[Adopted 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 22-01[1]. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance superseded former Ch. 16.1, General Provisions, as amended.
This title is known, and may be cited as, the "Land Use and Development Code of the Town of Kittery, Maine."
Application of title. The provisions of this title pertain to all the land and water areas as herein defined within the boundaries of the Town.
This title is designed for all the purposes of zoning embraced in the Maine Revised Statutes and has been created as an integral part of a growth management program, comprehensive planning, and implementation process for the Town to promote the health, safety and general welfare of its residents.
Among other things, zoning is designed to:
Encourage the most appropriate use of land and water throughout the Town;
Promote traffic safety;
Provide safety from fire and other elements;
Provide adequate light and air;
Prevent overcrowding of real property;
Prevent development in unsuitable areas;
Promote an adequate transportation and circulation system;
Control and manage the coordinated development of unbuilt areas;
Encourage the formation of community units;
Provide an allotment of land area in new developments sufficient for all the requirements of community life;
Conserve energy and natural resources and protect the environment;
Preserve land values; and
Provide for adequate public services.
The Planning Board and Code Enforcement Officer administer this title and have the duties as prescribed herein.
Conflict within this title. Where the requirements of this title are in conflict with each other, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standards governs.
Conflict with other laws. Wherever the requirements of this title are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, ordinances, deed restrictions or covenants, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standards governs.
In the event that any section, subsection or any portion of this title is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, such decision does not affect the validity of any other section, subsection or other portion of this title; to this end, the provisions of this title are declared to be severable.
For the purposes of this title:
The word "person" includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company or corporation as well as an individual;
The present tense includes the future tense;
Words used in the singular include the plural and words used in the plural include the singular;
The words "shall" and "must" are mandatory, the word "may" is permissive;
The words "used" or "occupied" include the words "intended," "designed," or "arranged to be used or occupied";
The word "dwelling" includes the word "residence";
The word "lot" includes the words "plot" and parcel";
In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this chapter and any map or illustration, the text shall control;
Terms not defined shall have their customary dictionary meaning.
No amendments to this title may be adopted until after the Planning Board and the Town Council have held a public hearing thereon. Public notice of the hearing must be published as required by 30-A M.R.S.A. § 4352. Said amendments are effective as provided by the Town Charter.
This chapter outlines requirements for conformity; discusses nonconformance and waivers; and defines various development review thresholds and requirements to further the safe and orderly development of the Town.
Conformity required. No building, structure or land may hereafter be used or occupied, and no building or structure or part thereof may hereafter be erected, constructed, expanded, moved or altered, and no new lot may be created except in conformity with all of the regulations herein specified for the zone where it is located, unless such structure or use exists as a legally nonconforming use or a variance is granted. See § 16.7.11B and § 16.8.10D for specific requirements related to septic waste disposal systems.
Minimums and uniformity. The regulations specified by this title for each class of district are minimum requirements and apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure or land.
Land within street lines. Land within the lines of a street on which a lot abuts is not considered as part of such lot for the purposes of meeting the area/frontage requirements of Chapter 16.4, notwithstanding the fact that the fee to such land may be in the owner of such lot.
Yard, parking or loading space. No part of a yard or other space or off-street parking or loading space about or in connection with any building and required for the purpose of complying with this title may be included as part of a yard, open space or off-street parking or loading space similarly required for any other building, except as authorized in § 16.7.11F.
Zone boundary line extension. Where a zoning district boundary line divides a lot, the regulations applicable to either zone of such lot may extend not more than 50 feet into the portion in the other zone(s), except when a less restrictive portion abuts the Resource Protection Zone.
Before granting any such extension, the Planning Board must determine that the proposed use of the extended portion will:
Not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of properties in the adjacent zone;
Be in harmony with the character of the adjacent zone;
Not adversely affect the property values of adjacent zone's immediate neighborhoods;
Not create any traffic hazards or undue traffic congestion on streets in the adjacent zone;
Not give off obnoxious gases, odors, smoke or soot;
Not cause disturbing emission of electrical discharges, dust, light, vibration or noise; and
Be adequately screened from the adjacent zone.
