[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
The Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent shall inspect the plumbing in every building or premises in this Village at prescribed intervals to ensure that the plumbing system was installed and maintained in such a manner as to safeguard the potable water supply by preventing backflow into the potable water supply system. The Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent shall notify or cause to be notified, in writing, the owner or authorized agent of the owner of any such building or premises, to correct, within a reasonable time set by the Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent, any plumbing installed or existing contrary to or in violation of this article and which, in its judgment, may, therefore, permit the pollution of the Village water supply or otherwise adversely affect the public health.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
The Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent shall have the right of entry into any building, during reasonable hours, for the purpose of making inspections of the plumbing systems installed in such building or premises, provided that, with respect to the inspection of any single-family dwelling, consent to such inspection shall first be obtained from a person of suitable age and discretion therein or in control thereof.
The Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent may require the owner of any multiple dwelling or commercial or industrial building to designate some qualified person to be in charge of the water supply for that building.
When used in this article, unless otherwise indicated, the following words shall have the meanings indicated:
The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device and the flood-level rim of the receptacle.
Accepted by the Village and by the Department of Health, where required, as meeting an applicable specification stated or cited in this article or as suitable for the proposed use.
Any water source or system other than the Village water supply which may be available in the building or on the premises.
The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source or sources other than its intended source.
A device or means to prevent backflow.
Backflow resulting from negative pressures in the distributing pipes of the potable water supply.
A loop of pipe rising approximately 35 feet, at its topmost point, above the highest fixture it supplies.
A self-closing device which is designed to permit the flow of fluids in one direction and to close if there is a reversal of flow.
See "pollution."
Any physical connection between a potable water supply and any waste pipe, soil pipe, sewer, drain or any unapproved source or system. Furthermore, a "cross-connection" is any potable water supply outlet which is submerged or can be submerged in wastewater and/or any other source of contamination. See "backflow" and "backsiphonage."
Any pipe which carries wastewater or waterborne wastes in a building drainage system.
Installed receptacles, devices or appliances supplied with water or which receive or discharge liquids or liquid-borne wastes.
The edge of the receptacle from which water overflows.
Any conditions, devices or practices in the water supply system and its operation which creates or may create a danger to the health and well-being of the water consumer. An example of a "health hazard" is a structural defect in the water supply system, whether in the location, design or construction, which may regularly or occasionally prevent satisfactory purification of the water supply or cause it to be polluted from extraneous sources.
Any arrangement of plumbing, including piping and fixtures, whereby a cross-connection is created.
A pressure vessel in which air pressure acts upon the surface of the water contained within the vessel, pressurizing the water distribution piping connected to the vessel.
The open end of the water supply pipe through which the water is discharged into the plumbing fixture.
Includes the water supply and distribution pipes, plumbing fixtures and traps; soil, waste and vent pipes; building drains and building sewers, including their respective connections, devices and appurtenances within the property line of the premises; and water-treating or water-using equipment.
The presence of any foreign substance (organic, inorganic, radiological or biological) in water which tends to degrade its quality so as to constitute a hazard or impair the usefulness of the water.
An assembly of differential valves and check valves, including an automatically opened spillage port to the atmosphere designed to prevent backflow.
The receiving, nonpressure vessel forming part of the air gap separation between a potable and an auxiliary supply.
Any pressure less than that exerted by the atmosphere.
A vacuum breaker which is designed so as not to be subjected to static line pressure.
A vacuum breaker designed to operate under conditions of static line pressure.
The Village of Mineola and the Board of Water Commissioners and employees of said Village vested with the authority and responsibility for the enactment and enforcement of this article.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
Water which is not safe for human consumption or which is of questionable potability.
Any water which complies with the provisions of 10 NYCRR Part 5 (Drinking Water Supplies) of the Administrative Rules and Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Health.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Generally. A potable water supply system shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner as to prevent contamination from nonpotable water, liquids, solids or gases being introduced into the potable water supply through cross-connections or any other piping connections to the system.
