[Amended 11-10-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-21]
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 1996-05, adopted 8-27-1996, repealed original Art. VI, entitled "Residential With Town Center Overlay (R-1A/TC); Business With Town Center Overlay (B-2/TC)," added 8-8-1989 by Ord. No. 1989-4, as amended. Article VI, Town Center District, added 8-27-1996 by Ord. No. 1996-05, was repealed 3-8-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-03.
The Town Center District, TCD, is provided to encourage the development of a mixed-use neighborhood that complements existing neighborhoods and quality of life in the Township by providing for a pattern of development and redevelopment that:
Reduces sprawl and the segregation of land uses that requires dependence upon private vehicles for transportation.
Encourages sustainable commercial development/redevelopment by balancing multiple uses within a pedestrian-oriented mixed-use core.
Advances public health and quality of life for all Eastampton residents by encouraging pedestrianism and multimodal transportation options, inclusive of walking and biking.
Provides for a balanced ratio of housing, commercial and employment opportunities within the Township.
Provides opportunities for social and cultural interaction in small-scale public and semipublic facilities and spaces for all Eastampton residents.
Creates a network of village-scale streets as called for under § 460-76.
Protects, incorporates and links natural and environmental features into the center.
Creates a positive and attractively built environment by providing for specific building types, basic standards and architectural guidelines in order to ensure proper spatial definition and a proper ratio of uses to achieve the goals described above.
Bike paths, sidewalks, and benches shall be integrated where possible in all new development. Regarding pedestrian and bicyclist access and safety, refer to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Pedestrian Compatible Planning and Design Guidelines, and the NJDOT Bicycle Compatible Roadways and Bikeways. Bicycle racks should be installed where appropriate.
Development and redevelopment shall include comprehensive landscaping plans that emphasize the preservation of mature, healthy vegetation, consistent with design standards set forth in this chapter.
Ground-level utility boxes and mechanical equipment shall be concealed from public view, primarily through the use of landscaping.
Locating stormwater management basins along road frontage should be discouraged, and the basins should be concealed from public view to the greatest extent possible.
Community gathering places, such as village greens or small parks, shall be encouraged and appropriately incorporated into developments whenever possible.
Water conservation and water quality design techniques shall be used in site design wherever possible, including the preservation of existing vegetation; the use of landscaping which requires little or no surface spray irrigation or the use of subsurface trickle irrigation where necessary for the viability of trees and shrubs; the control of excessive paving and other impervious surfaces and the design of natural stormwater management facilities.
The use of site and street furniture and improvements, including benches, tables, trash receptacles, bike racks, pedestrian walkways, planters and lighting consistent with traditional community character, is encouraged.
Parking lots shall be designed to accommodate and encourage safe and convenient pedestrian movement. Parking lots shall also be designed to provide clear on-site visibility for security and safety purposes. Landscaping and buffering should be used abundantly to minimize street view of parking lots. Parking lots and drive-through windows, where permitted, should be placed behind buildings where possible. Primary building frontage and orientation shall be toward the street.
The Town Center District is comprised of overlay zones and is located in a redevelopment area. Each district has a feature that distinguishes one zone from another. The requirements for the overlay districts are contained in § 540-94 et seq. of this chapter. The Town Center District (TCD) includes the following zoning designations:
Town Center Mixed Use
Town Center Mixed Use
Town Center Commercial/Office
Town Center Single-Family Residential
Town Center Civic
Town Center Civic/Professional Office
TCM1 and TCM2. The two Town Center Mixed Use Districts encourage the development of mixed-use districts consisting of commercial, office, residential and open space, with the TCM1 and TCM2 Districts varying in the percentage of residential use permitted per square foot of commercial or office space proposed. A key element of the design of these districts is a village green. The TCM Districts shall be planned to include all of the lots in each district. If an application is received for a portion of the area within the TCM District, the application shall make provisions to allow the continuation of the development into the adjacent lots. The following blocks and lots are located in the TCM1 District: Block 300, Lots 13 through 15, 17 through 25; Block 600, Lot 2.07. The following block and lots are located in the TCM2 District: Block 600, Lots 5, 5.02, 6, 6.01.
TCO. The Town Center Commercial/Office District encourages the development of primarily commercial mixed-use neighborhoods that complement existing neighborhoods. If an application is received for a portion of the area within the TCO District, the application shall make provisions to allow the continuation of the development into the adjacent lots. The following blocks and lots are located in the TCO District: Block 503, all lots; Block 600, Lots 1, 2.01, 2.05, 7, 7.01, 7.02, 8; Block 900.01, Lots 12.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.04, 12.05, 12.06, 13, 14, 14.01.