The Planning Board may require a study to be performed or commissioned by the applicant to ensure compliance with the above requirements.
Averaging building setbacks. Building setback from the street line need not be greater than the average of the setback distances of the buildings on the lots next thereto on either side.
Purpose. The purpose of this title is to promote land use conformities and to regulate nonconforming structures, uses, and lots, and to promote the following objectives.
Prohibitions and allowances.
Except as otherwise provided in this title, a nonconforming condition must not be permitted to become more nonconforming.
Nonconforming vacant lots of record may be developed, maintained or repaired.
Nonconforming uses may continue, may be changed to an equal or more appropriate nonconforming use, or be changed to a conforming use.
Transfer of ownership. Legally nonconforming structures, lots, and uses may be transferred, and the new owner may continue the nonconforming use or continue to use the nonconforming structure and/or lot, subject to the provisions of this title.
Repair and maintenance. This title allows the normal upkeep and maintenance of nonconforming uses and structures including repairs or renovations that do not involve expansion of the nonconforming use or structure that is not otherwise permitted by this title, and such other changes in a nonconforming use or structure as federal, state, or local building and safety codes may require.
Nonconforming parking or loading space. A structure and/or use which is nonconforming as to the requirements for off-street loading and/or parking spaces may not be enlarged or added to unless off-street space is provided sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this title for both the original and addition or enlargement of the structure or use.
Nonconforming structures.
Nonconforming structure relocation. Except where otherwise permitted in this title, relocation of a nonconforming structure must be approved by the Board of Appeals. In cases where the structure is located in the Shoreland or Resource Protection Overlay Zone, the relocation must be approved by the Planning Board.
A nonconforming structure may be relocated within the boundaries of the parcel on which the structure is located provided the site of relocation conforms to all dimensional requirements, to the greatest practical extent, as determined by the Planning Board or Board of Appeals, and provided the applicant demonstrates the present subsurface sewage disposal system meets the requirements of state law and the State of Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules, or a new system can be installed in compliance with the law and said rules. In no case may the relocation of a structure be permitted that causes the structure to be more nonconforming. See § 16.7.11B and § 16.8.10D, for other specific requirements related to septic waste disposal systems.
In determining whether the structure relocation meets the setback to the greatest practical extent, the Planning Board or Board of Appeals must consider the following conditions:
The size of the lot;
The slope of the land;
The potential for soil erosion;
The location of other structures on the property and on adjacent properties;
The location of the septic system and other on-site soils suitable for septic systems;
The type and amount of vegetation to be removed to accomplish the relocation.
When it is necessary to remove vegetation within the water or wetland setback area to relocate a structure, replanting of native vegetation to compensate for the destroyed vegetation is required. The Planning Board or Board of Appeals may restrict mowing around and pruning of the replanted native vegetation to encourage a more natural state of growth. Tree removal and vegetation replanting is required as follows, effective February 28, 2015:
Prior to the commencement of on-site construction, areas to remain undisturbed must be clearly marked with stakes and caution tape. All stakes, caution tape, silt fences, and other materials used during construction must remain until all on-site work is completed. Prior to removal, written permission to remove such materials must be given by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Trees removed to relocate a structure must be replanted with at least one native tree, six feet in height, for every tree removed. If more than five trees are planted, no one species of tree can be used to make up more than 50% of the number of trees planted. Replaced trees must be planted no farther from the water or wetland than the trees removed.
Other woody and herbaceous vegetation and ground cover that is removed, or destroyed, to relocate a structure must be reestablished. An area at least the same size as the area where vegetation and/or ground cover was disturbed, damaged, or removed must be reestablished within the setback area. The vegetation and/or ground cover must consist of native vegetation and/or ground cover similar to that disturbed, destroyed or removed.
Where feasible, when a structure is relocated on a parcel, the original location of the structure must be replanted with vegetation consisting of grasses, shrubs, trees or a combination thereof.
If the total footprint of the original structure can be relocated beyond the required setback area, no portion of the relocated structure may be constructed at less than the setback requirement for a new structure.
Nonconforming structure repair and/or expansion.
