[Adopted 10-12-2010 by L.L. No. 6-2010[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the redesignation of former Art. III as Art. IV.
The Board of Trustees hereby finds that the Village parks and beaches are matters affecting the public interest and consequently should be subject to supervision and administrative control for the purpose of safe-guarding the public health, safety and general welfare of the public and the people of the Village of Old Field. Some of these properties contain bluffs and revetment areas, which are fragile ecosystems that are generally subject to extensive erosion by natural forces, but are susceptible to increased erosion and damage from direct human interaction.
Accordingly, in order to protect the natural resources of the Village of Old Field, it is the intent of this article to regulate and monitor access to, and the use of, Village parks and other Village-owned properties in order to preserve the natural beauty and ecological value of these recreational areas and to protect them against damage, erosion, litter and vandalism.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All lands and improvements thereon, including the Old Field Lighthouse, the Light Keeper's Cottage and other buildings.
With the exception of the Old Field Lighthouse Property, all parks, playgrounds, beaches, bluffs, and other recreation areas owned by the Village of Old Field.
A person who currently resides in the Village of Old Field.
A certain easement for the benefit of the residents of the Village of Old Field to access Whitehall Beach, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on September 16, 1939, at Liber 2063, Page 94, and referred to therein as the "Passway"
With the exception of the Old Field Lighthouse Property, the use of Village Parks and the Whitehall Lane Passway shall be restricted to Village residents.
The Old Field Lighthouse Property shall be available for use by the general public for public park purposes, during the hours set forth in § 70-9.
There shall be no access from the Old Field Lighthouse Property to the bluffs and revetments located on or adjacent to the Old Field Lighthouse property.
Use of the Old Field Lighthouse Property shall be restricted to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Said hours may be temporarily extended by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
The following activities are prohibited at the Old Field Lighthouse Property and all Village Parks.
Parking of any vehicle outside of the restricted hours set forth in § 70-9.
Possession or consumption of beer or other alcoholic beverages.
Depositing or abandoning any garbage, sewage, refuse, trash, grass clippings, branches, leaves or other waste material, except in receptacles provided for such purpose.
Depositing or abandoning any material which may be hazardous to public health or safety.
Kindling, building, maintaining or using a fire or grill for any purpose.
Firing, discharging or having in his/her possession any gun, pistol, firearm, slingshot, rocket, torpedo or other fireworks or explosives of any kind.
Trimming, cutting down, digging up, removing, injuring or destroying any tree, shrub, plant, flower or wild animal.
Disobeying an order of a police officer, Code Enforcement Officer, or other person duly empowered and authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter, or disobeying the notices, prohibitions, instructions, directions or rules and regulations on any sign or as shall be established by the Board of Trustees from time to time.