Unless otherwise expressly provided, the following words, for the purpose of this chapter, shall have the meanings herein indicated:
A legal place of business from which private livery cars are dispatched to operate.
Any person owning a base for the dispatch of private livery cars.
One or more acts of transporting a passenger or passengers for hire.
The driving of a taxicab upon the streets, highways, avenues or public places located within the Village of Mineola for the purpose of soliciting or the plying of prospective passengers for hire.
Any person driving a taxicab, private livery car, private livery van or limousine for hire upon the streets, highways, avenues or public places located within the Village of Mineola.
A chauffeured, oversized or full-sized luxury sedan seating not fewer than five nor more than 10 persons, including the driver, used solely for hire in connection with funerals, weddings, amusement, sports and similar functions on a prior agreement, fixed-rate basis and licensed by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles with a livery plate or other special designated plate. Such vehicle shall not be used as a taxicab. Such vehicle shall not be permitted to stand at any taxi stand designated by the Village of Mineola.
A private livery van, as defined in this article.
The picking up of a passenger for hire within the Village of Mineola, whether such passenger is discharged at a destination within the Village of Mineola or without the Village of Mineola. Nothing in this chapter shall apply to abridge, limit or regulate the right of any person not licensed hereunder to convey passengers by taxicab, limousine or private livery van from points of origin outside the Village of Mineola to points of destination within the Village of Mineola.
Any person owning one or more taxicabs, limousines, private livery cars or private livery vans and driving or causing any such vehicle to be driven upon the streets, highways, avenues or public places located within the Village of Mineola for hire. "Owner" shall also include a purchaser under a reserve title contract, conditional sales agreement or vendor's lien agreement and the lessee of any such vehicle or vehicles.
A person other than the driver who is an occupant of a taxicab, limousine, private livery car or private livery van, and, for the purpose of this chapter, such person or persons shall be presumed to be a passenger for hire.
An individual, firm, partnership, unincorporated association, corporation or any other legal entity.
An intermediate or full-sized sedan seating no fewer then five nor more than six persons, including the driver, which is dispatched by two-way radio and used for the transportation of passengers for compensation. Such vehicle shall not be operated as a limousine or a taxicab and shall not be permitted to stand at any taxi stand designated by the Village of Mineola. A private livery car must be affiliated with a base which is licensed pursuant to this chapter.
A motor vehicle which is manufactured and equipped in such a manner as to provide a seating capacity of not fewer than six and not more than 15 passengers, not including the driver, which is used for the transportation of persons for compensation. Such vehicle shall not be permitted to stand at any taxi stand designated by the Village of Mineola.
The owner of any of a corporation's outstanding and issued shares, whether or not publicly traded.
A motor vehicle other than a limousine or private livery car used in the business of carrying passengers for hire; having a seating capacity of not more than eight persons, including the driver; not operated on a fixed route; and licensed by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles with a license number that is designated by the Department of Motor Vehicles as a taxicab plate.
A public place alongside the curb of a street or elsewhere which has been so designated pursuant to § 475-38.
A fixed base of operation of the owner of a taxicab or limousine.
The Village of Mineola.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to a limousine which is:
Used solely to transport persons for a motel, hotel or housing complex pursuant to contract.
Used under agreement with a club or provide regular transportation service for its members or guests.
Owned and operated by persons not primarily engaged in the business of transportation and who furnish their own drivers.
Operated at fares determined by zone or taximeter.