Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, words used in the present tense include the future, the singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular.
The word "person" includes a profit or nonprofit corporation, company, partnership, association, trust, estate or individual, or any other legally cognizable entity.
The word "shall" is mandatory and not directory; the word "may" is permissive.
The word "lot" includes the word "plot" and the word "land."
The word "structure" includes the word "building."
The word "use" refers to any purpose for which a lot or land or part thereof is arranged, intended or designed to be used, occupied, maintained, made available or offered for use; and to any purpose for which a building or structure or part thereof is arranged, intended or designed to be used, occupied, maintained, made available or offered for use or erected, reconstructed, altered, enlarged, moved or rebuilt with the intention or design of using the same. Any separate business shall be considered a separate use. Any change of use from any use described on the Table of Uses[1] herein to another use on said table or to any other use shall be deemed a change of use. By way of illustration, not limitation, any change from a use or activity listed on the Table of Uses to any other use separately listed or unlisted shall be a change of use.
Editor's Note: The Table of Uses is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The word "used" refers to the actual fact that a lot or land or building or structure, or part thereof, is being occupied for a particular use.
The word "Village" means the Incorporated Village of Sag Harbor.
The word "town" means the unincorporated area of either the Town of East Hampton or the Town of Southampton, or both such towns.
As a general rule of construction, words not specifically defined in this article shall be accorded their common meanings as set forth in any authoritative dictionary in general use.
As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated in this section:
A use accessory to a one-family detached owner-occupied dwelling in the R-20 District or to a nonresidential principal use in the VB District consisting of a grouping of rooms arranged and designed with provisions for cooking, living, sanitary and sleeping facilities such that it is suitable for occupancy by a single family on a long-term basis as its principal residence during the period of such occupancy or which, however arranged or designed, is in fact being used on such a basis for such purpose and where in all cases the tenant of an accessory apartment shall have no ownership interest in the property, building, apartment or the entity that is the owner of the property, building or apartment in the R-20 District. An entire "single-family residence," as herein defined, regardless of its actual occupancy or use, shall not constitute an apartment. An accessory apartment in the VB District shall be located only on a second floor or above and in all cases above a nonresidential use, and all new accessory apartments in the VB District shall be subject to the provisions of § 300-11.6; but legal preexisting apartments in the VB District shall not be subject to said provisions.
A subordinate use, building or structure customarily incidental to and located on the same lot occupied by the main use, building or structure. The term “accessory use, building or structure” shall include, but is not limited to, a private garage, garden shed, playhouse, detached trellis, pergola, swimming pool, air-conditioning compressor, pool heater, filter and similar equipment, cabana, terrace or deck, private greenhouse and a tennis court, platform tennis, racquetball, volleyball or similar game court. An accessory building shall not include a building which, in whole or in part, is designed, equipped or used for cooking, living or sleeping purposes. The term “accessory use” shall not include a heliport, helipad or the taking off or landing of helicopters or aircraft, except in a legitimate emergency. The term “tennis court” shall be a playing area with a net on the ground, partly or entirely surrounded by fencing or netting designed to deter the passage of balls, and shall not include any roof, equivalent feature or other structure and no other structural improvements.
[Amended 4-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016]
A building or part thereof housing more than 16 persons on a twenty-four-hour basis who, because of age, mental disability or other reasons, live in a supervised residential environment that provides personal care services. The occupants are capable of responding to an emergency situation without physical assistance from staff.
As applied to a building or structure, a change or rearrangement of the structural parts or the exit facilities; or an enlargement, whether by extending on a side or by increasing in height; or moving from one location or position to another, whether interior or exterior. The term "alter" in its various modes and tenses and its participle form refers to the making of an alteration. The term "alteration" includes any change, rearrangement or addition to a building or structure and includes any modification in construction or in building equipment.
The establishment of a licensed medical doctor engaged in the practice of general medicine that accepts patients on a "walk-in" basis and does not maintain appointments for all patients.
A use that involves as its primary purpose the sale of works of art, pieces of furniture or decorative objects originally made and sold at an earlier period of time.
A building used for residential purposes and containing more than two dwelling units.
A use that involves as its primary purpose the sale of visual art created by one or more artists, including but not limited to paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures.
A development providing the housing, food and skilled nursing needs of more-dependent senior citizens. Assisted-living facilities include congregate housing for seniors who are less able to function independently in all aspects of their daily lives.
An unfinished, nonhabitable space, used for storage purposes only, which is situated between the top of the uppermost floor construction and the underside of the roof. An attic shall be deemed a "story" when it contains any habitable space.