TCR. The Town Center Single-Family Residential District encourages the development of a residential community to utilize the commercial uses in the area utilizing nonmotorized methods of transportation. The following blocks and lots are located in the TCR District: Block 200, Lots 7 through 10; Block 300, Lots 2.01, 27 through 31, 30.01, 34 through 37; Block 400, Lots 22, 23; Block 500, Lots 1 through 7, 7.01, 7.02, 10 through 12; Block 501, all lots; Block 502, all lots; Block 900, all lots; Block 900.01, Lots 4.03, 7 through 11; Block 1000, Lots 1 through 5; Block 1002, all lots.
TCC. The Town Center Civic District consists of the 163 +/- acres owned by the Township to be used for open space and recreation uses. The following block and lot is located in the TCC District: Block 600, Lot 4.02.
TCVO. The Town Center Civic/Professional Office District designates areas that can be utilized for community functions, such as a house of worship, municipal and governmental uses and office uses. The following blocks and lots are located in the TCVO District: Block 600, Lots 2.06, 2.08; Block 1100.14, Lot 16; Block 1100.15, Lot 18.
Permitted principal uses:
Retail, professional and personal services, except as specifically prohibited in § 540-24B.
Restaurants, except as specifically prohibited in § 540-24B.
Prohibited uses:
Any freestanding or single-use commercial building in excess of 7,500 square feet of gross floor area.
Sexually oriented businesses, including establishments that are commonly marketed as adult (male or female) entertainment clubs featuring exotic dancing, and adult book, video and/or gift stores.
Tattoo, body-piercing or branding establishments.
Manufacturing and other commercial uses deemed to be hazardous in the Building Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 205, Construction Codes, Uniform.
Automobile sales, services, pumping stations, parts sales, car washes and detailing shops.
Restaurants with exterior drive-up window service.
Facilities for the boarding of animals, unless directly related to the primary medical work of a veterinary clinic.
Conditional uses:
Block 300: neighborhood grocery store not exceeding 35,000 square feet of gross floor area, provided it complies with all applicable architectural, open space and site design standards.
Block 503 and Block 900.01: mixed-use residential and commercial developments:
Residential dwellings on a minimum tract of six acres, provided that there be no more than one residential dwelling unit per 2,500 square feet of commercial space. A residential component of said subdivision shall be permitted, provided that the residential component incorporates the following mix, which may vary by +/- 5%: 20% small-lot single-family dwellings fronting onto residential streets; 50% attached townhomes fronting onto residential streets; and 30% apartments above commercial uses (vertically mixed-use buildings or live/work buildings.)
Townhomes shall be permitted along existing municipal residential roads.
Home offices in the TCD are permitted, provided:
The use is limited to a professional office use only.
Said office shall be limited to not more than one employee who is not a resident at the dwelling.
Office operations shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends.
Civic and religious institutions, provided they comply with the applicable design and architectural standards provided in Chapter 460, Articles VIII and IX.
Parking and circulation. Requirements shall be as set forth in §§ 540-57, 540-58, 540-59, and 540-99C(13).
Landscaping. Requirements shall be as set forth in § 540-54.
Signs. Requirements shall be as set forth in § 540-48 et seq. and § 460-79H.
Lighting. Requirements shall be as set forth in § 460-79F et seq.
Accessory uses.
[Added 3-22-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-3]
Signs, subject to the provisions of §§ 540-48 through 540-53.
Mixed-use and commercial buildings:
Width per shop: minimum 12 feet; maximum 36 feet.1
Depth per shop: minimum 18 feet; maximum 60 feet.
Lot depth: minimum 90 feet; maximum 140 feet.
Lot area: minimum 2,160 square feet; maximum 16,800 square feet.
Maximum width for any group of shops is 120 feet without a break for a pedestrian lane between buildings.
Build-to line: minimum zero feet; maximum four feet.
Building footprint: minimum 1,060 square feet; maximum 36,720 square feet.
Building height: minimum two stories; maximum 3 1/2 stories.
Roof types. Roofs shall be simply and symmetrically pitched and only in the configuration of gables and hips. The pitch of the roof shall be between 9:12 to 14:12.
Passageways. A passageway between stores shall be provided at intervals of least 120 feet and shall be minimum of 12 feet wide.
Four spaces per 1,000 square feet maximum.
On-street parking in front of buildings is required and can be parallel or head-in. On-street parking can be used to meet the total parking requirement, counting only those spaces directly in front of the mixed-use building(s) on the site and for which application is being processed.
Parking lots shall be placed in the rear of the building(s) and should be shared. Rear parking lots must be screened with a fence or vegetative hedge (minimum of four feet high) which is at least 75% visually impervious at the time of planting. The internal surface of the parking lots must have one tree for every 10 parking spaces.
Corner and end unit treatment.
Corner and end buildings are encouraged to have outdoor dining or plazas facing the street.
Corner and end buildings shall accentuate the corner through their form. Second-story emphasis, three-story towers, building corner block enlargements and other architectural details shall be required on all corners along commercial streets and framing edges of public plazas.
Corners can have special street furniture, outdoor cafes and/or fountains.
Landscaping. Street trees shall be at twenty-four-foot intervals and at least two-inch to two-and-one-half-inch caliper.
