will be made for rental on days unrelated to County business.
Commercial carrier travel.
Commercial carriers such as airlines, railroads, bus lines, etc., are the preferred means of travel. Expense reimbursement will consist of actual expenses paid to the respective carrier. Travel on airlines shall ordinarily be by coach class. Every attempt will be made to book airplane accommodations as far in advance of travel as is possible in order to take advantage of any discount fares.
Taxicab fares are reimbursable. Receipts for fares are required if over $10. If free van, bus, or shuttle service is available and convenient, employees are encouraged to use this service in lieu of taxicabs or limousines. Taxicab fares must be substantiated as to business purpose.
Use of airport limousine service is reimbursable when there is an economic cost benefit compared to the use of alternative transportation.
Allowable living expenses.
Reimbursement for meal expenses.
Within McLean County, meals, including tips, may be reimbursed for officials and employees attending conferences and seminars if attendance at the conference or seminar is required by the department head and if the conference or seminar requires the official or employee to be away from his or her workplace or home during a meal. The same limits apply as noted in Subsection E(2)(a)[1].
Alcoholic beverages are excluded from reimbursement.
Meal tips shall be limited to 20% of the allowable meal expense and shall only be reimbursed if included on the appropriate receipt.
Reimbursement for meal expenses: one-day business travel:
When traveling outside McLean County, the maximum allowable reimbursement for meals, including tips, for one-day business travel is:
For travel in Illinois, except for the following counties: Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, DuPage, Will:
Breakfast: $8.
Lunch: $10.
Dinner: $16.
For travel in the following counties in Illinois: Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, DuPage, Will; and out-of-state travel:
Breakfast: $10.
Lunch: $12.
Dinner: $20.
For one-day business travel, employees shall be required to submit itemized receipts for meal expenses incurred. Charge card receipts with totals only are not acceptable.
Partial-day reimbursement for meal expense shall be limited to those meals that an employee could not reasonably consume at home due to the time required to travel. Breakfast is payable when an employee is traveling outside of McLean County prior to 6:00 a.m.; lunch is payable when the employee is traveling to or from a location outside of McLean County between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; and dinner is payable when an employee is traveling outside of McLean County after 6:00 p.m.
Meals, including tips, will not be reimbursed if the cost of meals for seminars or official meetings is included in the registration fee. A copy of the agenda/meeting brochure shall be submitted with the travel form at the time of request for reimbursement.
During a seminar or conference, if an individual cannot attend the included meal because of a conflicting related meeting, reimbursement shall not exceed the allowance specified in Subsection E(2)(a) above. An explanation of the conflict must be attached to the travel form along with itemized receipts.
Per-diem reimbursement for meal expenses: overnight travel.
Per-diem reimbursement will be paid for meal expense when travel includes an overnight stay or is 18 or more continuous hours.
Per-diem meal reimbursement is:
For overnight travel in Illinois, except for the following counties: Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, DuPage, Will: $34.
For overnight travel out-of-state and in the following counties in Illinois: Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, DuPage, Will: $42.
Per-diem reimbursement for meal expense will be paid without submitting itemized receipts.
Per-diem for qualifying fractions of a day shall be based upon partial-day meal expense maximums as specified in Subsection E(2)(c).
Meal allowance and per-diem may not be mixed on the same trip or day.
Meals, including tips, will not be reimbursed if the cost of meals for seminars or official meetings is included in the registration fee. A copy of the agenda/meeting brochure shall be submitted with the travel form at the time of request for reimbursement.
During a seminar or conference, if an individual cannot attend the included meal because of a conflicting related meeting, reimbursement shall not exceed the allowance specified in Subsection E(2)(a).
Overnight travel: reimbursement for lodging expenses.
Actual lodging expense shall be, when available, the "government economy" room rate offered by a hotel. Lodging is limited to payment/reimbursement for up to 20% over the GSA CONUS rates for hotels. Maximum lodging rates can be obtained through a search at http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/100120, except that when a conference/convention is the reason for the trip, the person shall be reimbursed at the available convention lodging rates for such location, unless such accommodations are not available to the person making the trip. Special considerations may apply by obtaining advance approval from the applicable elected official or department director and by conferring with the County Auditor.
Itemized receipts are required to be submitted with travel forms to support all lodging expenses claimed.
Lodging provided by a friend, relative or non-invoicing lodging organization is not reimbursable.
For travel more than 75 miles, the number of nights for which an employee may obtain reimbursement shall be limited to the number of nights necessary to conduct County business. For those conferences or meetings that begin in the morning, arrival the night before the conference is reimbursable. For conferences which end after 6:00 p.m., lodging expense for that night will also be reimbursed. Employees are encouraged to return on the final day of the conference whenever possible.
Overnight lodging for a one-day meeting, seminar or workshop within a seventy-five-mile radius of the County complex will not be reimbursed except:
When documented business meetings extend beyond 8:00 p.m. Business meetings, in this instance, include dinners, receptions or social functions sponsored for attendees during the evening hours which are a scheduled event and part of the agenda for the meeting, seminar or workshop.
If weather conditions make a return trip unsafe.