The Code Enforcement Officer may approve the repair and/or expansion of a nonconforming structure provided the proposed expansion is not located in the base zone setback of the Shoreland Overlay Zone or at any location and meets either of the following criteria:
A vertical expansion that follows the existing building footprint;
Will not result in setbacks less than those existing.
Installation or replacement of solar energy systems and energy storage systems.
[Added 4-11-2022]
Except where otherwise permitted in this title, repair and/or expansion of a nonconforming structure must be approved by the Board of Appeals. In cases where the structure is located in the base zone setback of the Shoreland Overlay or Resource Protection Overlay Zone, the repair and/or expansion must be approved by the Planning Board.
This subsection does not apply to any proposed vertical expansion of a patio, deck or accessory structure permitted to be closer to a water body or to a principal structure in accordance with Table 16.5.30, Minimum Setbacks from Wetlands and Water Bodies.
A nonconforming structure may be repaired or maintained and may be expanded in conformity with the dimensional requirements, such as setback, height, etc., as contained in this title. If the proposed expansion of a nonconforming structure cannot meet the dimensional requirements of this title, the Board of Appeals or the Planning Board will review such expansion application and may approve proposed changes provided the changes are no more nonconforming than the existing condition and the Board of Appeals or the Planning Board makes its decision per § 16.2.12F(2).
Except in the Residential - Village (R-V) Zone, minimum setbacks of residential storage sheds that are less than 121 square feet, one-story residential garages that are less than 577 square feet, and decks less than 251 square feet may be one-half the minimum rear and side yard setbacks, providing the lots are legally nonconforming.
Where the expansion of the residential use within the commercial zones involves an expansion of a structure, the structure must be expanded in conformity with the dimensional requirements contained in this title. If the proposed structure expansion cannot meet the dimensional requirements of this title, the application may be submitted to the Board of Appeals for review as a miscellaneous variation request. In reviewing all such applications, the Board of Appeals must use the criteria established in this section, and then may approve the proposed variations to the dimensional requirements.
The addition of steps and landings, exterior to the structure, does not constitute expansion. Such steps are not to be considered part of the structure for such determination. Step landings may not exceed three feet by three feet in size.
In addition to the standards in the above § 16.1.8C(4)(b)[3][a] through [d], the expansion of nonconforming and the construction of new, enlarged, or replacement foundation beneath a nonconforming structure located in the Shoreland or Resource Protection Overlay Zone must meet the following:
Wherever a new, enlarged, or replacement foundation is constructed under an existing nonconforming structure the structure and new foundation must be placed such that setback requirements are met to the greatest practical extent as determined by the Planning Board, basing its decision on the criteria specified in § 16.1.8C(4)(a), Nonconforming structure relocation.
All new principal and accessory structures, excluding functionally water-dependent uses, must meet the water body, tributary stream, or wetland setback requirements contained in § 16.4.28E. A nonconforming structure may be added to or expanded after obtaining a permit from the same permitting authority as that for a new structure, if such addition or expansion does not increase the nonconformity of the structure and is in accordance with § 16.1.8C(4)(b)[3][e][iv] and [v] below.
If a legally nonconforming principal structure is located partially within 25 feet from the normal high-water line of a water body, tributary stream, or upland edge of a coastal or freshwater wetland, expansion of the footprint and/or height of any portion of the structure that is located within 25 feet of the normal high-water line of a water body, tributary stream, or upland edge of a coastal or freshwater wetland is prohibited even if the expansion will not increase nonconformity with the water body, tributary stream, or wetland setback requirement. Expansion of an accessory structure that is located closer to the normal high-water line of a water body, tributary stream, or upland edge of a coastal or freshwater wetland than the principal structure is prohibited, even if the expansion will not increase nonconformity with the water body, tributary stream, or coastal or freshwater wetland setback requirement.
Notwithstanding § 16.1.8C(4)(b)[3][e][ii], if a legally existing nonconforming principal structure is entirely located less than 25 feet from the normal high-water line of a water body, tributary stream, or upland edge of a coastal or freshwater wetland, that structure may be expanded as follows, as long as all other applicable municipal land use standards are met and the expansion is not prohibited by § 16.1.8C(4)(b)[3][e][ii]:
The maximum total footprint for the principal structure may not be expanded to a size greater than 800 square feet or 30% larger than the footprint that existed on January 1, 1989, whichever is greater. The maximum height of the principal structure may not be made greater than 15 feet or the height of the existing structure, whichever is greater.
