Passed May, 1811. (Special Law)
Resolved by this Assembly, that license and authority by, and the same is hereby granted to George Lord of East Haddam, and Eber Rutly of Haddam, their heirs, executors, and assigns, to have, use and keep a ferry across Connecticut River from East Haddam Landing to Haddam, at the place where the same has been usually kept by said Lord and Rutly; and license and authority is hereby granted to said Lord and Rutly, their heirs, executors and assigns, to take and receive all the emoluments, profits and fares which may arise from the transportation of passengers and other things across said river by said ferry to the sole use and benefit of them, the said Lord and Rutly, their heirs, executors and assigns, during the pleasure of this Assembly, and subject to such alterations as this Assembly may in future adopt.
And the said Lord and Rutly, their heirs, executors and assigns shall at all times during the continuance of this grant, keep a sufficient and suitable boat or boats in good repair for the purpose of transporting passengers, horses, carriages and everything proper and necessary to be transported in ferry boats across said river, and shall procure and keeping constant readiness, a sufficient number of men as circumstances may require to manage said boat or boats in transporting passengers, and whatever else may be necessary to be transported as aforesaid.
And the fare of said ferry shall be and remain the same as is now established by law.