[Adopted 2-24-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-4]
Purpose. United States Postal Service Regulations require mailboxes to be located at or near the curbline. On public roadways, this area is part of the Township's right-of-way (ROW), thereby constituting public property. The Township of Robbinsville also recognizes that property owners, lessees, tenants, occupants or persons in charge of said property, building, or structure abutting the ROW, are sometimes limited in where they can locate mailboxes due to the United States Postal Regulations. Notwithstanding, property owners, lessees, tenants, occupants or persons in charge of said property, building, or structure abutting the ROW must realize that a thorough and efficient snow removal operation is essential for public health and safety. At times, mailboxes may be damaged as a result of the weight of the snow or because mailboxes may be located too close to the traveled portion of a roadway. Further, some property owners install elaborate mailbox structures that, although aesthetically pleasing, do not enhance the basic function of the mailbox.
The Township of Robbinsville will repair or replace, at the Township's sole discretion, any mailbox damaged through the action of its public employees (such as during snow removal) up to a maximum of $100. The property owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or person in charge of said property, building, or structure abutting a ROW in which a mailbox is located, however, shall be responsible for removing any anchoring device or foundation from a damaged mailbox at their own cost and expense.