All other legally existing nonconforming principal and accessory structures that do not meet the water body, tributary stream, or coastal or freshwater wetland setback requirements may be expanded or altered as follows, as long as other applicable municipal land use standards are met and the expansion is not prohibited by § 16.1.8C(4)(b)[3][e][ii] and [iii], above:
For structures located less than the base zone setback from the normal high-water line of a water body, tributary stream, or upland edge of a coastal or freshwater wetland, the maximum combined total footprint for all structures may not be expanded to a size greater than 1,000 square feet, or 30% larger than the footprint that existed on January 1, 1989, whichever is greater. The maximum height of any portion of a structure that is located within the base zone setback may not be made greater than 20 feet, or the height of the existing structure, whichever is greater.
In addition to the limitations in § 16.1.8C(4)(b)[3][e][v] above, for structures that are legally nonconforming due to their location within the Resource Protection Overlay Zone when located at less than 250 feet from the normal high-water line of a water body or the upland edge of a coastal or freshwater wetland, the maximum combined total footprint for all structures may not be expanded to a size greater than 1,500 square feet, or 30% larger than the footprint that existed at the time the Resource Protection Overlay Zone was established on the lot, whichever is greater. The maximum height of any structure may not be greater than 25 feet, or the height of the existing structure, whichever is greater, except that any portion of those structures located less than the base zone setback from the normal high-water line of a water body, tributary stream, or upland edge of a coastal or freshwater wetland must meet the footprint and height limits in § 16.1.8C(4)(b)[3][e][iv][A] and [v][A], above.
An approved plan for expansion of a nonconforming structure must be recorded by the applicant with the York County Registry of Deeds within 90 days of approval. The recorded plan must show the existing and proposed footprint of the nonconforming structure, the existing and proposed structure height, the footprint of any other structures on the parcel, the Shoreland Overlay Zone and/or the Resource Protection Overlay Zone boundary and evidence of approval by the municipal review authority.
Nonconforming structure reconstruction.
In the Shoreland or Resource Protection Overlay Zone(s), any nonconforming structure which is located less than the required setback from a water body, tributary stream, or coastal or freshwater wetland and which is removed, damaged or destroyed, by any cause, by more than 50% of the assessed value of the structure before such damage, destruction or removal, may be reconstructed or replaced, provided that a permit is obtained within 18 months of the date of said damage, destruction, or removal, and provided that such reconstruction or replacement is in compliance with the water body, tributary stream or coastal or freshwater wetland setback requirement to the greatest practical extent as determined by the Planning Board. In determining whether the structure reconstruction meets the setback to the greatest practical extent the Planning Board must consider, in addition to the criteria in § 16.1.8C(4)(a), Nonconforming structure relocation, the physical condition and type of foundation present, if any.
In the Shoreland or Resource Protection Overlay Zone(s), any nonconforming structure which is located less than the required setback from a water body, tributary stream, or coastal or freshwater wetland and removed, damaged or destroyed by any cause by 50% or less of the assessed value of the structure before such damage, destruction or removal, may be reconstructed in place if a permit is obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer within 12 months of the established date of damage or destruction.
Outside of the Shoreland or Resource Protection Overlay Zone(s), any nonconforming structure which is removed, damaged or destroyed by any cause may be restored or reconstructed in place if a permit is obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer within 18 months of the date of said removal, damage or destruction. Such restoration or reconstruction must not make the structure more nonconforming than the prior nonconforming structure.
Nothing in this section prevents the demolition of the remains of any structure damaged or destroyed. Application for a demolition permit for any structure that has been partially damaged or destroyed must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer.
In the Shoreland or Resource Protection Overlay Zone(s), if the total footprint of the original structure can be reconstructed beyond the required setback area, no portion of the reconstructed structure may be reconstructed at less than the setback requirement for a new structure. If the reconstructed or replacement structure is less than the required setback, it may not be any larger than the original structure, except as allowed in § 16.1.8C(4)(b), Nonconforming structure repair and expansion.
