[Amended 1-18-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
Fences, hedges and screen plantings installed shall meet the requirements set forth in this section.
No fence, hedge or screen plantings shall be installed within a Town, municipal, or utility easement, unless the property owner receives approval from the Town, municipality, or utility prior to installation. For Town of Penfield easements, Town review and approval is required prior to installation.
All permanent fences shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or constructed with standard fence materials (e.g., wood, PVC, vinyl, metal, and similar). Fences shall have their finished or decorative side facing the adjacent properties.
Fences shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
Except for deer fencing, construction and seasonal fencing, and other temporary fencing as defined within this section, all fencing shall comply with the following location and height restrictions, which are based on the use of the property:
Residential Dwellings (Single-family, two-family and townhomes).
Front yard fencing. Maximum fence height shall be three feet.
Side and rear yard fencing. Maximum fence height shall be six feet.
Corner lots, through lots, or irregularly shaped lot fencing. Within 20 feet of a side or rear property line abutting a street, right-of-way or highway, maximum fence height shall be three feet.
Industrial and public utility uses.
Maximum fence height shall be eight feet. Fencing shall be approved by the board having jurisdiction or by the Code Enforcement Official.
Barbed-wire fencing may be approved when it demonstrates one or more of the following:
It is required by state or federal regulations and/or standards.
It is needed to protect the public from accessing dangerous conditions and/or is being utilized to protect the health, safety or welfare of the public as determined by the board having jurisdiction or by the Code Enforcement Official.
Land used in agricultural production.
Maximum fence height shall be eight feet.
Barbed-wire tip or an electric-shock fence shall be permitted when it meets one or more of the following:
The fence is intended to protect the public from accessing dangerous conditions.
The fence will prevent entry to an area which could be hazardous to the health, safety or welfare of livestock or farm animals.
The fence is needed to secure an area where materials and/or equipment are stored.
The fence is needed to keep farm animals or kenneled animals, excluding household pets, from leaving the site.
For electrified fencing, signs must be posted a minimum of every 150 feet to clearly alert people the fence is electrified.
All other uses. Maximum fence height shall be six feet, unless otherwise permitted in applicable zoning district regulations. The fence location and type shall be determined through the required review process set forth for all other uses.
Deer fencing is permitted, provided it meets the following requirements:
Shall be no more than eight feet in height.
Shall not be permitted in the front yard.
Shall be structurally sound. Deer fencing may have solid posts and cross members but must be comprised of more than 75% wire, open-mesh or other open-style material that allows light and air to pass through in each panel or section of deer fencing installed.
Shall be designed to enclose existing fruit/vegetable garden area or active orchard or to enclose a proposed fruit/vegetable garden area or active orchard that will be planted within one year of construction.
Shall be located a minimum distance of 20 feet from any property line abutting a street, right-of-way line or highway and 10 feet from any other property line.
Seasonal and other temporary fencing shall be used or installed as follows:
Snow fencing shall not exceed four feet in height and may only be installed during the time period when winter parking restrictions are in effect, pursuant Town Code § 220-15, as amended or changed.
Construction fencing shall not exceed eight feet in height and only be installed in conjunction with active demolition, construction and/or development projects and must be removed once the project has been completed.
Any other temporary fencing may be installed no more than 45 days in a calendar year.
Fencing for pools and spas. When fencing is required by the NYS Uniform Code to enclose pools and spas, said fencing shall conform to the applicable state regulations for fence design, as amended or changed.
Except for barbed-wire or electrified fencing that conforms with the requirements set forth herein, fences or fence materials installed with the intent to cause harm or injury are expressly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, objects protruding horizontally from the vertical fence line, wires strung across open areas, and the like.
Solid hedges and solid screen plantings may not exceed three feet in height within 20 feet of any property line abutting a street, right-of-way or highway.
Fences, hedges, or screen plantings lawfully existing at the time of the passage of this section shall be deemed nonconforming appurtenances and shall be treated as nonconforming structures under this chapter.
Buffers, berms and screen plantings shall be provided as set forth below:
A buffer area of at least 50 feet shall be provided along the boundary line between a LB or BN-R District which abuts any residential zoning district, as measured from the zoning district line to the nearest improvement or appurtenance of the LB or BN-R District.
A buffer area of at least 100 feet shall be provided along the boundary line of a GB District which abuts any residential zoning district, as measured from the zoning district line to the nearest improvement or appurtenance of the GB District.
A buffer area of at least 150 feet shall be provided along the boundary of an LI District which abuts any residential zoning district, and 50 feet between any other district, as measured from the zoning district line to the nearest improvement or appurtenance of the LI District.
Such buffer areas shall contain screen plantings of grass, trees, hedges, shrubs, and/or earthen berms, etc., as determined by the board having jurisdiction and/or the authorized official so as to provide a visual and sound buffer between the different districts.
Buffering for the Mobile Home Park District shall be approved by the board having jurisdiction and/or the authorized official.
Conditionally permitted uses in any residential zoning district will require a fifty-foot buffer area from adjacent properties where new or substantial alteration is authorized.
