The regular election for the choice of members of the town council and the superintending school committee must be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November each year, to coincide with the State general elections.
Any qualified resident voter of the town may be nominated for the council or superintending school committee in accordance with the statutes of the State of Maine.
The provisions of the statutes of the State of Maine relating to the qualifications of voters, the registration of voters, the nominations for any office, the manner of voting, absentee voting, the duties of election officers and all other particulars relative to preparation for, conducting and management of elections, so far as they may be applicable, govern all elections, except as otherwise provided in this charter. (P & S.L. 1969, Ch. 23)
The town council shall annually, or at least 10 days before any election, appoint a warden and a clerk, in addition to the regular ballot clerks, for each voting place.
There must be a registrar of voters who is appointed by the Council and has such powers and performs such duties as provided by law.