The town shall operate on an annual budget. The fiscal year of the town shall begin on the first day of July and shall end on the last day of June in each year. Such fiscal year shall constitute the budget year and the accounting year.
The Town Manager, on such date as the Commissioners, by ordinance, shall deem, but not later than the last Tuesday in May of each year, shall submit a budget to the Commissioners. The budget shall provide a complete financial plan for the budget year and shall contain estimates of anticipated revenues and proposed expenditures for the coming fiscal year. The total of anticipated revenues shall equal or exceed the total of proposed expenditures. The budget shall be a public record in the office of the Town Manager open to public inspection during normal business hours.
Before adopting the budget, the Commissioners shall hold a public hearing thereon after one notice thereof in some newspaper or newspapers having a general circulation in the Town of Princess Anne. The Commissioners may insert new items or may increase or decrease the items of the budget. Where the Commissioners shall increase the total proposed expenditures, they shall also increase the total anticipated revenues in an amount at least equal to the total proposed expenditures. The budget shall be prepared and adopted in the form of an ordinance. A favorable vote of a majority of the Commissioners shall be necessary for adoption.
No public money may be expended without having been appropriated by the Commissioners. From the effective date of the budget, the several amounts stated therein as proposed expenditures shall be and become appropriated to the several obligations and purposes named therein, except as modified by the provisions of Section 805 of the Town Charter.
The Town Manager may transfer budget funds within major appropriations and, with the approval or upon the authority of the Commissioners, may transfer budget funds between and among major appropriations.
[Amended 11-2-1992]
Except as provided in Subsection B of this section no employee or elected official of the town shall, during any budget year, expend or contract to expend any money or incur any liability or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money for any purpose in excess of the amounts appropriated from or transferred to the general classification of expenditure pursuant to this Charter. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this Charter shall be null and void. Nothing in this section, however, shall prevent the making of contracts or the spending of money for capital improvements to be financed, in whole or in part, by the issuance of bonds or by moneys to be borrowed for that specific purpose, nor the making of contracts of lease or for services for a period exceeding the budget year in which such contract is made when such contract is otherwise permitted by law.
Total appropriations may be increased by the reserved portions of fund balance, except the reserve for prepaid expenses cannot increase total appropriations because of its non-monetary nature and lack of liquidity.
Total appropriations may be further increased by the designated portions of fund balance if extraordinary circumstances develop within the current year to cause the use of the following unreserved fund balances.
Designated fund balance for future financial resources.
Designated fund balance for the second succeeding fiscal year.
The use of designated fund balances requires a public hearing to consider all options available to meet an extraordinary circumstance that has developed involving the town's financial resources.
[Amended 11-2-1992]
All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the budget year to the extent that they shall not have been expended or lawfully reserved or designated. The Commissioners may at their discretion reserve surplus funds for the purpose of emergencies, or to be designated for capital improvements. This reserve shall not exceed 20% of total general fund assets. Any unreserved and undesignated funds shall be considered an undesignated fund balance at the end of the budget year and shall be included among the anticipated revenues for the second succeeding budget year.
All checks issued in payment of salaries or other municipal obligations shall be issued by the Town Manager and shall be signed and countersigned by any two of the following:
Town Manager.
Town Bookkeeper.
President of the Commissioners.
The Commissioners may, for cause, rescind this power at any time and provide for appropriate means for disbursement of funds.
All real property and all tangible personal property within the corporate limits of the town or personal property which may have a situs there by reason of the residence of the owner therein shall be subject to taxation for municipal purposes, and the assessment used shall be the same as that for county taxes. No authority is given by this section to impose taxes on any property which is exempt from taxation by any act of the General Assembly.
From the effective date of the budget, the amount stated therein as the amount to be raised by the property tax shall constitute a determination of the amount of the tax levy in the corresponding tax year.
Immediately after the levy is made by the Commissioners in each year, the Town Manager shall give notice of the making of the levy by at least two publications thereof in some newspaper or newspapers published in the town and having general circulation therein and by posting a notice thereof in some public place or places in the town. The Town Manager shall make out and mail or deliver in person to each taxpayer or agent of a taxpayer at the last known address a bill or account of the taxes due from that taxpayer. This bill or account shall contain a statement of the amount of real and personal property with which the taxpayer is assessed, the rate of taxation, the amount of taxes due and the date on which the taxes will bear interest. Failure to give or receive any notice required by this section shall not relieve any taxpayer of the responsibility to pay on the dates established by this Charter all taxes levied on property owned by the taxpayer.