A financial institution that is open to the public and engaged in deposit banking and that performs closely related functions such as making loans, investments and fiduciary activities.
A financial institution where services may be provided through a window, automated machine, or other facility to customers remaining in motorized vehicles that are in a designated stacking lane.
An establishment primarily engaged in the sale and service of beverages for on-premises consumption, which is also subject to regulatory authority of the New York State Liquor Authority, with the sale or service of food being incidental thereto. Such establishments may also have hours of operation which extend beyond the normal dining times for breakfast, lunch or dinner. A bar or tavern shall not include a restaurant, as defined herein, or any form of cabaret, disco or nightclub. A music or entertainment event may be permitted as an accessory use pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 122 (music/entertainment event permits) of this Code.
[Amended 10-12-2010 by L.L. No. 10-2010]
That space of a building which is partly below average existing grade, which has more than 1/2 of its height, measured from floor to ceiling, above the average existing grade of the ground adjoining the building wall. A basement shall be counted as a story in determining building height. Basement space shall not be used as a dwelling unit. Basement window wells or stairways for access shall be considered to be part of the building, subject to all setbacks and dimensional requirements. No part of a basement shall be permitted to extend beyond the exterior wall of the first story of the building in which it is located.
[Amended 4-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016; 10-11-2016 by L.L. No. 8-2016]
An owner-occupied residence, resulting from the conversion of a single-family residence, used for providing overnight accommodations and a morning meal to four or more bedrooms for such lodgers. Nothing herein shall prevent an owner-occupied residence renting less than four rooms from applying for a bed-and-breakfast special exception permit under Village Code § 300-11.8, if that applicant chooses.
[Amended 6-9-2015 by L.L. No. 10-2015; 7-9-2024 by L.L. No. 8-2024]
A bank or cliff with a precipitous or steeply sloped face lying landward of the beach or body of water and having a bluff line at least two feet higher than its base or toe. A bluff may extend across all or part of a parcel.
A facility for servicing all types of watercraft, as well as providing supplies, storage and fueling facilities, and with facilities for the retail sale, rental or charter of boats, motors and marine equipment. The term "boatyard" shall not be deemed to include outdoor multistoried racks for the storage of boats.
A structure with a roof supported by columns or walls and intended for the shelter, housing or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels.
The area computed at the maximum horizontal cross sections of the main and accessory buildings on a lot, including the area of all roofed porches, terraces and similar features.
The official Building Inspector of the Incorporated Village of Sag Harbor or any person duly appointed or designated to act as such inspector.
An establishment primarily engaged in the sale and service of beverages for on-premises consumption and the providing of musical entertainment, singing, dancing or other forms of amusement and entertainment, with the sale or service of food being incidental and accessory thereto. Such establishment may also have one or more of the following characteristics: age restrictions, cover charges, charges for admission, disc jockeys, jukeboxes, amplified sound systems, live entertainment and the like; the hours of operation extend beyond the normal dinner hours. A cabaret, disco or nightclub shall not include a restaurant, as defined herein, or any form of bar or tavern.
A story partly underground and having 1/2 or more of its clear height below the average existing grade. A cellar shall not be counted as a story in determining the building height. Cellar window wells or stairways for access shall be considered to be part of the building, subject to all setbacks and dimensional requirements. No part of a cellar shall be permitted to extend beyond the exterior wall of the first story of the building in which it is located.
[Amended 4-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016; 10-11-2016 by L.L. No. 8-2016]
A certificate issued for a building or structure which definitively states that a particular improvement or change conforms to the requirements of Article XIII of the Zoning Code. A certificate shall be required for every action described in § 300-13.4E within the historic district. A certificate shall also be required for every application for a building permit outside the historic district within the Village of Sag Harbor which involves exterior alteration, restoration, construction, reconstruction, demolition or moving of a structure or land. This shall include also any material change in the appearance of such a property that is visible from an adjacent street or adjacent property. Except as provided herein, a certificate shall not be required for a building permit outside the historic district which involves solely interior alteration, restoration, construction, reconstruction, or demolition.
[Amended 10-9-2012 by L.L. No. 9-2012; 1-14-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014]
Any activity that changes or removes established vegetation in its natural state within a vacant lot or previously undeveloped area of a lot, including trees and understory.
[Added 3-9-2021 by L.L. No. 1-2021]
A property in single ownership improved with buildings and accessory structures established for the principal purpose of members engaging in bathing or tennis or any combination of those activities. The term "club, beach or tennis" shall not be deemed to include sleeping quarters or dwelling units, except for one dwelling unit to be used by the owner or manager, nor shall it include any dining facility, retail or personal service shop made available to the general public.