Landscaping of the perimeter of properties and parking or loading areas in the TFOD shall be designed so as to provide a coordinated landscaping scheme to buffer adjacent uses and to enhance the visual quality of the area adjacent to the rights-of-way of Penfield Road and Fairport-Nine Mile Point Road and shall be subject to the approval of the board having jurisdiction.
There shall be a clear vision zone at all corners of intersecting roads, or road junctions within a subdivision, consisting of a triangular area defined by the point of intersection of the right-of-way lines and the two points extended along such lines for a distance of 35 feet from any intersection as shown on the diagram below. The clear vision zone for intersections with and of collector streets and/or major highways shall meet the traffic safety sight distance criteria. A graphic display of the clear vision zone is illustrated below. Clear vision zones must comply with the Town of Penfield development regulations and specifications.
250 Clear Vision Zone.tif
The limitations affecting the height of structures in the district regulations in Article V of this chapter shall not apply to the appurtenant appendages and structures such as parapet walls not exceeding three feet in height, chimneys, smokestacks, church spires, flagpoles, TV antennas, penthouses for mechanical equipment, or to barns, pole barns, silos, and other common farm-related structures, and water tanks; provided however, such appendages and structures shall comply with all other provisions of this chapter and any other applicable ordinance.
It is the purpose of this section to prevent adverse effects from strip road frontage development, to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare and to prevent the number of entrances and exits onto and off major state, county and Town highways from multiplying as land is developed, and, when possible, to reduce the number of entrances and exits now existing. In reviewing applications for new development, additions to existing structures and special use permits, the board having jurisdiction and/or the authorized official in considering access to and from a parcel shall be guided by the following criteria:
The proposed access does not, by reason of its location, create a hazard of any nature to the public in general or to any adjacent owner or occupant.
The highway's current and future road function as specified in the Town of Penfield's Comprehensive Plan and other Town policies.
That more cohesive neighborhoods be developed, and abutting property owners shall not be unduly and unnecessarily inconvenienced in the future when it becomes necessary to widen highways to accommodate greater traffic flows.
Major highways.
Listed below are those highways where limited access shall be considered:
Baird Road
Bay Road
Blossom Road
Carter Road
Creek Street
Empire Boulevard
Fellows Road
Five Mile Line Road
Harris Road
Hatch Road
Huber Road
Jackson Road
Jackson Road Extension
Panorama Trail
Panorama Trail South
Penfield Road
Plank Road
Route 250
Route 286 (Atlantic/Browncroft)
Route 441
Salt Road
Scribner Road
State Road
Watson Road
Whalen Road
In addition to the highways listed above, any other highways shall be considered for limited access as may be deemed necessary by the board having jurisdiction and the authorized official.
All plans for structures to be erected, altered, moved or reconstructed, and for the use of premises within such districts, shall contain a plan for the proposed driveway access to the premises. No such plan shall be approved unless such driveway access is onto a dedicated public highway or a highway within a subdivision, which appears upon a subdivision map approved by the Planning Board or Town Board, as the case may be. All such plans for structures or uses, other than for a one- or two-family dwelling, or for farm or dairy structures or uses, shall contain provisions for a separate paved entrance and exit driveway with a minimum width of eight feet; or if a single driveway in excess of 100 feet from the right-of-way is provided, the same shall be 16 feet in width.
In specific cases and in the judgment of the board having jurisdiction and/or the authorized official, circular driveways may be considered one curb cut and thereby allowed for the reason that circular driveways direct traffic in a forward motion which eliminates backing out onto highways and also for the reason that such circular driveways often provide more off-street parking than would otherwise be possible.
Private roadways. Private roadways shall be allowed for not more than five single-family residences. Furthermore, all plans for structures to be erected on these private roadways shall contain a written notification of all rights, responsibilities and obligations of those owners of said residences to be erected thereon and be in a form acceptable for recording in the Monroe County Clerk's office.
Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the creation of any unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise in the Town of Penfield is prohibited. Noise of such character, intensity and duration as to be detrimental to the life or health of any individual is prohibited.
Enumeration of loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises. The following acts, among others, are declared to be loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises in violation of this chapter, but said enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive, namely:
The sounding of any horn or signal device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus or other vehicle, except as a danger signal; the sounding of a multitoned or musical horn; the creation, by means of any such signal device, of any unreasonably loud or harsh sound and the sounding of such device for an unnecessary and unreasonable period of time, except that this subsection shall not apply to vehicles of the Fire Department, Police Department, emergency vehicles of municipal departments or emergency vehicles of public service corporations or ambulances.
The playing of any radio, television, phonograph, musical instrument or other machine or device for the producing, reproducing or amplification of sound in such a manner or with such volume, particularly between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., as to annoy the quiet, comfort or repose of persons in any dwelling, hotel or other type of residence. It shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section if the sound emanating from such machine or device is:
Audible beyond the property line of the premises upon which it is being used between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Audible at a distance of 50 feet beyond the property line of the premises upon which it is being used between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Audible at a distance of 50 feet from such machine or device if operated from within a motor vehicle on a public street.
