[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fremont 5-27-1986 by Ord. No. 86-1 as Secs. 8.02, 8.03, 8.04, 8.05, 8.06, 8.07, 8.12 and 8.15 of the 1986 Municipal Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Establishment. The grade of all streets and alleys shall be established by the Village Board and recorded by the Clerk-Treasurer in his office. No street or alley shall be worked or sidewalk constructed until the grade thereof is established.
Alteration of grade prohibited. No person shall alter the grade of any street, alley, sidewalk or public ground, or any part thereof, in the Village unless authorized or instructed to do so by the Village Board or the Director of Public Works. All such alterations of grade shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
Permit required. No person shall, without first obtaining a permit from the Director of Public Works, make any opening in any street, alley, sidewalk or any public way within the Village. No permit shall be granted when the ground is frozen unless the Director determines such opening is necessary.
Application. Application for a permit shall be made on a form supplied by the Director of Public Works. The application shall be accompanied by a signed agreement to save the Village harmless from any liability arising from the work or activity covered by the permit, the fee provided in Subsection C below and a written description of the work, including a sketch designating the trench location.
Fee. The permit fee shall be $10.
Insurance. A certificate of insurance evidencing that the applicant has in force and will maintain during the term of the permit public liability insurance of not less than $500,000 for any one person, $1,000,000 for any one accident and $50,000 for property damage.
Requirements for the protection of the public. Every permittee shall enclose each opening which he may make in the streets or public ways of the Village with sufficient barricades and barricade lights in order to warn the traveling public.
Excavation, refilling and repaving requirements. The permittee shall comply with all Village Board rules and regulations governing excavation, refilling and repaving and shall be responsible for any costs incurred by the Village. The permittee shall make a determination whether or not sheathing and bracing shall be required. The permittee shall notify the Director of Public Works when repaving has been completed. In the event caving occurs within one year of the completion of the project, the permittee shall be responsible for restoring the street.
Emergency excavations authorized. In the event of an emergency, any person owning or controlling any sewer, conduit or utility in or under any street may take immediate proper emergency measures to remedy dangerous conditions for the protection of property, life, health or safety without obtaining an excavation permit; provided that such person shall immediately notify the Village President or the Chair of the Village Streets Committee or the Chair of the Sewer Committee and shall apply for an excavation permit not later than the end of the next succeeding business day.
[Amended 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02]
Village work excluded. The provisions of this section shall not apply to excavation work done under the supervision of the Director of Public Works by Village employees or contractors performing work under contract with the Village necessitating excavation in Village streets.
Prohibited. No person shall encroach upon or in any way obstruct or encumber any street, alley, sidewalk, public grounds or land dedicated to public use, or any part thereof, or permit such encroachment or encumbrance to be placed or remain on any public way adjoining the premises of which he is the owner or occupant, except as provided in Subsection B below.
Exceptions. The prohibition of Subsection A above shall not apply to the following:
Public utility encroachments duly authorized by state law or the Village Board.
Temporary encroachments or obstructions authorized by permit granted pursuant to § 66.0425, Wis. Stats.
Excavations and openings permitted under § 462-2 of this chapter.
Except for sales permitted by statute or other sections of this Code, no person shall display, sell, or offer to sell, on any street, sidewalk, alley or other public place within the Village, anything of value or service of any kind, except in connection with a Village-wide enterprise or promotion of community trade approved by the Village Board.
The owner, occupant or person in charge of each and every building or structure or unoccupied lot in the Village fronting or abutting any street shall clean, or cause to be cleaned, the sidewalk in front of or adjoining each such building or unoccupied lot of snow or ice to the width of such sidewalk within 12 hours after a snow storm, except that in the event such storm occurs at night, such snow shall be removed by 12:00 noon the following day. When the ice has formed on any sidewalk so that it cannot be immediately removed, the persons herein referred to shall keep the same sprinkled with salt, ashes, sawdust or sand.
No person shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, any snow or ice taken and removed from his premises or elsewhere upon any sidewalk, alley, parkway, public place or street in the Village; provided, however, that the removal of snow from a sidewalk in front of or abutting his premises, as is required in Subsection A above, may be deposited on the alley or street. Snow shall not be piled at or near intersections so as to obstruct the view of pedestrians or operators of motor vehicles.
The deposit of any snow or ice upon any sidewalk, alley or street of the Village contrary to the provisions of this section shall be and is declared to be a nuisance and, in addition to the penalty provided for violation of this section, the Village may summarily remove any snow so deposited and cause the cost of said removal to be charged to the owner of the property from which said snow or ice has been removed. If not paid within 30 days, such charge shall be extended upon the current or next tax roll as a charge for current services, as provided in § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
All utilities and sewer mains and service laterals to the abutting property shall be installed before any street is permanently surfaced or resurfaced.
Street Numbering Map. All lots and parts of lots in the Village shall be numbered in accordance with the Street Numbering Map on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer. All lots and parts of lots hereafter platted shall be numbered to conform as nearly as possible to the general scheme of numbering as outlined on said Map.
Numbering required.
Existing buildings. The owner of every house, dwelling and business establishment in the Village shall cause to be designated on or attached to such structure within five feet of its front entrance or directly above the garage door of a garage which is attached to or a part of the main structure, and which faces the street upon which such structure is located and to which such numbering pertains, figures or words indicating the street number of such structure, and shall maintain such numbering in a good state of repair.
New buildings. Within 20 days of completion, the builder or owner of every new dwelling or business establishment in the Village shall obtain a number from the Clerk-Treasurer and shall attach to such structure the number in the manner set forth in Subsection B(1) above.
The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, Construction and Penalties, of this Code. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day on which a violation of this chapter occurs or continues.