Manufacture of processing of abrasives, acetylene, acid, alkalies,
ammonia, asbestos, asphalt, batteries, bedding, bleach, bone, cabbage,
candles, carpeting, celluloid, cement, cereals, charcoal, chemicals,
chlorine, coal tar, coffee, coke, cordage, creosote, dextrine, disinfectant,
dye, excelsior, felt, fish, fuel, furs, gelatin, glucose, gypsum,
hair products, linoleum, matches, meat, oil cloth, paint, paper, peas,
perfume, pickles, plaster of Paris, plastics, poison, polish, potash,
pulp, pyroxylin, radium, rope, rubber, sausage, shoddy, shoe and lamp
blacking, size, starch, stove polish, textiles and varnish; manufacturing,
processing and storage of building materials, explosives, dry ice,
fat, fertilizer, flammables, gasoline, glue, grains, grease, lard,
plastics, radioactive materials, shellac, soap, turpentine, vinegar
and yeast; manufacture and bottling of alcoholic beverages; bag cleaning,
bleacheries, canneries, cold storage warehouses; electric and steam
generating plants; electroplating; enameling; forges; foundries; garbage
incinerators; lacquering; lithographing; offal, rubbish or animal
reduction; oil, coal and bone distillation; refineries; road test
facilities; slaughterhouses; smelting; stockyards; tanneries; and
weaving in the industrial district, provided they are at least 600
feet from residential districts.