The keeping of any animal or bird which, by causing frequent or long-continued noise, shall disturb the comfort and repose of any person in the vicinity.
The use of any automobile, motorcycle or vehicle so out of repair or in such a manner as to create loud or unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling or other noise.
The discharge into the open air of the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal-combustion engine, air compressor or motor vehicle or motorboat engine or the making of a mechanical noise by a compressor or refrigeration, except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom.
No building or other permit shall be issued until the required site plans are conditionally approved by the authorized official and/or board having jurisdiction to show how the off-street parking and loading requirements are to be fulfilled.
All parking facilities in any district in excess of 5,000 square feet and any addition to any parking facility of such existing size or where such addition shall create a parking facility of such size shall require site plan approval by the Planning Board or Town Board, as the case may be, pursuant to Article XII. Such parking facilities proposed to be less than 5,000 square feet in area may be approved by the authorized official pursuant to the standards set forth in Article XII.
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained as set forth in this article for all uses in all zoning districts. Such off-street parking spaces shall be provided at the time:
A new and/or existing building is hereafter erected or enlarged.
The use is changed to another use with greater parking requirements.
Number of spaces required. All parking spaces nine feet by 18 feet shall be provided and satisfactorily maintained by the owner of the property on the premises or in covenant connection therewith. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided as follows:
Minimum Number of Parking Spaces Required
2 for each dwelling unit
Professional residential offices or customary home occupations
6 for each person engaged in the professional home occupation
Theaters, churches or other places of public assemblage
1 for each 3 seats, based on maximum seating capacity
Bars, taverns, restaurants or other eating places
1.5 for each 2 persons of legal occupancy as established by the Town's Fire Marshal consistent with the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code; and 1 for each employee
Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes, etc.
1 for each 3 patients, and 1 for each employee, attendant or member of the staff
Business districts: all uses in commercial districts, except office buildings
5 for each 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, exclusive of covered walkways
Office buildings
1.5 for each 200 square feet of net office floor area
Industrial buildings
1 for each employee
Hotels and motels
1 per room or suite; plus 1 per 3 employees on maximum shift, plus 1 for 3 persons to maximum capacity of public meeting rooms, plus 50% of the spaces otherwise required for restaurants, accessory uses, etc.
Mobile/Manufactured homes within new mobile/manufactured home parks
2 paved (concrete or bituminous) spaces
Farm markets
5 per 1,000 square feet of gross building area devoted to retail sales on the site
Bed-and-breakfast establishments
1 for each sleeping room in addition to other applicable requirements
Child-care facilities
1 for each employee on a shift and 1 for each 8 children on site
Apartment houses and multiple dwellings shall provide and maintain at the site of such structures and completely off the limit of any street or highway an improved and usable parking area of sufficient size to provide two parking spaces for each apartment or living unit to be contained in such structure. A minimum of 25% of the number of units shall have covered parking.
There shall be no specific number of on-site parking spaces required for business establishments operating within the Four Corners District. The Town Board shall review and make a determination of an applicant's parking needs and how they can be met at the time a request for a conditional use permit is made.
Other permitted uses not otherwise specifically listed above shall furnish parking as required by the board having jurisdiction and/or the authorized official.
The Planning Board or Town Board, as the case may be, may modify parking requirements to reflect the needs of a particular use to be developed, provided that the board is satisfied that the site may be able to accommodate future uses with more intensive parking requirements. Said area shall be identified and set aside on an approved site plan.
Shared parking.
The off-street parking requirements of two or more uses, structures or parcels of land may be satisfied by the same parking or loading space used jointly, provided that the owners or operators of the uses, structures or parcels can demonstrate that their operations and parking needs do not overlap in point in time. If the uses, structures or parcels are under separate ownership, the right to joint use of the parking space must be evidenced by a deed, lease, contract, covenant or other appropriate written document to establish the joint use.
Where such shared facilities are not on adjacent lots, there must be evidence of the right of public access across other lands located between the subject parcels.
Where two or more properties are to provide shared parking in a common off-street parking area, the board having jurisdiction may consider the land area, buildings and site improvements of the participating parcels as though they were located on a single parcel of land. In so doing, the dimensional requirements of the total land area and building improvements shall be used to determine the required number of off-street parking spaces as required by the regulations specified in this section.
Where two or more adjacent properties are providing parking in a common off-street parking area, the board having jurisdiction may, if deemed appropriate, reduce or waive the requirement for the setback of off-street parking, loading or access from any abutting side yard.
Shared access shall be required for sites within the TFOD as identified in the Town's specifications and design criteria.
Where an applicant proposes the shared use of an accessway or an off-street parking area by two or more properties, the board having jurisdiction may authorize a reduction of up to 20% of the total number of spaces which would have been required by the application of the standards specified in this section. Any such reduction shall be authorized on a conditional basis for an initial period of up to two years. During this period, the authorized official shall periodically inspect the property to determine if the number of spaces authorized by the board having jurisdiction and provided by the applicant is sufficient to serve the needs of the use. If, after the expiration of the conditional period, the number of spaces provided by the applicant proves to be sufficient, this condition of approval may be extended or deleted, upon request by the applicant to the board having jurisdiction.