A not-for-profit corporation, as defined by § 102 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York, established for the principal purpose of engaging in recreational boating. The activities of such a yacht club shall be limited to its members and their guests and shall not be extended to the general public. The term "yacht club" shall be deemed to include the term "marina," but shall not be deemed to include the term "boatyard."
A business premises used for the making of clothing, millinery, shoes or other personal articles to individual order and measure, for sale at retail on the premises only, and not including the manufacture of ready-to-wear or standardized products.
A facility that provides supervision and personal care on a less than twenty-four-hour basis for more than five children.
The destroying, tearing down, or razing of all of a building, except in the Historic District.
[Added 4-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016]
A structure having as its main purpose the reception of radio signals from orbiting satellites or terrestrial sources. The term shall include all satellite earth stations of whatever configuration. Any base, pedestal, foundation, reflector, amplifier, lens, prism or other device located out of doors and connected to or used in conjunction with a dish antenna shall be deemed to be a part thereof.
A nonresidential use or an accessory use to a nonresidential use which has a need for a vehicular queue or parking spaces to accommodate persons to whom it serves or transfers products or materials outside its building, if any, or to accommodate persons consuming its service, products or materials in a vehicle on the premises.
A building designed exclusively for residential purposes and arranged or intended to be occupied by one or more families living independently of each other.
A group of rooms separate and set apart from any other group of rooms, including at least one bathroom, with provisions for cooking, living, sanitary and sleeping facilities arranged for the exclusive use of one family.
A dwelling containing one dwelling unit for the occupancy of one family and its domestic servants.
A dwelling containing two dwelling units for the occupancy of two families and their domestic servants.
A vessel employed on a commercial basis for party-fishing trips, commonly called a "party boat." This includes vessels similarly used for sightseeing trips, whale watching, tours, dinner cruises, gambling and any similar form of recreation. An excursion boat does not include a vessel carrying fewer than five passengers used on an occasional basis only.
The existing surface elevation of land at a given point or place before any alteration of the land is undertaken.
[Added 4-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016]
The architectural style and general arrangement of such portion of the exterior of a structure as is designed to be open to view from a public way, including kind and texture of building materials, type of all windows, doors, lights, signs and other fixtures appurtenant to such portion.
One or more persons, whether or not related to each other by blood, marriage or adoption, all occupying a single, legal one-family dwelling unit as a traditional family or the functional equivalent of a traditional family, having access to and utilizing the whole of such dwelling unit, including but not limited to all rooms and housekeeping facilities, in common. In determining whether individuals are living together as the functional equivalent of a traditional family, the following criteria must be present:
The group is one which in structure and function resembles a traditional family unit.
The occupants must share the entire single- or one-family dwelling unit and live and cook together as a single housekeeping unit. A unit in which the various occupants act as separate roomers may not be deemed to be occupied by the functional equivalent of a traditional family.
The occupants share expenses for food, rent, ownership costs, utilities and other household expenses.
The occupancy is permanent, or tantamount to permanent, and stable. Evidence of such permanence and stability includes, but is not limited to:
The presence of minor children regularly residing in the household who are enrolled in local schools.
Members of the household have the same address for purposes of voter registration, drivers' licenses, motor vehicle registration, filing of taxes and delivery of mail.
Members of the household are employed in the area.
The household has been living together as a unit for a year or more whether in the current dwelling unit or in other dwelling units.
Common ownership of furniture and appliances among the members of the household.
Any other factor reasonably related to whether or not the occupants are the functional equivalent of a family.
A type of eating establishment where food and beverages are ordered and purchased over counters (without table service by waiters or waitresses) in a ready-to-consume state for consumption within the building, elsewhere on the premises and/or for carry-out and whose design or method of operation includes one or both of the following characteristics:
Food and beverages are usually served in edible containers or in paper, plastic or other disposable containers.
There are two or more cashier stations available to patrons.
A restaurant, as defined in this chapter, shall not be construed to be a fast-food eating establishment. A retail shop or store (such as a grocery store, a delicatessen, a neighborhood convenience grocery store, a retail bakery store, a retail ice cream or frozen dessert store and any similar retail shop or store) which does not provide for consumption on the premises shall not be construed to be a fast-food eating establishment.
A structure bounding an area of land designed to either limit access to the area or to screen such area from view, or both. The term "fence" shall include tennis court enclosures or backstops and similar structures.