Longer stays where lodging is reimbursable are permitted if the additional stay results in significant savings in round-trip transportation costs. The employee requesting the reimbursement for the longer stay must document the net savings, including the lodging expense and meal reimbursement. Lost work time should also be taken into account when calculating the cost savings.
One personal telephone call per each day of an overnight stay will be reimbursed on a lodging bill, telephone credit card, or prepaid telephone calling card to a maximum of $10. Necessary business-related telephone calls will be reimbursed on a lodging bill, telephone credit card, or prepaid telephone calling card.
Personal items such as movie or game rentals will not be reimbursed. In the event of an emergency, clothes cleaning and/or dry cleaning will be reimbursed, provided written justification explaining the nature of the emergency accompanies the reimbursement request.
Travel advance.
Employees whose travel will take them out of the County for more than 24 hours may apply for an advance to cover the allowance for meals and any other reasonable travel expenses, if the expenses are expected to exceed $100. Travel advances shall not be paid out of petty cash.
Application for a travel advance shall be submitted in writing to the County Auditor. Every effort should be made to provide such submissions at least 10 working days prior to the departure date. Upon receipt, the Auditor's Office shall review and provide authorization for payment or request clarifications as needed and upon receipt of necessary information, provide authorization for advance to the Treasurer's Office. Applications for a travel advance shall be accompanied by an agenda, when applicable.
Travel advances will be issued only when the trip is outside McLean County and involves an overnight stay and when the Treasurer's Office has sufficient time to reasonably provide such advance to the employee. If insufficient time exists to provide such advance, the Treasurer's Office will immediately notify the employee and the department head of the employee's agency.
If travel expense reimbursement forms are not received within 60 days after completion of travel, then the full amount of the travel advance must be paid back to the County. Future advances will not be granted unless all previous advances have either been appropriately documented by expense form or repaid.
Local business expense reimbursement.
The cost of hosting a meeting related to County business shall be reimbursable, provided such expenses are reasonable, documented, and within the budgeted appropriation.
All local business expenses shall be itemized and fully documented to include the actual County business transacted, the individuals in attendance and their respective business affiliations.
The actual cost of meals for County employees and other persons in attendance shall be reimbursed.
To be eligible for reimbursement of a meal with a business representative, County business must have been discussed during the meal.
Actual original receipts must be submitted in order to receive reimbursement.
In all cases, reimbursement for alcoholic beverages is not allowed.
A meeting consisting solely of two or more County employees dining together and discussing County business will not constitute a reimbursable business meal expense.
Reimbursement of miscellaneous expenses.
Under miscellaneous expenses, the County may reimburse the following items:
Business telephone calls.
Public transit (if used instead of taxicab or hotel transportation).
Parking fees.
Storage of baggage.
Rental of meeting room or dining room for official business of McLean County (only when appropriate).
Tips for parking attendants and baggage handling.
One personal call per overnight stay, with a maximum reimbursement of $10, will be allowed.
A receipt shall accompany any individual, miscellaneous expense over $10.
Housekeeping tips are not an allowable expense.
Use of County procurement card for travel and business expense.
The County procurement card may be used to pay for air fares, lodging, car rental, ground transportation, registration and other reimbursable business expenses, not including travel-related meals.
The County procurement card may be used to book travel reservations through discount internet sites and hotel internet sites. An employee who uses the County procurement card to book travel reservations through discount internet sites and hotel internet sites assumes full risk if the reservation needs to be cancelled or modified and additional charges are incurred. The employee's travel and business expenses are eligible for reimbursement pursuant to the County's Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement Policy.
If an employee elects to use a discount internet site or hotel site to make a travel reservation using the County procurement card and incurs any unreimbursable costs for any reason, including failure to abide by the internet site's terms and conditions, the employee will be personally responsible for reimbursing the County the full amount of the additional charges and agrees that the County will use all means at its disposal to recover said additional charges.
Appropriate budget line items for travel expenses: The following line items are to be used for the charging of travel expenses. The proper account shall be used for travel-related expenses, based on the descriptions below:
718.0001 Schooling and conference: the line-item appropriation for lodging expense, travel expense, meal reimbursement expense incurred in attending schooling and conferences. Reimbursement shall not exceed the amounts and rates set forth in the applicable policies of the County Board.
760.0002 Non-travel business meal expense: business meal expense incurred within McLean County not involving business travel.
793.0001 Travel expense: the amount appropriated to each respective department for use in defraying the expense of travel, including mileage reimbursement, incurred on official County business only. This is exclusive of schooling and conference. Reimbursement shall not exceed the amounts and rates set forth in the applicable policies of the County Board.
State and federal laws and regulations.
Provisions of this policy shall not apply when in contradiction to state or federal law and regulations as determined by the State's Attorney.
Consistent with the Internal Revenue Service regulations, travel expense reimbursements or advances shall be included as "wages, tips or other compensation" on all W-2s for the year unless an "adequate accounting" is made to the County.
It is in the interest of the County and its employees/officers to have a business travel expense policy requiring adequate accounting within Internal Revenue Service guidelines.
Misuse of McLean County travel policy. Any misrepresentation or misuse of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action and/or criminal or civil liability. Suspected misrepresentations or misuses shall be reported to the County Administrator for review and referral to the appropriate oversight committee and/or the State's Attorney.