The district height limitations stipulated elsewhere in this
chapter may be exceeded, but such modification shall be in accordance
with the following:
A. Architectural projections. Architectural projections such as spires,
belfries, parapet walls, cupolas, domes, flues and chimneys are exempt
from the height limitations of this chapter.
B. Special structure height limitations. Special structures such as
elevator penthouses, gas tanks, grain elevators, scenery lofts, radio
and television receiving antennas, manufacturing equipment and necessary
mechanical appurtenances, cooling towers, fire towers, substations
and smoke stacks are exempt from the height limitations of this chapter.
C. Essential services height limitations. Essential services, utilities,
water towers, electric power and communication transmission lines
are exempt from the height limitations of this chapter.
D. Communications structures height restrictions. Communications structures
such as radio and television transmission and relay towers, aerials
and observation towers shall not exceed in height three times their
distance from the nearest lot line.
E. Agricultural structures height restrictions. Agricultural structures
such as barns, silos and windmills shall not exceed in height twice
their distance from the nearest lot line.
F. Public facilities height restrictions. Public or semipublic facilities
such as schools, churches, hospitals, monuments, sanitariums, libraries,
governmental offices and stations may be erected to a height of 60
feet, provided all required yards are increased not less than one
foot for each foot the structure exceeds the district's maximum height
The yard requirements stipulated elsewhere in this chapter may
be modified as follows:
A. Uncovered stair restrictions. Uncovered stairs, landings and fire
escapes may project into any yard, but not to exceed six feet and
not closer than three feet to any lot line, and must be eight feet
or more above ground.
B. Architectural projection restrictions. Architectural projections
such as chimneys, flues, sills, eaves, belt courses and ornaments
may project into any required yard, but such projection shall not
exceed two feet.
C. Cul-de-sac and curve restrictions. Residential lot frontage on culs-de-sac
and curves may be less than 80 feet, provided the width at the building
setback line is at least 80 feet and the street frontage is no less
than 45 feet.
D. Residential fence restrictions. Residential fences are permitted
on the property lines in residential districts, but shall not, in
any case, exceed a height of six feet, and shall not exceed a height
of four feet in any street yard. The finished side of the fence shall
face the adjoining lot.
E. Security fence restrictions. Security fences are permitted on the
property lines in all districts, but shall not exceed 10 feet in height
and shall be an open type similar to woven wire or wrought iron fencing.
F. Accessory uses and structures restrictions. Accessory uses and detached
accessory structures are permitted in the rear yard only, shall not
be closer than 10 feet to the principal structure, shall not exceed
35 feet in height, shall not occupy more than 20% of the rear yard
area, and shall not be closer than eight feet to any lot line nor
five feet to any alley line.
[Amended 11-13-2012 by Ord. No. 12-5]
G. Essential services exemptions. Essential services, utilities, electric
power and communication transmission lines are exempt from the yard
and distance requirements of this chapter.
H. Street yard restrictions. The required street yards may be decreased
in any residential or business district to the average of the existing
street yards of the abutting structures on each side, but in no case
less than 15 feet in any residential district and five feet in any
business district.
Sirens, whistles and bells which are maintained and utilized
solely to serve a public purpose are exempt from the sound level standards
of this chapter.
Where the setback of existing structures deviates from the required
district setback, new structures shall be set back the average distance.