Areas of vegetation cultivated by man which require irrigation or the application of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or other substances in order to grow or maintain their existence.
Any substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients which is used for its plant nutrient content and which is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant growth.
A building or lot, or part thereof, used for supplying and selling gasoline or other equivalent fuel for motor vehicles at retail direct from pumps and storage tanks. A filling station may include accessory facilities for rendering limited service for motor vehicles, such as lubrication and minor repairs, and incidental, but not automated, car washing and may include a convenience store of 600 square feet or less.
A use of a building or portion thereof intended to provide members of the public with facilities for exercises, aerobics, fitness training, dance, martial arts, pilates, yoga, self-defense or instruction thereof.
A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from:
The overflow of inland or tidal water; and/or
The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source.
[Amended 4-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016]
The cumulative area, in square feet, of all floor levels of every story of a building, measured to the exterior of the outside walls. Any interior space with a floor-to-ceiling height in excess of 15 feet shall be counted twice.
[Amended 12-12-2017 by L.L. No. 15-2017]
In the case of one-family and two-family detached dwellings, pursuant to § 300-9.11 of this chapter, gross floor area shall not include:
Any porches, patios, decks, open terraces, and other such open structures that are attached to the principal dwelling.
Attics which do not qualify as habitable space under the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Any detached accessory buildings and structures on the same lot.
[1]Areas used solely for mechanical equipment, not to exceed 200 square feet.
A retail store for the sale of cut flowers, floral arrangements and plants including accessory supplies.
A retail store for the sale of a large variety of merchandise for personal use, including but not limited to housewares, sewing materials, deodorants, toys, arts and crafts, clothing, nonperishable food items, fabric, yarn, sewing patterns, seasonal holiday supplies and the like.
Any retail store, operation or enterprise in which food, beverages and household goods constitute the predominant goods offered for sale. Compare "superstore."
Space occupied by one or more persons for living, sleeping, eating or cooking, which conforms to all the requirements of this chapter and all other applicable codes and regulations promulgated by the Village or any other agency of government that has jurisdiction; exclusive of that area used for laundry, locker, storage, utility, heater and boiler rooms, and other spaces for service, storage and maintenance of the building, and those spaces used for access and vertical travel between stories.
A retail store for the sale of hardware and home improvement products, equipment and supplies.
The height of any point on a building or structure shall be the vertical distance from such point to the existing grade, as established on a plan prepared by a licensed professional surveyor, directly beneath the point whose height is being measured.
[Amended 1-14-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020]
Any substance used to destroy or inhibit plant growth or which does so as a secondary consequence of its application to plant growth.
Those areas of the Village of Sag Harbor which have a special character, historic or aesthetic interest or value and represent various eras in the history of the Village and, as a result, constitute a distinct section of the Village and are designated as a Historic District pursuant to this chapter.
A retail store with an inventory limited to residential furnishings and furniture.
Any gainful occupation customarily conducted within a dwelling solely by the residents thereof that is clearly secondary to the residential use and that does not change the character of the structure as a residence. Said activity shall not occupy more than 1/3 of the ground floor area of the dwelling or its equivalent elsewhere in the dwelling if so used, and further provided that there shall be no external evidence other than an announcement sign and that no mechanical or electrical equipment is used except customary household equipment. However, home occupation shall not be construed to include such uses as the following: clinic or hospital, barbershop or beauty parlor, restaurant, breeding kennel or antique dealer.
The office or studio of a resident physician, surgeon, dentist or other person licensed by the State of New York to practice a healing art, a lawyer, architect, artist, engineer, real estate broker or salesman, insurance broker or agent or teacher, as herein restricted, provided that not more than two persons are employed who are not members of the family and that such office shall be in the main building and shall not occupy more than the equivalent of 1/2 of the area of one floor of said building. For the purposes of this definition, a teacher shall be restricted to a person giving individual instruction in academic or scientific subjects to a single pupil at one time. A home professional office shall not include the office of any person professionally engaged in the purchase or sale of economic goods. Dancing instruction, band instrument, or piano or voice instruction; tearooms; tourist homes; beauty parlors, barbershops, hairdressing and manicuring establishments; convalescent homes; mortuary establishments; and stores, trades or businesses of any kind not herein excepted shall not be deemed to be "home professional offices." The home professional office of a physician shall not include a biological or other medical testing laboratory.
See Appendix L1, Figure A.[2]
A building containing individual guest units providing sanitary and sleeping facilities for tourists and vacationers on a transient basis.
