[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
The efficient and effective administration of town government, including all legal, financial, human resources, and informational affairs is vested in the executive branch.
This chapter describes permanent multiple member bodies of the Town, the principal individual officer of the Town, the manner and time of appointment and terms of office where appropriate, and the authorities, responsibilities and interrelationships of the town agencies. Town representatives to regional governmental boards and committees shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen unless required to be elected by law or interlocal agreement.
[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
Chief Administrative Officer. The Town Manager is the supervising executive and Chief Administrative Officer of the Town. The Town Manager enforces the laws of the town and requires the faithful performance of all administrative duties by all officers and employees serving under the Town Manager.
Duties. The Town Manager has the following specific duties:
Appointment and dismissal. The Town Manager shall appoint competent, qualified officers and employees to the administrative service, and shall have the power to dismiss, suspend and discipline, in accordance with the personnel system, all officers and employees in the administrative service under the Town Manager's control. The Town Manager shall also have the power to authorize a department head or other officer responsible to the Town Manager to appoint and remove subordinates serving under that department head or officer.
Appointment to acting capacity. The Town Manager may perform personally, or may designate some other officer or employee to temporarily perform, the duties of any office or position in the administrative service under the control of the Town Manager which is vacant or which lacks administration due to the absence or disability of the incumbent.
Annual report. The Town Manager shall prepare and present an annual report of the town's affairs, including a summary of reports of department heads, and such other reports as the Board of Selectmen shall require.
Budget report. The Town Manager shall annually assemble estimates of the financial needs and resources of the town for the ensuing year, and shall prepare a program of activities within the financial resources of the Town, embodying them in a budget document with appropriate supporting schedules and analyses as provided in Article Six of the Charter.
Powers. The Town Manager has the following specific powers:
Assignment of employees. The Town Manager has the power to assign any employee of the town to any department or branch thereof requiring services appropriate to the personnel system classification of the employee so assigned.
Prescribe rules. The Town Manager has the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as the Town Manager deems necessary or expedient for the conduct of administrative agencies subject to the authority of the Town Manager and the power to revoke, suspend or amend any rule or regulation of the administrative service by whomever prescribed.
Investigate. The Town Manager has the power, either personally or by delegation to any officer or person designated for the purpose, to investigate and to examine or inquire into the affairs or operation of any department, division, bureau or office, and subject to the availability of funds for such purpose, has the power to employ consultants and professional counsel to aid in such investigations, examinations or inquiries.
Coordinate departments. The Town Manager is responsible for the coordination of the administrative heads of each department of town government and for the review and analysis of the operation and administration of all town agencies however established.
Reports. The Town Manager has the power to require all appointed administrative officers and administrative employees of the town to furnish any information connected with or related to their official or assigned duties. Annually, at the request of the Town Manager, the heads of all town agencies shall provide the Town Manager with a comprehensive report analyzing the conditions and operations of their respective agencies, project its need for the ensuing fiscal year and recommend measures to better enable it to meet the objectives and goals set for it.
Advise the Board of Selectmen. The Town Manager has the power to appear before and address the Board of Selectmen at any meeting with the right to take part in its discussion. The Town Manager shall make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen and deliver messages to the Board of Selectmen and to the people.
Perform duties. Each officer shall perform all duties required of the office by state law, the Northbridge Home Rule Charter, this Code and any other bylaws, Town Meeting votes and rules or regulations of the town applicable to the office, and such other duties not in conflict therewith as may be required by the Town Manager.
Department heads.
Be responsible to the Town Manager. The heads of departments are immediately responsible to the Town Manager for the effective administration of their respective departments and all activities assigned thereto.
[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
Inaugurate sound practices. The heads of departments shall keep informed as to the latest practices in their particular fields and shall inaugurate, with the approval of the Town Manager, such new practices as appear to be of benefit and service to the public.
Report to the Town Manager. The heads of departments shall submit quarterly and annual reports of the activities of their departments to the Town Manager.
[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
Maintain records. The heads of departments shall establish and maintain systems of filing and indexing records and reports in sufficient detail to furnish all information necessary for proper control of departmental activities and to form a basis for the periodic reports to the Town Manager and to the Board of Selectmen.
Authority over employees. The heads of departments have the power, when authorized by the Town Manager, to appoint and remove, subject to personnel system regulations and the provisions of any applicable collective bargaining agreements, all subordinates under them.
[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
Maintain equipment. The heads of department are responsible for the proper maintenance of all town property and equipment used in their departments.
[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
Departments. Each department shall furnish, upon the direction of the Town Manager, to any other department such service, labor and materials as may be requisitioned by the head of such other department, and as its own facilities permit, through the same procedure and subject to the same audit and control as other expenditures are incurred.
[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
Operation of administrative service.
[Amended 10-24-2006 ATM, Art. 23]
Office hours. All offices and departments in the administrative service shall be open to conduct the public business during such days and hours as may be determined from time to time by the Town Manager.
Make weekly deposits. All offices and departments in the administrative service shall, at least weekly, deposit with the Town Treasurer any moneys received directly from the public.