The applicant shall specify the location and availability of the additional spaces that would otherwise have been needed to satisfy the parking standards specified in this section. These spaces shall be reserved to ensure their availability if the board having jurisdiction were to determine that they are actually needed. This reservation shall be identified by location and established as a condition of site plan approval and/or a change of use or conditional use permit. A note to this effect shall be added to the final site plan or instrument survey. The reserved parking area shall not include any required buffer areas or setbacks, or other areas which would otherwise be unsuitable for parking due to the physical characteristics of the land or other requirements of this chapter. The reserved area shall be appropriately landscaped.
Required parking space shall be available on site for the parking of operable passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons, and employees.
Vehicle and traffic control regulations as set forth in Chapter 220, Vehicles and Traffic, § 220-16, shall apply to all users of a parking area.
Owners of subject premises shall be ordered by the authorized official and/or board having jurisdiction to conform to any or all of the following standards relating to traffic and parking control on subject premises where such conformance is deemed necessary by the authorized official and/or board having jurisdiction, in its discretion, to promote the public health, safety and welfare and to ensure the safe and nonhazardous use of such subject premises:
All premises and buildings in the Town of Penfield which the Fire Department may be called upon to protect in case of fire or emergency and which are not accessible from public roads shall be provided with suitable access roads and fire lanes, so that all buildings on the premises are accessible. The location, size, layout and nature of said access roads and fire lanes shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate board upon recommendation of the Fire Marshal. In those areas where new construction is being undertaken, suitable roads shall be constructed and maintained so as to provide access to the Fire Department and other emergency vehicles prior to the commencement of any aboveground construction.
Fire lanes for shopping centers, office buildings, places of assembly and other commercial buildings shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width, and 25 feet in width in multiple-dwelling residence districts. Fire lanes shall consist of H-20 loading criteria as per Town specifications. When the above criteria are not practicable, the Fire Marshal shall make recommendations to the appropriate board for the size of fire lanes.
The signs required to be posted by this chapter shall conform to the size and color requirements for parking signs as set forth in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the New York State Department of Transportation. In addition, said signs shall also:
Have arrows pointing in the direction of the area designated as a fire lane.
Be posted not more than 50 feet apart.
Be neither of a portable nor moveable type except where otherwise directed by the Fire Marshal.
Have wording to read: "No Parking — Fire Lane" or "No Standing — Fire Lane" as required by the Fire Marshal.
Traffic lanes for the control and regulation of automobile, truck, bicycle, other vehicle and pedestrian flow in the parking area shall be established and maintained and properly delineated through the use of pavement markings, signs or median strips.
Parking lines for parking spaces shall be established and maintained in the parking area and shall be properly painted and marked as such.
Provision shall be made on the subject premises for the parking of bicycles and motorbikes.
Provision shall be made for the safe movement of pedestrians while in the parking area or accessory area through the use of walkways, medians and crosswalks.
Curbing and traffic barriers or islands shall be built where necessary and maintained so as to enforce desired traffic patterns within the parking area. Where possible, traffic islands shall contain vegetation and landscaping conducive to growth in a parking area environment.
Stop signs, flashing signals or yield signs shall be erected at entrance or exit locations to a parking area or at intersections within the parking area where required for traffic safety.
Signs regulating parking, traffic flow and speed limits on subject premises shall be erected.
The owner may be required to properly designate an agent for service of process who resides in and has an office in Monroe County, State of New York.
In commercial areas, all vehicles shall be placed only in approved parking areas previously designated as such by the authorized official and/or appropriate board having jurisdiction for parking.
Procedure for establishing traffic and parking control standards.
The authorized official shall notify the owner of subject premises of the standards for traffic and parking control which must be met. Such notice shall be in writing and addressed to the owner of record of such subject premises at the address shown on the last preceding assessment roll, and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or hand delivered. Within 30 days of the receipt of such notice, or within such time as the authorized official consents, such owner shall present to the authorized official a comprehensive plan and time schedule for conforming to such standards. The authorized official, after review of such plan by the Town Engineer/consulting engineer and other appropriate boards or officials, shall present such plan and time schedule to the board having jurisdiction, which may make such revisions or add such requirements as it deems necessary to promote the public health, safety and welfare and to ensure the safe and nonhazardous use of such subject premises. Such owner shall be notified in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery, of the approval of such plan and time schedule, together with revisions and/or additional requirements to be met. Subsequent to such notification, such owner shall conform to the standards and requirements as finally determined by the board having jurisdiction within the time schedule so specified, except where such owner makes application to the board having jurisdiction for a public hearing as provided herein, in which case conformance shall be stayed until the decision of the board having jurisdiction subsequent to such public hearing.
