[HISTORY: Adopted Malone Village Board 2-14-1947.]
Editor's Note: See also, Ch. 50, Sunday Sports, p. 5001, supra.
No person or corporation shall conduct any moving-picture or vaudeville show, theatorium or other public place of amusement having its principal feature moving pictures, with or without musical accompaniment to the same, nor shall any person or corporation rent any building for theatre purposes within Malone Village except on the grounds of the Franklin County Agricultural Society during their annual fair, without procuring a license therefor, issued under the hand of the Village Clerk. Any person or corporation owning, operating or maintaining any such public place of amusement as described in this section without first having procured a license herein required shall be liable to a penalty of $25, to be recovered by Malone Village in a civil action.
Such license shall be granted to such person or corporation as may be approved by the Board of Trustees. Such license shall continue in force from the date thereof to the 31st day of August next succeeding unless sooner forfeited or revoked, and shall specify the person or persons to whom and the place for which it may be granted and shall not be assignable or transferable except with the consent of the Board of Trustees in writing and shall further specify that the same is granted and accepted subject to the statutes and laws governing the same and subject to being revoked by the Board of Trustees when, in their judgment, the conditions on which it was granted shall have been violated, and such license shall be granted only on payment to the Village Clerk, in advance, of such sum as the Board of Trustees may by resolution determine.
No person shall exhibit or assist to exhibit any show, entertainment or performance not included in the above, for money, within the limits of Malone Village, except on the grounds of the Franklin County Agricultural Society during their annual fair, without a license for that purpose, under a penalty of $25 for each offense, but for the delivery of a literary, historical or scientific lecture or for entertainment in connection with a lecture course or for an amateur performance a license is not required. License when required for any such exhibitions may be granted upon payment of the following sums, namely: For the exhibition of a circus, the sum of not less than $50 nor more than $150 per day; for any other exhibition the sum of not less than $5 nor more than $25 per day.