[Ord. 153, 9/14/2004, § 1]
The office of Township Manager is hereby created by the Board of Supervisors of Ralpho Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 153, 9/14/2004, § 2]
The Township Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term by a majority of all members of the Board of Supervisors of Ralpho Township. The Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the Supervisors and may be removed at any time by majority vote of all the Board members. At least 30 days prior to such removal becoming effective, the Board of Supervisors shall furnish the Manager with a written statement setting forth its intention to remove him or her.
[Ord. 153, 9/14/2004, § 3]
The Manager shall be chosen solely on the basis of his or her executive and administrative abilities, together with special consideration to the ability to address specific needs of Ralpho Township.
[Ord. 153, 9/14/2004, § 4]
The Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of Ralpho Township and shall be directly responsible to the Board of Supervisors for the proper and efficient administration of Township affairs. More specific powers and duties for the Manager may be set and modified at any time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 153, 9/14/2004, § 5]
The compensation of the Manager shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Supervisors of Ralpho Township.
[Ord. 153, 9/14/2004, § 6]
Before entering and embarking upon the duties of Township Manager, the Manager shall give a surety bond, to be approved by the Board of Supervisors, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties. The sum shall be established by the Supervisors and the premium of the bond shall be paid by the Township.
[Ord. 153, 9/14/2004, § 7]
If the Manager becomes ill or needs to be absent from the Township, he shall have a previously designated qualified person to perform the duties of the Manager during the time of his or her absence or disability. In the event the illness or disability shall exist for a period of longer than one week, the Board of Supervisors must approve the person so designated to act in the Manager's absence.