Within 10 days of receipt of notification of approval of such plan and time schedule, together with revisions and/or additional requirements, an owner of subject premises may make written application to the board having jurisdiction for a public hearing under this section for the purposes of reviewing the traffic and parking control standards required by the board having jurisdiction and to permit such owner to submit any objections to the plan and time schedule, as may be revised by the board having jurisdiction for the public record and for the board having jurisdiction.
Failure of the owner of such subject premises to conform to the standards and requirements as finally determined by the board having jurisdiction within the specified time schedule shall be a violation of this chapter and such owner shall be subject to the enforcement proceedings and penalties set forth in Article XV.
The standards set forth in this section shall be applied by the board having jurisdiction on application by an owner of property for site plan approval where such property, after approval, would fall within the definition of "subject premises" herein.
Regulations. Any holder of a subject premises shall comply with the following regulations:
All roads, sidewalks, driveways and parking areas used in connection with subject premises must be kept in proper repair, free from potholes, free from dirt where paved and free from refuse, snow and ice, except that snow may be piled on subject premises so long as it does not interfere with the internal circulation and parking of the parking area and does not hinder driver vision when entering or leaving the subject premises.
The subject premises must be kept free and clear of ashes, dirt, debris, rubbish, garbage, refuse and other obstructions and must be kept properly repaired and maintained.
Fire lanes, traffic lanes and parking lines for parking spaces, where required, shall be maintained and properly painted and marked so that such lanes and lines will be clearly visible to vehicle operators and pedestrians.
Because of the traffic and safety hazard resulting from the random leaving of shopping carts in parking and accessory areas by persons, holders which provide shopping carts for customers and allow customers to remove such carts from store premises are required to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that such carts are not left in parking or accessory areas after use by such customers. Shopping cart collection stations may be used in a parking area, provided that such stations do not create a traffic hazard, are kept free of snow and ice and are frequently policed by the store's employees so that the capacity of the stations is not exceeded. Failure of a holder to remove its carts from a parking or accessory area, other than from a cart collection station with sufficient capacity for more than 30 minutes after use by a customer, shall constitute a violation of this article by such holder. Each cart that remains in a parking or accessory area in violation of this regulation shall constitute a separate offense.
All prescribed lights on subject premises must be kept in proper working order and lighted during the darkness period when the subject premises or any portion thereof is being used by the holder, or the subject premises or any portion thereof is open for business. The authorized official may require the holder of any subject premises to reduce outdoor lighting after business hours.
All fences, signs, screening, curbing, traffic barriers and islands, grass, trees, shrubbery, landscaping, retaining walls, slopes and other space used in connection with subject premises must be maintained and/or repaired.
All water drains and water drainage systems used in connection with subject premises must be kept clean and in proper working order.
All stormwater retention ponds and systems related thereto used in connection with subject premises shall be maintained in proper working condition.
All exterior areas on subject premises must be kept free and clear of the storage of goods, wares and merchandise unless otherwise permitted by an outside storage and display permit. Loading and unloading are to be done in designated zones only.
All refuse and rubbish must be stored in a designated place or placed in properly covered refuse receptacles, which shall be screened from public view by fencing or other appropriate techniques.
There shall be, at convenient places for use by public, proper trash receptacles, which shall be sufficiently serviced to prevent overflow.
Where required, facilities for the parking of bicycles and motorbikes on subject premises and parking spaces and related ramps and facilities for handicapped persons shall be maintained and properly designated.
Traffic and parking control standards to which holders of subject premises have conformed under this section must be maintained.
Engineering requirements, landscape plans, parking and traffic control plans or any other criteria or requirements upon which the approval of a site plan or special use permit for subject premises shall be obtained from the board having jurisdiction.
Any application proposing a development shall provide a pedestrian circulation plan to be approved by the board of jurisdiction. The plan shall be required to integrate with existing pedestrian circulation patterns.
See also the New York State Property Maintenance Code and Fire Code, which are hereby incorporated by reference.
Any deterioration of the exterior of any building on subject premises with respect to painted surfaces, siding, roofing, brickwork, mortar joints, signs, copings, overhangs, porches or other appendages, entrance or exit doors, display windows or any other part of the building exterior where such deterioration constitutes a hazard to the public, would cause significant and serious damage to the structure itself or is unsightly and aesthetically detrimental to subject premises or any property near subject premises must be repaired or corrected.
Exterior surfaces shall be kept free of graffiti, posters, playbills, or anything that would cause unsightliness to the structure or premises in the opinion of the authorized official.
Each tenant of a strip mall shall be required to post the name of the business on the exterior of all exit doors. The business name shall be installed on door at a height of five feet to the center line. All letters shall be a minimum of two inches in height and shall sharply contrast in color from the exit door. Script-style lettering shall not be permitted.
Upon approval of applications for any development that is not single-family residential development, the applicant shall furnish, if required pursuant to § 250-12.2 by the authorized official/board having jurisdiction, a maintenance agreement in accordance with the format as outlined in the Town's development regulations and specifications, to ensure the ongoing general maintenance of that commercial development.
