[Amended 6-7-1993]
Every person who is a citizen of the United States of America, is at least 18 years of age, has resided within the corporate limits of the town for at least 30 days next preceding any town election and is registered to vote in accordance with the provisions of this Charter shall be a qualified voter of the town. Every qualified voter of the town shall be entitled to vote at any town election.
No person shall vote in a municipal election who is disqualified from voting in any state election under the laws of this state or the United States of America.
Membership; terms; vacancy; compensation. There shall be a Board of Supervisors of Elections consisting of three members, who shall be appointed by the Commissioners on or before the first Tuesday in February in each even-numbered year and who shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are appointed and qualified. Members of the Board of Supervisors of Elections shall be qualified voters of the town and shall not hold or be candidates for any governmental elective office during their term of office. The Board shall elect one of its members as Chair and one as Vice Chair. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by the Commissioners for the remainder of the unexpired term. The compensation of the members of the Board and employees of the Board shall be determined by the Commissioners.
Removal. Any member of the Board of Supervisors of Elections may be removed for good cause by the Commissioners. Before removal, the member of the Board of Supervisors of Elections to be removed shall be given a written copy of the charges and shall have a public hearing on said charges before the Commissioners, if so requested in writing, within 10 days after receiving the written copy of the charges. The decision of the Commissioners after such hearing shall be publicly announced within two days after such hearing and shall be conclusive and final.
Powers and duties. The Board of Supervisors of Elections shall be in charge of the registration of voters, candidates and all town elections. The Board may appoint election clerks or other employees to assist it in any of its duties.
[Amended 6-7-1993]
Notice. The Board of Supervisors of Elections shall give at least one month's notice of every town election by advertisement published at least two times in at least one newspaper published in the Town of Princess Anne and having general circulation therein and by posting a notice thereof in some public place or places in the town.
Citizens of the Town of Princess Anne may register to vote in town elections at the Town Hall (Municipal Building) on any regular working day between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Registration shall be permanent and no person shall be entitled to vote in town elections unless that person is registered by the Board of Supervisors of Elections for the Town of Princess Anne. It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors of Elections to keep the registration list up-to-date by striking from the list persons known to have died or to have become otherwise disqualified as voters under the provisions of this Charter. The Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed, by ordinance, to adopt and enforce any provisions necessary to establish and maintain a system of permanent registration and to provide for re-registration when necessary.
Appeals. If any person shall feel aggrieved by the action of the Board of Supervisors of Elections in refusing to register or in striking off the name of any person or by any other action, such person may appeal to the Commissioners. Any decision or action of the Commissioners upon such appeals may be appealed to the Circuit Court of Somerset County within 30 days of the decision or action of the Commissioners.
Effective January 1, 1990. According to the procedures described in the Annotated Code of Maryland, State Election Code, Article 33, § 3-2(d), residents of the town who are registered with the county to vote in county, state and federal elections will also be qualified to vote in town elections. In addition, every person who is qualified to vote under the provisions of Section 301 of this Charter shall be automatically registered to vote in all county elections.
Filing. A person wishing their name to be placed on the ballot may file as a candidate for elective office in the town by filing a certificate of candidacy accompanied by a filing fee of $10 at the office of the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the town on or before the second Monday in May next preceding the town election. A person wishing to be a write-in candidate must file as a candidate for elective office in the town by filing a certificate of candidacy accompanied by a filing fee of $10 at the office of the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the town by 4:30 p.m. on the 7th day before the start of voting for which the certificate is filed. The name of a write-in candidate will not appear on the ballot. No person shall file as a candidate for more than one elective town public office or hold more than one elective town public office at any one time.
[Amended 12-17-2017 by Res. No. 2018-04]
Form. The form of the certificate of candidacy for election shall be as provided by the office of the Town Manager. The form shall include a space for the person filing as candidate to declare which election district that person votes in and whether that person is a candidate for election in that district or at-large.
[Amended 9-13-2004 by Res. No. 2004-10]
Creation of district. There shall be two districts created within the Town of Princess Anne each of which shall be entitled to elect two Commissioners to the Town Commission.
At-large candidate. In addition to the four Commissioners elected from the two districts, a fifth Commissioner shall be elected at large.
Date and term. On the first Tuesday in June in every even-numbered year the Board of Supervisors of Elections for the town shall conduct an election to elect Town Commissioners. Beginning June 1992, and every four years thereafter, an election shall be held to elect one Commissioner from each town election district. The two Commissioner vacancies up for election in 1992 shall be the two Commission seats that were elected to two-year terms in 1990. Also, in June 1994 and every four years thereafter, an election shall be held to elect one Commissioner from each town election district and also to elect one Commissioner at large. Thus, the town's governing body shall consist of five Commissioners elected to four-year staggered terms in elections held every two years. Each of the elected officials that constitutes the town's governing body shall have a vote regarding all town business.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors of Elections to provide for each special and general election a suitable place or places for voting and suitable ballot boxes and ballots and/or voting machines. The ballots and/or voting machines shall show the name of each certified candidate who has filed for elective office in accordance with the provisions of the Town Charter, arranged in alphabetical order by office with no party designation of any kind. The ballots and/or voting machines must provide a means by which a voter may cast votes for a write-in candidate. The Board of Supervisors of Elections shall keep the polls open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on election days. All persons who are standing in line to vote at 7:00 p.m. shall be allowed to vote.
[Amended 12-17-2017 by Res. No. 2018-04]
It shall be the duty of the Board of Election Supervisors to report to the Town Commissioners at the close of the time when persons may file a certificate of candidacy for election if there are not a sufficient number of candidates to create a contested election, in either district or for Commissioner at-large. In this situation, the Commissioners shall then by resolution cancel any such election.
All special town elections shall be conducted by the Board of Supervisors of Elections in the same manner and with the same personnel, as far as practicable, as regular town elections.
There shall be no campaigning or electioneering by any person on election day within 100 feet of the polls.
Within 48 hours after the close of the polls, the Board of Supervisors of Elections shall determine the vote cast for each candidate or question on the ballot and shall certify the results of the election to the Town Manager, who shall record the results in the minutes of the Commissioners, and the Supervisors of Elections shall further certify the results of the election to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Somerset County, who shall record the results among the county records of the Clerk's office in the customary manner.
The one candidate in election district one and the one candidate in election district two with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The one candidate for election for Commissioner-at-large with the highest number of votes shall be elected.
All ballots used in any town election shall be preserved for at least six months from the date of the election. In the event voting machines are used, then the Supervisors of Elections shall tally such voting records, and a certified record of such tally shall be preserved for at least six months from the date of the election.
The Commissioners shall have the power to provide, by ordinance, in every respect not covered by the provisions of this Charter, for the conduct of registration, candidacy and town elections and for the prevention of fraud in connection therewith and for a recount of ballots in case of doubt or fraud. In the event the Town Charter or ordinances of the Commissioners are not applicable, then the Public General Laws of Maryland, as set forth in the then existing Code, as amended, shall govern the conduct of registration, candidacy and town elections.
Any person who fails to perform any duty required of him under the provisions of this article or any ordinances passed thereunder, in any manner willfully or corruptly violates any of the provisions of this article or any ordinances passed thereunder or willfully or corruptly does anything which will or will tend to affect fraudulently any registration, candidacy or town election shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Any officer or employee of the town government who is convicted of a misdemeanor under the provisions of this section shall immediately, upon conviction thereof, cease to hold such office or employment. All persons, including but not limited to such officers or employees, convicted before a Trial Magistrate of Somerset County sitting in Princess Anne or before the Circuit Court of Somerset County of a misdemeanor under the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Section 1404A of the Charter.