Application. No person shall open or cause to be opened by cutting or digging the surface, pavement, sidewalk or curbing or soil in any street, highway or public place under the jurisdiction of the Village without first obtaining the written consent of the appropriate Village official and paying the prescribed fees therefor, or without complying with the provisions and conditions relating thereto as hereinafter provided.
Fees established by Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall by resolution establish a uniform set of fees, for the written consent, which shall be based upon the estimated actual costs and expenses to be borne by the Village in restoring the street, highway or other public property to its former usefulness. The Board of Trustees may, from time to time, change said fees to reflect changes in costs and expenses.
Any person making or causing to be made any such excavation in the streets, highways or public places of the Village shall properly guard or barricade such excavation at all times and shall install and maintain adequate and sufficient warning devices to warn the public and shall restore the street, highway or public property to its former usefulness according to § 112-3.
All excavated materials shall be removed, following which all openings shall be carefully backfilled for their entire length, width and depth in the street or highway area, including the area between the curb and the property line, with bank-run gravel or crushed stone, well-tamped. Additional bank-run gravel or crushed stone shall be added by the permittee as long as any settlement occurs, following which the pavement, curbing or other improvements shall be restored either by the permittee or the Village as determined in the permit.
Bond in lieu of paying fees. Public service corporations may, in lieu of paying the fees established pursuant to § 112-1 of this chapter, file with the Village Clerk a bond to be approved as to form, amount and sufficiency of sureties by the Village Attorney, conditioned upon the proper restoration of streets, highways and public places, in accordance with the directions of the appropriate Village official and to his satisfaction; the payment to the Village, upon demand, of any costs and expenses incurred by said Village; and the saving of the Village of Dundee, its officers and employees, harmless from any loss, injury or damage due to opening streets, highways, or public places, or to any negligence or fault of such corporations, their employees or agents, in connection therewith.
Separate permits not required; amount of bond. All persons engaged within the Village of Dundee in the telephone, gas or electric business or any other business, the nature of which would require or result in frequent applications for permits to make obstructions or excavations in the streets, highways or public places of the Village, shall not, however, be required to obtain separate permits, but in such cases a general bond shall be given in lieu of any permit indemnifying the Village of Dundee from any and all loss, cost or damage as aforesaid resulting or arising directly or indirectly at any time from any act done by said public service corporation. Said bond shall be in the amount as determined by the Board of Trustees and shall be renewed annually, or as long as such person continues to do business within the Village of Dundee.
Notification required.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, public service corporations shall advise the appropriate Village official in writing as soon as feasible but no later than 30 days prior to making any obstructions or excavations of its intention to do so, except in case of emergency, in which event notification shall be made as soon as possible prior to or after the emergency and need not be in writing.
The appropriate Village official shall have the power and authority to direct any public service corporation to coordinate its work with the Village, its independent contractors or other persons authorized to make excavations or work in streets, highways or public places.
Backfilling requirements. Excavations made by a public service corporation must be backfilled by it with bank-run gravel or crushed stone, in accordance with the provisions of § 112-3 of this chapter, except that the pavement, curing and other improvements must be restored by and at the expense of said corporation.
Applications. Applications for making an excavation in or upon any public street, highway or other public place within the Village of Dundee will be accepted only if they are made by:
A public service corporation having on file with the Village Clerk a bond as required in § 112-4 of this chapter.
Any other person whose application shall be accompanied by a bond in the amount as determined by the Board of Trustees, approved as to form and sufficiency of sureties by the Village Attorney, to be given by the person by or in whose behalf such consent or permissions is requested, indemnifying the Village of Dundee against all loss, cost, damage or expense sustained or recovered on account of any negligence, omission or act of the applicant.
The Board of Trustees may in its discretion accept a certificate of insurance in an amount determined by it revocable only on 30 days' notice in lieu of the aforesaid bonds.
Barriers and warning devices. Any person making or causing to be made an excavation or opening in any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place shall keep such excavation or opening fenced and barricaded with substantial barriers to secure public safety and shall place and keep in operation suitable warning devices to warn all persons of such excavation, opening or obstruction.
Interference prohibited. No unauthorized person shall remove or in any way interfere with any such warning devices or barriers.
All work done pursuant to this chapter shall be done and performed subject to the supervision and approval of the appropriate Village official designated by the Board of Trustees.