Unless otherwise provided for elsewhere in this chapter, any use of land or use and/or occupancy of a nonconforming structure, which use was lawful at the time of the effective date of this chapter or an amendment thereto, may be continued; provided, however, such use shall have continued in operation, does not constitute a nuisance, and shall not be enlarged, altered or changed in area, activity or content during its continuance, except as provided otherwise by the authorized official.
Any nonconforming use or structure which has ceased continued use or occupation for a period of one year or more shall be considered to have terminated, and may not thereafter commence operation as before.
Any use or structure which was in violation of any previous zoning ordinances of the Town of Penfield shall not be regarded as nonconforming under this chapter.
With exception, upon a finding by the authorized official that such enlargement, change or alteration will produce greater compliance with this chapter, and that the use within such structure is in conformity with the requirements of this chapter; and further provided that no enlargement, change or alteration of a nonconforming structure housing a nonconforming use shall be permitted, except upon a finding by the Zoning Board of Appeals (or the Town Board in the case of the FC District or LLD District) that such enlargement, change or alteration will permit greater compliance with the provisions of this or other appropriate regulations, and is installed or instituted to minimize the detrimental effects of the nonconforming use upon adjoining conforming uses.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any structure, or part thereof, declared to be unsafe by the authorized official and which strengthening or restoration is ordered by said official.
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, any natural gas and/or petroleum extraction activities that are being conducted in the Town as of December 17, 2014, shall be subject to the following:
Qualifications for preexisting nonconforming use status.
If, as of December 17, 2014, substantive natural gas and/or petroleum extraction activities are occurring in the Town, and those activities are in all respects being conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation the possession of valid, unrevoked permits for all matters for which permits are required, and including compliance with each, any, and all permit conditions, as are or may be required by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and/or all other regulating local, state, and federal governments, bureaus, or agencies, then and only then such activity by or on behalf of the holder of the permit(s) shall be considered a preexisting, nonconforming use and shall be allowed to continue; subject, however, to the provisions of Subsections B and C of this section.
Natural gas and/or petroleum extraction activities that are being conducted in the Town as of December 17, 2014, and which do not qualify for treatment under Subsection A(1) above shall not be grandfathered (or be permitted to continue or deemed lawful preexisting uses).
Upon the depletion, closing, or reclamation of any well which is allowed to remain in operation after the effective date of this section by virtue of Subsection A(1) or upon any other substantive cessation of natural gas and/or petroleum extraction activities for a period of more than 12 months, then and in either of such events the preexisting and/or nonconforming use status (and any related "grandfathering" rights) of or relating to such activity shall terminate.
Notwithstanding any provision hereof to the contrary, the preexisting, nonconforming status conferred and recognized by Subsection A(1) is not intended, and shall not be construed, to authorize or grandfather any natural gas and/or petroleum extraction activities extending beyond whatever well bore is authorized in any DEC permit in existence as of December 17, 2014. Any expansion or attempted or purported expansion of such well, whether as to its production, depth, horizon(s) or otherwise, shall not be grandfathered under Subsection A of this section.
Any building, other structure or use of land which is made nonconforming by any lot size, open space, height or building size requirements of this chapter, or by any subsequent amendments thereto, may be continued except as hereinafter provided.
Such nonconforming building, other structure or use of land enlarged or extended shall comply with the regulations of this chapter and shall be located within a district which permits said use.
Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the maintenance, renovation or destruction of structures in accordance with other provisions of the Town Code, including Chapter 94, Article I, Building Code Administration and Enforcement.
Where any use in any district, other than for customary agricultural operations, involves operation between the hours of 1/2 hour after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise, proper exterior illumination of suitable intensity may be required by the authorized official at each entrance and exit and along each side of any building. Said exterior illumination shall be localized and unobtrusive. In cases where property owners propose the use of exterior illumination, said illumination shall be localized and unobtrusive and shall not create a nuisance to neighboring property owners. Any existing exterior illumination which is in violation of this section shall be immediately brought into compliance through the use of approved shielding, decrease in wattage or relocation.
Lighting in TFOD.
Lighting of properties within the TF Overlay District shall be coordinated so as to provide consistency of design and to maximize the efficient use of energy. All such lighting shall be located and designed so as not to cause glare on any adjacent sites and shall be subject to the approval of the board having jurisdiction.
Exterior lighting proposed within 200 feet of any residential district shall be no more than 20 feet in height, and in no case shall lighting be permitted in excess of 30 feet in height. All light poles shall be landscaped at their bases; the board having jurisdiction shall approve said landscaping.
Any person within any district may erect a roadside stand and sell from same agricultural products only produced on his/her premises located within the Town. Any such stand shall be of temporary construction and shall comply with all the conditions and regulations prescribed for structures in the district in which the stand is located. Such stand may not be erected nearer than 20 feet to the macadam surface nor within the right-of-way. There must be provided for any roadside stand a parking area sufficient to accommodate vehicles and to eliminate traffic hazards. In the event that parking occurs along a right-of-way, said parking shall be conducted in a safe and orderly manner and coordinated by the farm stand operator, subject to all state, county and Town requirements. Roadside stands shall be permitted to have two temporary signs, not to exceed 10 square feet each in area, which must be placed on the site where the sale of produce will occur.
