All signs shall comply with the regulations for the erection
and construction of signs contained in the Northbridge Building Code.
In addition, no sign shall be permitted except as follows.
Signs permitted in any Residential District shall include:
A. One sign for each dwelling unit, provided that such sign shall not
exceed two square feet in surface area. If lighted, it shall be illuminated
with white light by indirect method only; and it shall not be used
other than for identifying the occupancy.
B. One sign for each community facility or public utility use, provided
that the sign shall not exceed 12 square feet in surface area. If
lighted, it shall be illuminated with white light by indirect method
only; and it shall set back at least 1/2 of the required depth of
the front yard.
C. One unlighted sign offering premises for sale or lease for each parcel
in one ownership, provided that it shall not exceed four square feet
in surface area; and it shall set back at least 1/2 of the required
depth of the front yard.
D. One unlighted temporary sign of a painter or other artisan, erected
during the period such person is performing work on the premises on
which such sign is erected, provided that it shall not exceed four
square feet in surface area; and it shall set back at least 1/2 of
the required depth of the front yard.
Signs permitted in the business districts shall include any
sign permitted in the R Districts, subject to the same provisions
of use, and any two of the following types of signs:
A. One pole sign for each street frontage of an automotive service establishment
within a Business Two (B-2) and/or a Business Three (B-3) District
shall be permitted, provided that it shall not exceed 60 square feet
in surface area, no portion of it shall set back less than five feet
from any street lot line, it shall not be erected so that any portion
of it is over 30 feet above the ground or sidewalk and, if lighted,
it shall be illuminated internally with white or blue lights only.
[Amended 10-23-2007 ATM, Art. 10]
B. One wall sign for each lot street frontage of each building unit,
provided that it shall be attached to the main wall of a building,
it shall not project horizontally more than 12 inches therefrom, it
shall be erected no more than 30 feet above the ground or sidewalk,
it shall not exceed 60 square feet in surface area and, if lighted,
it shall be illuminated internally or by reflector method with white
or blue lights only.
[Amended 10-26-1993 ATM, Art. 11]
C. One projecting sign for each lot, street frontage of each building
unit, provided that it shall be attached to the main wall of a building,
it shall project horizontally not more than six feet therefrom, it
shall be erected at a height of not less than 10 feet nor more than
30 feet above the ground or sidewalk, it shall not exceed 40 square
feet in surface area and, if lighted, it shall be illuminated internally
with white or blue lights only.
D. Freestanding signs within the Business One (B-1) and Heritage (H)
Zoning District shall be limited to monument-style. Freestanding pylon
type or pole signs shall not be permitted within the Business One
(B-1) and Heritage (H) Zoning Districts.
[Added 10-23-2007 ATM, Art. 10]