A movable one-family dwelling originally equipped with or having a vehicular chassis but lacking one or more of the following mechanical systems and equipment: plumbing, heating, electrical, cooking and refrigeration. See "mobile home."
Any increase in the nonconformity of a nonconforming building or structure with the dimensional regulations of this chapter. This shall include any increase in nonconformity relating to the length, width, or height of the nonconforming building or structure.
[Added 8-11-2015 by L.L. No. 13-2015]
Any land or structure, or part thereof, exceeding 300 square feet in area and used for collecting, storage or sale of wastepaper, rags, scrap metal or other scrap or discarded materials or for the collecting, dismantling, storage or salvage of machinery or vehicles not in running condition or for the sale of the parts thereof.
A unit of measurement of the redness or blueness in the spectrum of light. The lower the Kelvin number the higher the percentage of yellow and red in the spectrum of the light source; the higher the Kelvin number the greater the percentage of "blue light" in the spectrum.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A site recognized as having a quality of significance in American history, architecture, archaeology or culture as may be found in a district, site, building, structure or object of state and local importance that possesses integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association. In order to constitute a "historical or cultural landmark" within the meaning of this chapter, the authenticity of the landmark must be acknowledged by the Board of Historic Preservation and Architectural Review and/or by the Village Historian or such other expert or experts as may be designated for this purpose by the Village Board of Trustees.
Radiant energy in the visible spectrum, artificially generated by electricity, solar energy, or gas flame.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
The origin of light and its housing, such as an electric filament in a glass or plastic bulb. LED lights shall be regulated as if they are emitted from light bulbs.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A complete lighting unit consisting of one or more light sources, together with the parts designed to distribute light, position and protect the light source, and connect the light source to the power supply. A light fixture may include a ballast, the mounting apparatus, and photocells or sensors, if any. Also known as a "luminaire" in industry jargon.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A classification for a light fixture designed and installed so that no light is emitted at or above a horizontal plane running through the lowest light-emitting part of the fixture. No more than 10% of the light output can be emitted within the first 10° below the same horizontal plane as determined by a photometric test or certified by a manufacturer. See Appendix L1, Figure A.[3]
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A light fixture, or any means of generating light, with an opaque shield above the light source so that, as designed and installed, the light fixture projects all its light below the horizontal plane. Full cutoff fixtures are considered fully shielded as are fixtures designated as "zero uplight." See Appendix L1, Figure B.[4]
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A light fixture which is not fully shielded and, as installed, emits at least some light above the horizontal plane, directly or indirectly. Also classified as a cutoff, semi-cutoff or non-cutoff light fixture. See Appendix L2.[5]
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
The light-emitting parts of a light fixture, including the bulb, filament, light-emitting diodes, and any transparent, translucent or frosted elements (covering over the light source) as well as any refractors, reflectors, films, prismatic lenses, mirrors or diffusers which emit or transmit light.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
Light illuminating a property other than that from which it is generated, whether or not the light source is directly visible across property lines. Illumination or glare cast unnecessarily on the property of another with the effect of reducing privacy, limiting use or enjoyment, hindering sleep and/or detracting from the appearance of the illuminated property without the permission of the owner, lessee or lawful occupant. This term shall not be deemed to include streetlighting or other municipal lighting which is designed or intended to illuminate land beyond the municipal property boundary. Light trespass may be measured at any point on the property.
[Added 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
As used in this chapter, and unless otherwise specified, shall mean exterior lighting produced by artificial means or interior lighting aimed or intended to illuminate the exterior of a structure, waterway, or property.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A visual disturbance produced by a distinct light source within the visual field that is sufficiently brighter than the level to which the eyes are adapted, causing annoyance, discomfort, squinting or loss of visual acuity, including momentary blindness.
[Added 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
Lighting which is not required for safe pedestrian passage or the identification of private property and shall include lighting of foliage, facades, and areas not requiring night lighting for safety.
[Added 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
Lighting which is used for a specified purpose and for a limited time and is removed thereafter. The length of time that temporary lighting is to be used is not longer than 14 consecutive days in any calendar year and shall be used exclusively for situations for which permanent lighting cannot be installed. "PAR" bulbs, spotlights and floodlights are not considered temporary lighting.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A parcel of land occupied or capable of being occupied by a main building and accessory buildings, structures or uses in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, including such open spaces as are required by this chapter.
The portion of the lot area covered by the area of all buildings and structures thereon, whether temporary or otherwise, and including areas of open storage of more than an incidental transitory character and including patios, terraces and decks whether roofed or not and whether at grade or otherwise.