Farm markets. Any person within any residential zoning district may erect a farm market and sell agricultural products, provided the property complies with the standards set forth herein. Any such market and its accessory structures shall be permitted by the authorized official pursuant to Article XII of this chapter and subject to the following criteria:
Such farm market shall be constructed on not less than five acres of property identified with the same tax account number.
The maximum building area devoted to farm market retail sales area shall not exceed 10,000 square feet; however, accessory growing structures shall be permitted, provided that the principal farm market and said accessory structures maintain a fifty-foot setback from all property lines.
The primary function of the farm market operations is to sell agricultural produce and plant materials which have been grown on- or off-site (edible and nonedible). Farm markets are also permitted to sell other such items which are considered incidental and ancillary to those items listed above, such as fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, lawn and garden tools and equipment, and lawn furniture.
The farm market operations may be conducted 12 months per year.
Farm markets shall be serviced by parking spaces as set forth in § 250-7.7 of this chapter.
Outside storage and display of produce and plant materials shall be permitted on all portions of the property, with the exception of areas where traffic sight distance will be impacted. No outside storage and/or display of said materials shall be permitted within the public right-of-way at any time.
Outside storage and display of all other items accessory and incidental to a farm market operation shall be placed in an approved area, not less than 50 feet from any property line. The size of said storage area shall not exceed 25% of the size of the principal farm market structure and shall be effectively buffered in a manner that it will not create a nuisance to adjacent properties, as determined by the authorized official.
Properties may have one farm market or one roadside stand, operated by the same individual, on any one property. All preexisting nonconforming farm market operations are subject to the requirements of § 250-7.13 of this chapter.
The dumping of any material not expressly permitted by the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the Code of the Town of Penfield is hereby declared to be the dumping of waste material and is prohibited in all districts in the Town, with the exception of sanitary landfills which have been approved by the appropriate state, county and Town agencies. The preceding sentence is not intended and shall not be construed to authorize (whether in sanitary landfills approved by any state, county, or other authorities, or otherwise) any natural gas and/or petroleum exploration, extraction or production wastes disposal/storage facilities, natural gas and/or petroleum exploration, extraction or production wastes dumps, or any other explicitly prohibited uses anywhere within the Town.
For the purposes of this section, the term "waste material" is meant to include, but is not limited to, the following: garbage, refuse, trash, junk, ashes, decaying vegetation, papers, offal, obnoxious and offensive substances and any material dumped without authorization under the provisions of Chapter 187, Article I, Garbage and Refuse Control, of the Town Code.
The authorized official may order waste material dumped in violation of this section to be removed from the premises where dumped within a reasonable period of time. Such an order may be issued to the person(s) who dumped the waste material when he, she or they are known. When the dumper(s) is not known, an order to remove the dumped waste material may be issued to the owner of the property upon which the waste material has been dumped. When an order to remove is issued pursuant to the authority granted hereinabove, such order shall be in writing and shall be served personally upon the dumper or the owner of the property upon which waste material has been dumped, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules § 308.
When a lawful order to remove waste material is not obeyed within a reasonable time, the authorized official may cause the waste material to be removed.
It shall be an offense for any person to dump waste material in violation of the provisions of this section or to fail to obey an order issued under the authority granted hereinabove to the authorized official.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting a property owner from maintaining a compost pile on his/her property; nor shall this section be construed as prohibiting normal agricultural activities. Any compost pile shall meet the minimum setback requirements for structures within the zoning district in which the property is located.
Purpose. It is the purpose of regulating outdoor storage and display in all districts to promote aesthetic appeal and end visual pollution and clutter. While recognizing that outdoor storage and display may at times be necessary or desirable, it is the purpose of this section to discourage and eliminate such outdoor storage and display whenever such may be achieved without the creation of a genuine hardship.
Business districts.
In any LB, FC, B-NR or GB District, no fixed or portable equipment, motor vehicles, or other materials shall be permitted to be stored or displayed nor shall any stands for sale or display be permitted in such a district outside an enclosed building unless a special use permit shall have first been granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Such Board may permit the outdoor display or storage of such equipment or materials upon such conditions as it may deem reasonable, provided:
Such storage and display is an accessory use to the main business conducted or to be conducted on the premises.
Such storage and display is not within 100 feet of the line of a residential zoning district.
Such storage and display is not at such distance from any public highway as to interfere with the safe use of such highway.
Such storage and display does not unreasonably interfere with the quiet enjoyment of property by adjacent property owners.
The fee for the issuance of a special use permit by the Town Clerk shall be established by resolution by the Town Board. Any permit granted hereunder may be revoked by the Zoning Board of Appeals after due hearing on not less than 10 days' written notice to the person holding such permit in the event that the holder of such permit violates any of the conditions of the issuance thereof or of this section.
Unless the Zoning Board of Appeals shall set a shorter period of duration, each such permit shall be valid for a period of three years.