The taxes provided for in Section 810 of this Charter shall be due and payable on the first day of July in the year for which they are levied and shall be overdue and in arrears on the first day of the following October. They shall bear interest while in arrears at the rate of 1 1/2% for each month or fraction of a month until paid. All taxes not paid and in arrears after the first day of the following January shall be collected as provided in Section 813 of the Town Charter.
List of tax-delinquent property. A list of all property on which the town taxes have not been paid and which are in arrears as provided by Section 812 of the Town Charter shall be compiled by the Town Manager. The taxes due thereon shall be collected by the Town Manager in the manner and according to the procedure set forth by the laws of the State of Maryland and of Somerset County providing for the sale of tax delinquent property by the County Treasurer.
Tax sale deed. When the sale of town real estate is made in conformity to the provisions of this article and said sale has been duly ratified by the Circuit Court for Somerset County, the Commissioners of Princess Anne shall give a deed conveying said property to the purchaser thereof, and it shall not be necessary in said deed to recite all the proceedings contained in the report of sale, but it shall be sufficient merely to give in said deed the number of the chancery case in which the sale is reported and make it a part of the deed for a more full and complete description of the proceedings and property, but it shall be necessary for said deed to show the former owner of the property it conveys. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Somerset County, in whose office the same must be recorded, shall index it not only in the name of the grantor and grantee, but also in the name of and as from the former owner to the grantee.
Claims for uncollected taxes. All claims for erroneous, insolvent or uncollectible tax bills for which said Town Manager of Princess Anne shall claim a credit shall be presented to said Commissioners of Princess Anne before or at the time of his/her yearly settlement with them, and in no case shall said Commissioners allow credit for erroneous, insolvent or uncollectible taxes, unless satisfactory proof shall be produced under oath that the same are not collectible and that the land is not worth the taxes.
All fees received by an officer or employee of the town government in the official capacity of the position shall belong to the town government and be accounted for to the town.
The financial books and accounts of the town shall be audited annually as required by §§ 35 to 41, inclusive, of Article 19 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition, as amended.
Authorization. The Commissioners of Princess Anne are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time upon the faith and credit of said municipal corporation sums not to exceed 8% of the annual assessable tax base of the town in total at any one time outstanding at a rate of interest not exceeding the prevailing interest rate and to execute the promissory note or notes of said Commissioners of Princess Anne for any amount so borrowed, to be signed by the President of said Commissioners and countersigned by the Town Manager, to mature not later than 40 years from the date of the execution of said notes, but said money shall be borrowed and said notes shall be issued only in the manner and for the purposes in this Charter provided.
[Amended 2-11-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-1]
Repayment. At the time of issuing any promissory note or notes as provided by Subsection A of this section, the Commissioners of Princess Anne shall make provisions for the payment and liquidation of said notes and interest either from the current tax receipts of said town or from the water rents or other sources of revenue available to said Commissioners of Princess Anne.
The power and obligation of the town to pay any and all bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued by it under the authority of this Charter shall be unlimited, and the town shall levy ad valorem taxes upon all the taxable property of the town for the payment of such bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness and interest thereon without limitation of amount. The faith and credit of the town is hereby pledged for the payment of the principal of and the interest on all bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness hereafter issued under the authority of this Charter, whether or not such pledge is stated in the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness or in the ordinance authorizing their issuance.
All bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness validly issued by the town previous to May 28, 1958, and all ordinances passed concerning them are hereby declared to be valid, legal and binding and of full force and effect as if herein fully set forth.
[Amended 5-10-2010 by Res. No. 2010-09]
All purchases and contracts for the town government shall be made by the Town Manager. The Commissioners may provide, by ordinance, for rules and regulations regarding the use of competitive bidding and contracts for all town purchases and contracts. All expenditures for supplies, materials, equipment, construction of public improvements or contractual services involving more than $25,000 shall be made on written contract. The Town Manager shall be required to advertise for sealed bids, in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance, for all such written contracts. Such written contracts shall be awarded to the bidder who offers the lowest or best bid, quality of goods and work, time of delivery or completion and responsibility of bidders being considered. All such written contracts shall be approved by the Commissioners before becoming effective. The Town Manager shall have the right to reject all bids and re-advertise. The town at any time, in its discretion, may employ its own forces for the construction or reconstruction of public improvements without advertising for or re-advertising for or receiving bids. All written contracts may be protected by such bonds, penalties and conditions as the town may require.