The lot line common with the street line.
The street right-of-way or easement line at the front of a lot, except that:
In the case of a flagpole lot, the front lot line used for the determination of lot width and the required front yard shall be one of the internal lot lines designated by the owner.
In the case of a waterfront lot:
[Amended 9-9-2014 by L.L. No. 12-2014]
A waterfront lot line shall be considered the front lot line. The line opposite the front lot line shall be considered the rear lot line.
When a lot is formed by a waterfront lot line and a street right-of-way or easement line intersecting, such lot shall be considered a corner lot.
The lot line opposite the front lot line.
Any lot line not a rear lot line nor a front lot line shall be deemed a "side lot line."
The dimension measured from side lot line to side lot line along a line parallel to the street line at the required minimum front yard depth.
The total horizontal area of a lot, exclusive of land in the bed of any street or right-of-way or waterway. Lot area shall not include land which is any existing water surface, any area periodically or ordinarily submerged beneath the waters of a stream, pond, lake or other freshwater body, whether natural or man-made, all land lying seaward of the mean high-water line of any tidal waters, and all lands consisting of beach, wetland or watercourse including all lands seaward of a bluff.
A lot at the junction of the fronting on two or more intersecting streets having an interior angle of less than 135° at their intersection. A lot abutting upon a curved street shall also be considered a corner lot if the tangents to the curb at the points of intersection of the side lot lines intersect at an interior angle of less than 135°.
A lot other than a corner lot.
A lot extending from one street frontage through to another street frontage or to a municipal off-street parking lot frontage.
A measure of light energy generated by a light source. The initial lumen rating of a light source is provided by the manufacturer and is often indicated on the packaging. Lumen output can also be measured by a hand-held device when the light source is illuminated. Light on the ground surface is indicated as "footcandles" and can be measured by a light meter.
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A facility for the berthing and fueling of all types of recreational watercraft. The term "marina" shall be deemed to exclude the terms "yacht club" and "boatyard" and out-of-water storage of boats, repair facilities, restaurant or similar activities.
A unit that is mounted to a dock to provide multiple services, such as electrical power, television, water, telephone services, and lighting, to a docked boat at a marina or recreational marina. Any new marina power pedestal light fixture must be louvered or have a low-brightness option, be located and aimed such that light is contained to the pedestrian walkways only, and may not exceed 900 initial lumens (approximately 60 watts incandescent or one thirteen-watt fluorescent).
[Amended 4-13-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
A movable one-family dwelling originally equipped with or having a vehicular chassis and provided with all of the following mechanical systems and equipment: plumbing, heating, electrical, cooking and refrigeration. See "house trailer."
A building or group of buildings, whether detached or in connected units, containing individual guest units consisting of a principal room and a bathroom arranged or designed to be suitable for year-round use as a sleeping or living quarters for transients on a daily rental basis or for vacationers or other persons on a weekly rental basis, provided that one such unit shall not connect directly with more than one other such unit. Guest units shall not have cooking facilities. Each unit shall have a door on the exterior of the building or on a common hallway leading to the exterior. A resort motel may include such accessory uses as a restaurant, swimming pool or an accessory convenience shop, barbershop or beauty shop or a manager's office, provided that such facility has no external sign or display and has off-street parking facilities. The term "resort motel" shall not be construed to include an assemblage of mobile homes. A resort motel shall be deemed to be a transient dwelling. In the event any resort motel is owned in a cooperative or condominium form, no record owner shall occupy any such unit except on a transient basis, it being intended all resort motels be available only for transient use at all times.
Existing and naturally occurring indigenous vegetation which grows and is maintained without the need for irrigation or applications of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or other substances.
The offices of a newspaper excluding printing services.
A building or structure, lawfully existing at the effective date of this chapter or any amendment thereto affecting such building or structure, which does not conform to the dimensional regulations of this chapter for the district in which it is situated, irrespective of the use to which such building or structure is put.
Any lot, lawfully existing in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this chapter or any amendment thereto affecting such lot, which does not conform to the dimensional regulations of this chapter for the district in which it is situated. If such lot shall thereafter be in the same ownership as an adjoining parcel and such lot shall be less than the required area or width for the district in which it is situated, it shall be deemed merged with the contiguous parcel in common ownership and lose its status as a nonconforming lot, except to the extent that the lot created by the merger of the two parcels shall remain nonconforming in the same respect.