Permitted encroachments:
Four feet on the front and rear for upper-level balconies or patio extensions on the mixed-use buildings that have housing above.
Cantilevered porches with extended roofs are permitted along the front facade on commercial and mixed-use buildings that have housing on the upper levels.
Garbage and recycling. All garbage and recycling areas must be screened to make the facility 100% visually impervious from all directions and must be architecturally compatible with the building's architecture.
Mechanical screening. HVAC, exhaust fans and large vents must be screened from view.
Signs and signage. Signs shall be in accordance with the sign provisions in this chapter.
Specifications for live/work:
Lot width: minimum 20 feet; maximum 36 feet.
Lot depth: minimum 90 feet; maximum 110 feet.
Build-to line: minimum zero feet; maximum four feet (with display or cafe).
Building footprint: minimum 1,060 square feet; maximum 36,720 square feet.
Building height:1 minimum two stories; maximum 3 1/2 stories.
Except on corners where greater architectural emphasis through towers or other architectural features are required.
Roof types. Roofs shall be simply and symmetrically pitched and only in the configuration of gables and hips. The pitch of the roof shall be between 9:12 to 14:12.
Passageways. A passageway between stores shall be provided at intervals of at least 120 feet and shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide.
One space per 1,000 square feet of work space maximum, in addition to two garage spaces for the residential units.
On-street parking in front of the live/work is required and can be parallel.
Vehicular access to the rear parking is by a parking access lane. Rear parking lots must be screened.
Other specifications. Regulations applicable in Subsection A, Mixed-use and commercial buildings, Subsection A(4) through (9), shall apply.
Lot width: minimum 20 feet; maximum 24 feet.
Lot depth: minimum 80 feet; maximum 110 feet.
Lot area: minimum 1,800 square feet; maximum 2,640 square feet.
Build-to line: minimum eight feet; maximum 12 feet.
End/side yard setback along lane: three feet.
Buildable area: minimum 800 square feet; maximum 960 square feet.
Building height: minimum 2 1/2 stories; maximum 3 1/2 stories.
Roof types. Roofs shall be simply and symmetrically pitched and only in the configuration of gables and hips. The pitch of the roof shall be between 9:12 to 14:12.
Finished floor must be raised above average sidewalk grade by a minimum of two feet.
Facades on the primary building shall be located on both the front and the side build-to lines and within the specified buildable area.
Towers not greater than 325 square feet are allowed to extend up to three stories on corner lots or lots located at terminal views.
Parking options.
Two parking spaces shall be provided for each townhome.
Parking shall be provided by:
An enclosed single- or double-wide nonattached garage in the rear yard accessed from an alley.
Parking may be provided on the street directly in front of these townhomes in head-in parking spaces. These on-street spaces shall be maintained, cleaned, and kept clear of snow and debris by the home or property owner.
Permitted encroachments. Porches, stoops, second-level porches, cantilevered balconies, bay windows, raised entrances and eaves may be located outside the buildable area only in locations designated in the encroachment plan.
Up to an eight-foot deck or rear porch may extended from the rear facade.
Garbage and recycling. Trash and waste containers shall be screened from the public and viewshed and be made 100% visually impervious from all directions and must be architecturally compatible with the building's architecture.
Mechanical screening. HVAC, exhaust fans and large vents must be screened from view.
Signs: lighted house numbers not to exceed four inches in height.
Front yard shall be landscaped with hedges, flowers and ground covers.
Street trees spaced at twenty-four-foot intervals with at least a two-inch to two-and-one-half-inch caliper.
Property edge treatment.
All shared property lines without a building wall shall have walls, fences or hedges located centered on the property line.
A decorative fence, wall or hedge no higher than three feet shall be installed along the front property line, set back one foot from the sidewalk.
Facades on the primary building shall be located on both the front and the side build-to lines and within the specified buildable area.
Towers not greater than 325 square feet are allowed to extend up to three stories on corner lots or lots located at terminal views.
Small-lot single-family dwelling:
Lot area: minimum 5,000 square feet; maximum 6,000 square feet.
Lot width: minimum 45 feet; maximum 50 feet.
Lot depth: minimum 100 feet; maximum 120 feet.
Build-to line: minimum 10 feet; maximum 15 feet.
Side yard setback:
Alley and no driveway: minimum six feet; maximum 10 feet.
With driveway: minimum four feet; maximum 12 feet, side with driveway.
Rear yard setback: minimum 15 feet; maximum 25 feet.
Build-up line: two stories, first finished floor level must be a minimum of two feet above sidewalk grade. Maximum building height is 35 feet.
Building coverage: 40% maximum.
Accessory structure. Garages shall be placed at the rear of the yard and accessed through a driveway or alley. They shall not exceed 25 feet in height. The rear yard setback shall be eight feet from the property line or right-of-way when there is an alley. When there is a driveway, the rear yard setback shall be at least four feet. The side yard setback shall be six feet.