Any applicant who shall have been denied a license under this chapter by the licensing officer or who shall have been issued a license by the licensing officer for less tow cars than the number for which he or she applied may apply to the Village Board for a review of the action of the licensing officer as hereinafter provided.
Written application. Such application to the Village Board shall be in writing, signed and verified by the applicant, and shall state the ground or grounds on which the applicant claims that the determination of the licensing officer was erroneous.
Time limit. Such application shall be filed with the Village Clerk by the applicant within 20 days after notice of denial of his or her application by the licensing officer has been mailed to him or her or delivered to him or her in person.
Hearing. Upon the filing of such application, the Village Board shall hold a hearing thereon pursuant to the provisions of § 483-24.
Evidence. At such hearing, the Village Board shall consider the applicant's application upon the record before the licensing officer in connection with the licensing officer's consideration thereof and, in its discretion, may receive new or additional evidence in support thereof or in opposition thereto.
The Village Board, after such hearing, may affirm the action of the licensing officer or direct the licensing officer to issue a proper license, pursuant to this chapter.
Designation of date and time. Whenever it shall be provided herein that a hearing shall or may be held by the Village Board, such hearing shall be held on a date and at a place and hour designated by the Village Board.
Notice; time. The Village Clerk shall give notice thereof, stating the name and address of the applicant or license holder concerned, the subject matter of the hearing and the date, place and hour thereof designated therefor, by mailing a copy thereof to the applicant or license holder concerned at the address shown upon the most recent application of such applicant or licensee at least 10 days before such hearing.
Representation; evidence. Upon any hearings, the applicant or license holder involved shall be entitled to be represented by legal counsel and to present such competent and material testimony or other evidence in his or her own behalf as may be relevant to the subject matter of the hearing.
Swearing of witnesses. All witnesses shall be sworn and examined under oath.