Any use of a building, structure, lot or land, or part thereof, lawfully existing at the effective date of this chapter or any amendment thereto affecting such use, which does not conform to the use regulations of this chapter for the district in which it is situated. A temporary authorization of a permit for a prohibited use granted by the Board of Appeals prior to the adoption of this chapter shall not be construed to establish a nonconforming use, as herein defined, and therefore any such authorization and its related use shall terminate upon the expiration thereof.
Parabolic Aluminized Reflector. Commonly referred to as a "spotlight" or "floodlight." See Appendix L2.[6]
A specific use of a building, structure, lot or land, or part thereof, which this chapter allows in a particular district in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Any substance used to destroy or inhibit pests such as rodents and insects.
A retail business primarily for the sale of medicines, drugs, cosmetics, medical supplies, health products, and similar goods where the foregoing use occupies no less than 70% of the floor area by said business and where the revenues from sales of the foregoing equal or exceed 70% of gross revenues.
A use of a building, structure, lot or land, or part thereof, which is not listed as a permitted, special exception or accessory use. All uses not listed on the Table of Uses[7] as a permitted or special exception use or not contained within the definition of accessory use as a permitted use are considered a prohibited use.
The patching or restoration or replacement of damaged materials, elements, equipment or fixtures for the purpose of maintaining such components in good or sound condition with respect to existing loads or performance requirements.
[Added 9-9-2014 by L.L. No. 12-2014]
A use in a building having as its sole purpose the preparation and serving of food for consumption on the premises within furnished dining areas and including as a possible accessory the serving of alcoholic beverages with meals, but not including any form of live entertainment or dancing for guests, except as provided for in Chapter 122 of this Code. A restaurant shall not be construed to include any form of drive-in, open-front, curb-service or fast-food eating establishment or any form of tavern, bar, nightclub, discotheque or similar entertainment establishment. Take-out service is a permitted accessory use of a restaurant, provided it is typical, subordinate and customary.
[Amended 10-12-2010 by L.L. No. 10-2010]
A retail store for the sale of food, including delicatessen, mini market, bakery, specialty food product or products shop and/or sandwich shop, but not including a restaurant, fast-food eating establishment, drive-in, open-front or curb-service eating establishment, tavern, bar, nightclub or discotheque. A retail food store shall not include tables or chairs or counters for on-premises consumption, and on-premises consumption in any form shall not be permitted as an accessory use to a retail food store, except as otherwise provided in § 300-11.19.
[Amended 6-10-2014 by L.L. No. 7-2014]
A use of land within a building, in which goods are offered for sale to the general public as take-out items. Goods sold at a retail store may include hardware, drugs, food and beverages, furniture and furnishings, apparel, appliances, sporting goods, office products, books or other media, and similar products or merchandise. Minor repair service within the establishment may be undertaken in connection with product sales.
Any kind of billboard, signboard, pennant or other shape or device or display used as an advertisement, announcement or direction, including any text, symbol, lights, marks, letters or figures painted thereon or painted on or incorporated in the composition of an exterior facing of a building or structure.
A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, entertainment or attraction sold, offered or existing elsewhere than upon the same lot where such sign is displayed or only incidentally sold, offered or existing upon such lot.
A sign which directs attention to a business or profession conducted upon the property.
A temporary or permanent sign which directs attention to a resident's home, a home professional office or a public or semipublic building.
A sign advertising land or improvements thereto or describing construction activity or a firm doing work related to construction on the premises on which the sign is located.
A temporary sign which directs attention to a special activity or entertainment or one which indicates the location of a real estate subdivision.
Those components of a system designed to collect, store and distribute solar energy or wind energy considered individually or collectively as a system. A solar energy system or wind energy system component shall be deemed to be accessory structures except where they are attached to a building, in which case they shall be deemed to be an integral part of such building. In either case, such installations shall comply with the applicable dimensional requirements of this chapter.
A use in one or more districts for which the Planning Board may grant a permit, pursuant to the provisions of Article XI, as a special permit use.
That portion of a building between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it; if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and ceiling next above it. A basement shall be counted as a story, but a cellar shall not be counted as a story. In the Tidal Flood Hazard Overlay District, that portion of a structure required to raise the lowest floor above the base flood elevation shall not be counted as a story unless it is floodproofed and enclosed. An attic which does not qualify as habitable space under the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code shall not constitute a story.
[Amended 4-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016]
Any federal, state, county or Village highway or road, or any street shown upon a subdivision plot filed in the County Clerk's office, or any street within the definition of street as contained in § 240-4 of the Village Code.[8]
The dividing line between a lot and a street right-of-way.
