[Adopted 1981]
Before any contractor begins work for a property owner to hook up to or tap into a public water or sewer line in the Town of Chesapeake Beach, the contractor shall first obtain a "tap-in" or "hookup" permit from the Public Works Administrator. This permit shall issue only to those individuals or firms holding a currently valid master plumbing license under the laws of the Sate of Maryland. Issuance of the permit shall also be conditioned upon presentation of satisfactory proof of bond and proof of a written contract for the work with the property owner. No permit will be issued unless the written contract clearly states that the master plumber license holder warrants all work done pursuant to his contract and that any faulty workmanship or liability therefor shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor.
After issuance of each permit, the Public Works Administrator shall have the right to inspect by qualified personnel all work performed by the contractor under the permit. Any faulty or defective work detected pursuant to such inspection shall entitle the Administrator and Town of Chesapeake Beach to order all work halted by revocation of the permit until adequate remedies are demonstrated by the contractor.
The fee for issuance of each permit hereunder shall be $10.