[Adopted 6-28-2010 by L.L. No. 6-2010]
Every owner of vacant property and every owner, occupant or leaseholder of occupied property are required to maintain that area of the right-of-way between the curb (or the edge of the paved road if no curb exists) and the property line, whether paved or unpaved, free of all accumulation of trash, litter, rubbish, weeds, leaves, branches and other obstructions and to keep the grass cut and bushes trimmed.
If the property is not maintained in accordance with § 184-33, the Village may perform the maintenance, after notifying the property owner and the occupant or leaseholder if there is one, in writing, that if the property is not maintained within seven days of the date of the notice, the Village will effect such maintenance and charge the property owner the cost of such maintenance.
If the Village performs the maintenance, it shall charge the property owner the costs thereof, together with a charge of 50% of such costs to cover the cost of supervision and administration. If the property owner does not pay within 30 days of notification of the charges, the charges shall be assessed against the property and become a lien on the property and collected in the same manner as delinquent taxes.