Anything constructed or erected on or under the ground or upon another structure or building, excluding at-grade walkways and access driveways.
Any retail store, operation or enterprise, which retail store, operation or enterprise has a combined gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or more, whether housed in all or part of a single building or in all or parts of multiple buildings. For the purposes of this definition, a retail business housed in multiple units of the same building (where said units historically were generally used and occupied by different business uses) or multiple buildings on the same lot or on adjacent lots shall be considered a single retail store, operation or enterprise, if the business or businesses within the individual units or buildings are owned, operated or controlled by a single entity, either directly or through affiliates. In addition, any building whose gross floor area equals or exceeds 10,000 square feet shall be considered a superstore if it contains one or more retail stores even if the building also contains a use or uses not classified as retail stores. A use defined otherwise in this section shall not be a superstore.
An artificial pool of water having a depth at any point of more than 18 inches and a surface area of greater than 25 square feet, designed or intended for the purpose of bathing or swimming, and including all appurtenant equipment. A swimming pool shall be deemed a "structure."
A structure constructed at grade on the ground consisting of a hard base and finished playing area of whatever consistency and the approximate regulation dimension used to engage in the game of tennis or similar court games, and having a permanent or temporary net. A backstop consisting of netting, fencing or similar material and design to prevent the passage of tennis balls shall also be deemed part of a tennis court.
A structure composed of poles or other structural elements which support a covering of fabric or similar material designed as a temporary or movable shelter.
A building or buildings devoted to showing motion pictures or stage productions on a paid-admission basis.
Daily or weekly.
[Added 7-9-2024 by L.L. No. 8-2024]
Lighting which is directed above the horizontal plane.
A lighting fixture which is installed on a pole owned or maintained by a public utility but which is designed or intended to illuminate private property.
A box, container, machine, device or other coin-operated or attended dispenser of goods or products, such as but not limited to cigarette machines, soda coolers, ice houses and milk dispensers, whether designed for or merely utilized on the exterior of buildings and stores and whether a part of the exterior of the main building or an auxiliary building or the sole occupant of the lot, regardless of the size of the machine or equipment unit. "Outdoor vending machine or equipment" shall be deemed to be an accessory building or a part of a building where attached to a building.
A structure of wood, stone or other materials or combination thereof intended for defense, security, screening or enclosure or for the retention of earth, stone, fill or other materials as in the case of retaining walls or bulkheads.
A building for the mere storage of goods and merchandise.
All natural and man-made tidal wetlands, freshwater wetlands, and underwater lands, including all swamps, bogs, kettlehole bogs and the like, regardless of the particular types or amounts of vegetation growing thereon or therein or the absence of same, and wetlands shall also include all wetlands as defined under 6 NYCRR Parts 661 and 663, as amended. Artificial lined ponds which are not situate in the groundwater table shall be deemed excluded from this definition.
An office for the sale or brokerage or rental of boats.
An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building situated between the nearest roofed portion of the principal building and the front lot line of the lot and extending from side lot line to side lot line in the case of interior lots. Corner lots shall have two such front yards situated between the nearest roofed portion of the principal building and the front lot line along each street. The depth of the front yard shall be measured between the front line of the main building and the street line. Any lot bounding on tidal waters and maintaining a bluff shall exclude any area seaward of the crest of said bluff in measuring the front yard setback. (See definition of "lot line, front.") The front yard setback of any lot bounding on tidal waters and maintaining a bluff shall be taken from the crest of said bluff.
A space on the same lot with a building situated between the nearest roofed portion of the principal building or buildings and the rear lot line of the lot and extending from side lot line to side lot line. If there is no side lot line on the lot, the rear yard shall be that space between the nearest roofed portion of the principal building or buildings and the rear lot line that is not a front yard.
[Amended 9-9-2014 by L.L. No. 12-2014]
A space on the same lot with a building situated between the nearest roofed portion of the principal building or buildings and the side lot line of the lot and extending through from the front yard, or from the front lot line where no front yard exists, to the rear yard, or to the rear lot line where no rear yard exists.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(5), which provided that interior space with a floor-to-ceiling height in excess of 15 feet shall be counted twice, was repealed 12-12-2017 by L.L. No. 15-2017.
Editor's Note: Appendix L1, Permitted Fixtures, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix L1, Permitted Fixtures, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix L1, Permitted Fixtures, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix L2, Prohibited Fixtures, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix L2, Prohibited Fixtures, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: The Table of Uses is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 240, Subdivision of Land.