When it is necessary to remove vegetation to reconstruct a structure, vegetation must be replanted in accordance with § 16.1.8C(4)(a)[3], Nonconforming structure relocation.
Except where expressly permitted in this title, in no case may a structure be reconstructed or replaced so as to increase its nonconformity.
Nonconforming uses.
Nonconforming use continuance. The use of land, or structure, lawful at the time such use began, may continue although such use may not meet the provisions of this title.
Resumption of discontinued use prohibited. A nonconforming use discontinued for a period exceeding one year, or which is superseded by a conforming use, loses its status as a permitted nonconforming use. The uses of the land or structure must thereafter meet the provisions of this title. This provision does not apply to the resumption of a use of a residential structure where it can be demonstrated that the structure has been used or maintained for residential occupancy during the preceding five-year period.
Nonconforming use expansion. Expansion of nonconforming uses is prohibited, except nonconforming residential uses may be expanded within existing residential structures. Where the expansion of a nonconforming residential use involves the expansion of a structure, the structure must be expanded in conformity with all requirements as outlined in § 16.1.8C(4), Nonconforming structures.
Nonconforming use change: review authority and evaluations. The reviewing authority may require evaluations be prepared by a person certified and/or qualified to perform the required evaluation. It is the burden and responsibility of the applicant to bear the costs for such evaluations. In the event there are existing official maps, data and/or reports for general use, the applicant is encouraged to submit copies of these documents to the reviewing authority. In determining that no greater adverse impact will occur, the applicant may be required to submit an evaluation in writing regarding the probable effects on public health and safety, erosion and sedimentation, water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, vegetative cover, visual and actual points of public access to waters, natural beauty, floodplain management, archaeological and historic resources, and commercial fishing and maritime activities, and other functionally water-dependent uses.
The Town Planner and the Code Enforcement Officer may approve the change of use of a nonconforming structure where it can be deemed the proposed use is a conforming use and the proposed use does not impact a water body, tributary stream, or wetland.
Outside the areas regulated by Shoreland Overlay Zone or Resource Protection Overlay Zone, an existing nonconforming use may be changed to another nonconforming use with approval of the Board of Appeals.
Within areas regulated by Shoreland Overlay Zone or Resource Protection Overlay Zone, an existing nonconforming use may be changed to another nonconforming use with the approval of the Planning Board.
Nonconforming lots.
Nonconforming lots of record.
Nonconforming lots. In any district, notwithstanding limitations imposed by other sections of this title, single noncontiguous lots legally created when recorded may be built upon consistent with the uses in the particular zone. These provisions apply even though such lots fail to meet the minimum requirements for area or width, or both, which are applicable in the zone, provided that yard dimensions and other requirements, not involving area or width, or both, of the lot conform to the regulation for the zone in which such lot is located. Relaxation of yard and other requirements not involving area or width may be obtained only through miscellaneous variation request to the Board of Appeals.
Residential zones exception. In residential zoning districts and outside of shoreland overlay zones, lots that do not conform with the applicable minimum lot area or minimum net residential acreage required to construct a single-family dwelling are exempt from those standards and may construct a single-family dwelling, provided the lot was conforming prior to October 25, 2012.
[Added 5-13-2024]
Contiguous nonconforming lots.
Contiguous nonconforming lots. If two or more contiguous nonconforming lots or portions thereof are in single or joint ownership of record, and if all or part of the lots do not meet the dimensional requirements of this title, and if one or more of the lots are vacant or contain no principal structure, the lots must be combined to the extent necessary to meet the applicable dimensional requirements of this title.
Contiguous-built upon nonconforming lots. If two or more contiguous lots or parcels were in a single or joint ownership of record prior to July 13, 1977, or prior to December 15, 1973, for properties within the Shoreland Overlay Zone, if all or part of the lots do not meet the dimensional requirements of this title, and if a principal use or structure exists on each lot, the nonconforming lots may be conveyed separately or together, provided that the State Minimum Lot Size Law (12 M.R.S.A. §§ 4807-A through 4807-D) and the State of Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules are complied with.