Cross-connections prohibited; exception. Cross-connections between potable water systems and other systems or equipment containing water or other substances of unknown or questionable safety are prohibited, except when and where, and as approved by the New York State Commissioner of Health pursuant to the New York State Sanitary Code, suitable protective devices such as the reduced-pressure-zone backflow preventer or equal are installed, tested and maintained to ensure proper operation on a continuing basis.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Interconnections. Interconnection between two or more public water supplies shall be permitted only with the written approval of the Board of Water Commissioners and the New York State Department of Health.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
Individual water supplies. Cross-connections between an individual water supply and a potable public supply shall not be made unless specifically approved by the Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent and the New York State Department of Health.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
Connections to boilers. Potable water connections to boiler feed water systems shall be made through an air gap or provided with an approved backflow preventer (reduced-pressure-principle or double-check double-gate valves).
Prohibited connections to fixtures and equipment. Connection to the potable water supply system for the following is prohibited, unless protected against backflow in accordance with Subsection H or as set forth as follows:
Operating, dissection, embalming and mortuary tables or similar equipment. In such installation the hose used for the water supply shall terminate at least 12 inches away from every point of the table or attachments.
Pumps for nonpotable water, chemicals or other substances. Priming connections may be made only through an air gap.
Building drainage, sewer or vent systems.
Any other fixture of similar hazard.
Refrigerating unit condensers and cooling jackets. Except where potable water provided for a refrigerator condenser or cooling jack is entirely outside the piping or tank containing a toxic refrigerant and two separate thicknesses of metal separate the refrigerant from the potable water supply, an inlet connection shall be provided with an approved check valve. Also, adjacent to and at the outlet side of the check valve, an approved pressure-relief valve, set to relieve at five pounds per square inch above the maximum water pressure at the point of installation, shall be provided if the refrigeration unit contains more than 20 pounds of refrigerants.
Protection against backflow and backsiphonage.
Water outlets. A potable water system shall be protected against backflow and backsiphonage by providing and maintaining at each outlet:
Air gap. An air gap, as specified in Subsection H(2), between the potable water outlet and the flood-level rim of the fixture it supplies or between the outlet and any other source of contamination; or
Backflow preventer. An approved backflow preventer device or vacuum breaker to prevent the drawing of contamination into the potable water system.
Minimum required air gap.
How measured. The minimum required air gap shall be measured vertically from the lowest end of a potable water outlet to the flood rim or line of the fixture or receptacle into which it discharges.
Size. The minimum required air gap shall be twice the effective opening of a potable water outlet, unless the outlet is a distance less than three times the effective opening away from a wall or similar vertical surface, in which case the minimum required air gap shall be three times the effective opening of the outlet. In no case shall the minimum required air gap be less than shown in the following table:
Minimum Air Gaps for Generally Used Plumbing Fixtures
Minimum Air Gap
When Not Affected by Near Wall(1)
When Affected by Near Wall(2)
Lavatories and other fixtures with effective openings not greater than 1/2 inch in diameter
Sinks, laundry trays, gooseneck bath faucets and other fixtures with effective openings not greater than 3/4 inch in diameter
Over-rim bath fillers and other fixtures with effective openings not greater than 1 inch in diameter
Drinking water fountains: single orifice, 7/16 (0.437) inch in diameter, or multiple orifices having a total area of 0.150 square inch (area of circle 7/16 inch in diameter)
Effective openings greater than 1 inch
Sidewalls, ribs or similar obstructions do not affect air gaps when spaced from the inside edge of the spout opening a distance greater than three times the diameter of the effective opening for a single wall, or a distance greater than four times the diameter of the effective opening for two intersecting walls.
Vertical walls, ribs or similar obstructions extending from the water surface to or above the horizontal plane of the spout opening require a greater air gap when spaced closer to the nearest inside edge of spout opening than specified in Note (1) above. The effect of three or more such vertical walls or ribs has not been determined. In such cases, the air gap shall be measured from the top of the wall.
Two times diameter of effective opening.
Three times diameter of effective opening.