Temporary outside storage, display and sales permits of a duration of one week or less may be granted by the authorized official up to and including four times per year, provided the applicant demonstrates the ability to meet the conditions of Subsection B(1) of this section. The fee for the issuance of a temporary permit shall be established by resolution by the Town Board. Permits granted pursuant to this subsection shall be issued by the Town Clerk upon payment of the required fee. Any temporary permit granted hereunder may be revoked immediately by the authorized official in the event the use made hereunder violates any of the conditions of its issuance or shall have become a nuisance.
[Amended 2-3-2021 by Res. No. 21T-066]
Limited Industrial Districts. All requirements set forth in Subsection B of this section pertaining to outdoor storage and display in business districts shall apply to such outdoor storage and display in Limited Industrial Districts, except:
No such storage or display shall occur within 150 feet of the line of any residential zoning district; and
Such permit shall become void one year after approval unless the permitted activity has commenced.
Residential zoning districts.
Applicability. The requirements for this section shall apply to all outdoor storage and display in any district zoned RA-2, CR-2, RR-1, R-1-20, R-1-15, R-1-12, MR, TH, PD, LLD, FC or MHP.
Materials, refuse and debris.
No building material, portable equipment, construction equipment, refuse, rubble, debris or waste shall be permitted in any portion of the right-of-way, with the exception of refuse placed by the road less than 24 hours prior to scheduled pick up by a contracted trash hauler or materials and equipment used for the maintenance of a public right-of-way or public utilities when performed by a government agency or subcontractor of such agency.
No building material, portable equipment, construction equipment, refuse, rubble, debris or waste shall be stored or kept in such a manner as to adversely affect the safe use of any roadway by vehicle traffic or pedestrians.
No building material, portable equipment, construction equipment, refuse, rubble, debris or waste shall be permitted to be stored or kept on a property; except that such material shall be permitted, provided it is stored or kept on a property temporarily when associated with the maintenance, construction, service or repair of the property, and further provided that such material shall be removed immediately upon completion of such maintenance, construction, service or repair.
No building material, portable equipment, refuse, rubble, debris or agricultural waste shall be stored or kept in any residential zoning district closer to any highway than the front setback distance applicable to such property.
Property address numbers shall be provided as set forth in the Fire Code of New York State and the Property Maintenance Code of New York State and any amendments thereafter, which are hereby incorporated by reference.
Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Town of Penfield, to regulate and enforce regulations concerning the use of recreational ramps and to ensure and not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of property owners within the Town.
General regulations.
Recreational ramps shall be prohibited within any right-of-way or private roadway;
Recreational ramps must comply with all minimum zoning setback requirements, but in no case shall a recreational ramp be constructed less than 30 feet from any adjoining property boundary.
Only one person may be upon a recreational ramp at one time. Users must wear protective safety equipment.
Recreational ramps shall be used only between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. or until 8:30 p.m. during daylight savings time.
There shall be no more than one recreational ramp permitted on any property.
Construction requirements.
No recreational ramp shall be in excess of six feet in overall height, excluding handrails. All building construction shall include insulation or other sound-deadening materials and shall be designed and constructed in a safe, workmanlike manner. Closure of the open ends of the recreational ramp shall be required, and orientation of the recreational ramp shall direct noise away from adjacent properties wherever possible. Owners of said facilities shall be encouraged to buffer, landscape or otherwise screen or contain the noise generated by skateboarding activities on their property. The Building Inspector is authorized to place conditions upon the building permit requiring landscaping improvements to be installed to minimize and mitigate adverse visual and noise impacts.
Structural stability. Recreational ramps shall be structurally stable, and such determination shall be made by the Building Inspector on any of the following bases:
A certification by a professional engineer or architect licensed in the State of New York; or
Manufacturer's warranty, if any.
The Town of Penfield shall assume no responsibility for design, safety, and structural integrity or otherwise in its issuance of a building permit for a recreational ramp, which shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant/owner thereof.
The construction of a recreational ramp shall require issuance of a building permit in accordance with Chapter 94, Article I, Building Code Administration and Enforcement, of the Town Code. The fee for a building permit for recreational ramps shall be determined and set by the Town Board by resolution.
Use and maintenance. Such recreational ramps shall be used and maintained in such a way as not to be detrimental to the health and safety of any individual or be contrary to the public welfare because of their hours of operation, noise level, location and type of outdoor lighting and/or conduct of the person(s) using and/or operating such ramps.
Existing recreational ramps.
Owners of existing recreational ramps without permits shall, within 30 days following the enactment of this section, file an application for a permit with the Building Department, showing compliance with this section or seeking a waiver from its terms pursuant to Subsection F.
Owners of existing recreational ramps who fail to obtain a building permit for said ramps shall have 90 days, from the effective date of this regulation or from determination denying the permit, whichever is later, to remove such nonconforming structures or uses.
Variances. The Zoning Board of Appeals may, upon appeal by an owner/operator, grant variances from the provisions of this section in accordance with law, and upon a determination that privacy, use, quiet enjoyment and value of the neighboring properties shall not be adversely affected thereby.