Contiguous partially built-upon lot. If two or more contiguous lots or parcels are in a single or joint ownership of record at the time of or since adoption or amendment of this title, if any of these lots do not individually meet the dimensional requirements of this title or subsequent amendments, and if one or more of the lots are vacant or contain no principal structure, the lots shall be combined to the extent necessary to meet the applicable dimensional requirements of this title.
This subsection does not apply:
To any Planning Board approved subdivision located entirely outside of the Shoreland Overlay Zone and Resource Protection Overlay Zone, and which was recorded with the York County Registry of Deeds on or before July 13, 1977;
If one or more of the contiguous lots is served by a public sewer, or can accommodate a subsurface sewage disposal system in conformance with this title § 16.8.10D, Septic waste disposal, and the State of Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules; and
If each lot contains at least 100 feet of shore frontage and at least 20,000 square feet of lot area; or
If any lot(s) that do not meet the frontage and lot size requirements of § 16.4.28E(1) are reconfigured or combined so each new lot contains at least 100 feet of shore frontage and 20,000 square feet of lot area.
Single lot division of a nonconforming lot. If two principal structures exist on a single lot legally created when recorded, each may be sold on a separate lot provided the Board of Appeals determines that each resulting lot is as conforming as practicable to the dimensional requirements of this title. If three or more principal structures exist on a single lot legally created when recorded, each may be sold on a separate lot provided the Planning Board determines that each resulting lot is as conforming as practicable to the dimensional requirements of this title.
Adjustment of common boundary line of nonconforming lots.
The common property line of two nonconforming lots of record, each with legally created principal structures, may be adjusted if:
The Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) determines that the resulting lots are not more nonconforming than the existing lots with respect to the dimensional requirements of this title; or
Where the lots are located entirely outside the Shoreland Overlay Zone and the CEO determines the proposed lot line adjustment makes the lot more nonconforming, the Board of Appeals determines that each resulting lot is as conforming as practicable to the dimensional requirements of this title; and
Each resulting lot is not less than 20,000 square feet in lot size when not served by public sewer; or
Each resulting lot is not less than the smallest residential lot permitted under the Town's land use base zones, Title 16.3, when served by public sewer; or
Where all or part of either lot is located in the Shoreland Overlay Zone and the CEO determines the proposed lot line adjustment makes the lot more nonconforming, the Planning Board determines that each resulting lot is as conforming as practicable to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) Mandatory Shoreland Zoning minimum lot standards for principal structures and uses;[1] and
Each resulting lot is not less than 20,000 square feet in lot size and not less than 100 feet in shore frontage;[2] and
Title 16.1.8C(6)[d] is allowed only when both subject lots are under the same single or joint ownership.
Adherence to State Minimum Lot Size Law (12 M.R.S.A. §§ 4807-A through 4807-D) and State of Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules or public sewer is required.
A lot that is conforming to the MDEP Mandatory Shoreland Zoning minimum lot standards for principal structures and uses remains conforming to those requirements;[3] and
Chapter 1000: Guidelines for Municipal Shoreland Zoning Ordinances, Section 15.A Minimum Lot Standards; adjacent to Tidal Areas: 30,000 square feet lot size with 150 feet of shore frontage; and adjacent to Non-Tidal Areas: 40,000 square feet lot size with 200 feet of shore frontage.
Common boundary lines may not be adjusted when both subject lots are nonconforming per MDEP Mandatory Shoreland Zoning minimum lot standards.[4]
Adherence to State Minimum Lot Size Law (12 M.R.S.A. §§ 4807-A through 4807-D) and State of Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules or public sewer is required.
Chapter 1000: Guidelines for Municipal Shoreland Zoning Ordinances, Section 15.A Minimum Lot Standards; adjacent to Tidal Areas: 30,000 square feet lot size with 150 feet of shore frontage; and adjacent to Non-Tidal Areas: 40,000 square feet lot size with 200 feet of shore frontage.
It is not the intention of the above subsection (Adjustment of common boundary line of nonconforming lots) to allow for the creation of an additional lot. A property line adjustment in accordance with this subsection and Title 16.8 does not constitute the creation of a new lot and the adjusted lot remains a legally nonconforming lot of record, not applicable to the joining of lots.