Approval of devices. Before any device for the prevention of backflow or backsiphonage is installed, it shall have first been approved, in writing, by the Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent. In addition, Department of Health approval is required in those instances where an air gap or control device for which an acceptable list has been established by the New York State Department of Health is utilized to protect the water supply from a hazardous substance. Devices installed in a building potable water supply distribution system for protection against backflow shall be maintained in good working condition by the person or persons responsible for the maintenance of the system. The Board of Water Commissioners or its designee shall inspect annually such devices and, if found to be defective or inoperative, shall immediately notify the owner, in writing, to immediately repair or replace the defective or inoperative device.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
Installation of devices.
Vacuum breakers. Vacuum breakers shall be installed with the critical level at least six inches above the flood-level rim of the fixture they serve and on the discharge side of the last control valve to the fixture. No shutoff valve or faucet shall be installed beyond the vacuum breaker. For closed equipment or vessels, such as pressure sterilizers, the top of the vessel shall be treated as the flood-level rim but a check valve shall be installed on the discharge side of the vacuum breaker.
Reduced-pressure-principle backflow preventer. A reduced-pressure-principle-type backflow preventer may be installed, subject to full static pressure.
Devices of all types. Backflow- and backsiphonage-preventing devices shall be accessibly located, preferably in the same room with the fixture they serve. Installation in utility or service spaces, provided that they are readily accessible, is also permitted.
Tanks and vats below rim supply.
Where a potable water outlet terminates below the rim of a tank or vat and the tank or vat has an overflow of a diameter not less than that given in the table below, the overflow pipe shall be provided with a gap as close to the tank as possible.
Sizes of Overflow Pipes for Water Supply Tanks
Maximum Capacity of Water Supply Line to Tank
(gallons per minute)
Diameter of Overflow Pipe
(inches in diameter)
0 to 50
50 to 150
2 1/2
100 to 200
200 to 400
400 to 700
700 to 1,000
Over 1,000
The potable water outlet to the tank or vat shall terminate a distance not less than 1 1/2 times the height to which water can rise in the tank above the top of the overflow. This level shall be established at the maximum flow rate of the supply to the tank or vat and with all outlets except the air gap overflow outlet closed.
The distance from the outlet to the higher water level shall be measured from the critical point of the potable water supply outlet.
Protective devices required.
The design criteria for physical connection control devices shall be as shown in the table below:
Design Criteria for Physical Connection Control Devices
Control Devices
Any physical connection which may be subject to back pressure involving:
Hazardous substances*
Nonhazardous substances**
Any physical connection not subject to back pressure involving:
Hazardous substances*
Nonhazardous substances**
air gap
reduced-pressure device
double-check valve assembly
atmospheric vacuum breaker
pressure vacuum breaker
A hazardous substance includes sewage, lethal chemicals or other substances which, if introduced into the public water supply system, would or may endanger the health of the consumer.
A nonhazardous substance would not endanger the health of the consumer, but would be a nuisance if introduced into the public water supply system.
The Board of Water Commissioners or its designee shall determine the condition of the connection in accordance with the categories listed in the above table and shall determine what type of control device is required. Only approved devices shall be utilized.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
Approved devices to protect against backflow and backsiphonage shall be installed at all fixtures and equipment where backflow and/or backsiphonage may occur and where a minimum air gap cannot be provided between the water outlet to the fixture or equipment and its flood-level rim.
Connections not subject to back pressure. Where a water connection is not subject to back pressure, a nonpressure-type vacuum breaker shall be installed on the discharge side of the last valve on the line serving the fixture or equipment. A list of some conditions requiring protective devices of this kind is given in the table below:
Cross-Connections Where Protective Devices are Required and Critical Level (C-L) Setting for Vacuum Breakers*
Fixture or Equipment
Method of Installation
Aspirators and ejectors
C-L at least 6 inches above flood level of receptacle served
Dental units
On models without built-in vacuum breakers, C-L at least 6 inches above flood-level rim of bowl
Dishwashing machines
C-L at least 6 inches above flood level of machine; install on both hot and cold water supply line
Flushometers (closet and urinal)
C-L at least 6 inches above top of fixture supplies
Garbage can cleaning machine
C-L at least 8 inches above flood level of machine; install on both hot and cold water supply lines
Hose outlets
C-L at least 6 inches above highest point on hose line
Laundry machines
C-L at least 6 inches above flood level of machine; install on both hot and cold water supply lines
Lawn sprinklers
C-L at least 12 inches above highest sprinkler or discharge outlet
Steam tables
C-L at least 6 inches above flood level
Tanks and vats
C-L at least 6 inches above flood-level rim or line
Trough urinals
C-L at least 30 inches above perforated flush pipe
Flush tanks
Equip with approved ball cock. Where ball cock touches tank water, equip with vacuum breaker at least 1 inch above overflow outlets. Where ball cock does not touch tank water, install ball cock outlet at least 1 inch above overflow outlet or provide vacuum breaker as specified above
Hose bibbs (where aspirators or ejectors could be connected)
C-L at least 6 inches above flood level of receptacle served
"Critical level" (C-L) is defined as the level to which the vacuum breaker may be submerged before backflow will occur. Where the C-L is not shown on the preventer, the bottom of the device shall be taken as the C-L.
Connections subject to back pressure. Where a potable water connection is made to a line, fixture, tank, vat, pump or other equipment with a hazard of backflow or backsiphonage where the water connection is subject to back pressure and an air gap cannot be installed, the installation of an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow preventer shall be required. A partial list of such connections is shown in the table below:
Partial List of Cross-Connections Which May Be Subject to Back Pressure
Chemical lines
Dock water outlets
Industrial water supplies
Industrial process waterlines
Pressure tanks
Steam lines
Swimming pools
Tanks and vats, bottom inlets
Hose bibbs
Barometric loop. Water connections where an actual or potential backsiphonage hazard exists may, in lieu of devices specified in Subsection H(6), be provided with a barometric loop. Barometric loops shall precede the point of connection.
Double-check double-gate valves. Approved double-check double-gate valve assemblies with test cocks may be installed as protective devices against backflow in connections between a potable water system and other nonhazardous substances which would not endanger the health of the consumer, but would be a nuisance if introduced into the public water supply system.
Low-pressure cutoff required on booster pumps. When a booster pump is used on a water pressure booster system and the possibility exists that a positive pressure of 20 pounds per square inch or less may occur on the suction side of the pump, there shall be installed a low-pressure cutoff on the booster pump to prevent the creation of a vacuum or negative pressure on the suction side of the pump, thus cutting off water to other outlets.
General requirements. It shall be the responsibility of the building and premises owners to maintain all backflow preventers and vacuum breakers within the building or on the premises in good working order and to make no piping or other arrangements for the purpose of bypassing backflow devices.
Backflow preventers. Annual testing and inspection schedules shall be established by the Board of Water Commissioners or its designated agent for all backflow prevention devices. These devices should be inspected frequently after the initial installation to assure that they have been installed properly and that debris resulting from the installation has not interfered with the functioning of the device. The testing procedures shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions when approved by the Board of Water Commissioners or its agent. Testing shall be conducted by an approved plumber, and the device shall bear an inspection certification tag indicating the date of inspection and the name and address of the plumber who conducted such inspection.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
Commercial buildings. All commercial buildings within the Village of Mineola shall be required to install a double-check valve device at the meter.
[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
Notice of violation; failure to abate. The Board of Water Commissioners or its agent shall notify, by written notice, the owner or authorized agent of the owner of the building or premises in which there is found a violation of this article of such violation. The Board of Water Commissioners or its agent shall set a reasonable time for the owner to have the violation removed or corrected. Upon failure of the owner to have the defect corrected by the end of the specified time interval, the Board of Water Commissioners may, if in its judgment a potential health hazard exists, cause the water service to the building or premises to be terminated.
Fine. The owner or authorized agent of the owner responsible for the maintenance of the plumbing systems and use of water on the premises or in the buildings thereon who knowingly permits a violation of any of the provisions of this article to remain uncorrected after the expiration of time set by the Board of Water Commissioners or its agent shall, upon conviction of the court, be subject to and required to pay a fine as set forth in § 1-6 of this Code, and each day of failure to comply with the requirements of this article after the specified time provided under Subsection A of this section shall constitute a separate violation.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).