[Amended 6-21-2000 by L.L. No. 30-2000]
It is the specific determination of the Board of Water Commissioners of the Incorporated Village of Mineola that a failure to conserve and comprehensively manage the water supply within the Village would pose a potential threat to the safety and well-being of its citizens. Accordingly, the Board of Water Commissioners declares the instant comprehensive management/conservation program, which is designed to regulate and limit the use of water throughout the Village and to provide for the enforcement of such program, since it is the express purpose of the Village to conserve, protect and manage the waters within its jurisdiction. This determination has been made in connection with the directives of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, which imposed restrictions upon water pumpage, and in view of the fact that the water supply of the Village is dependent upon a sole source aquifer system which serves domestic, industrial, commercial and/or recreational needs of all persons who reside or work in the Village.
Restrictions. During the hours from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., no person shall water, hose, sprinkle or otherwise irrigate any outdoor lawn, field, garden, hedge or shrub, except in accordance with the following:
Persons occupying residences or other establishments with even-numbered addresses may water, hose, sprinkle or otherwise irrigate, other than during the above hours, on even-numbered days of the month.
Persons occupying residences or other establishments with odd-numbered addresses may water, hose, sprinkle or otherwise irrigate, other than during the above hours, on odd-numbered days of the month.
Persons occupying residences or other establishments without numbered addresses may water, hose, sprinkle or otherwise irrigate, other than during the above hours, on even-numbered days of the month.
Provided further that nothing in this section shall be construed to limit, restrict or prohibit irrigation of any sort which is done by means of water obtained from sources other than the sole source aquifer system located below Nassau County.
Automatic sprinkler systems. The following restrictions shall apply to automatic sprinkler systems:
All newly installed systems must have moisture sensors approved by the Department of Building and Code Enforcement of the Incorporated Village of Mineola.
All existing systems without moisture sensors approved by the Building Department must be retrofitted by June 1, 1989.
All systems currently in operation but which have been installed without a permit from the Department of Building and Code Enforcement of the Incorporated Village must obtain such permit within one year from March 7, 1989.
The following restrictions apply to all air-conditioning systems located within the Village:
All existing commercial and industrial water-operative air-conditioning systems, refrigeration or other water-cooling equipment shall be equipped with a water recycling system or be converted to an air-operative system forthwith.
All commercial and industrial water-operative air-conditioning systems, refrigeration or other water-cooling equipment for which building permits have not been issued shall be equipped with a water recycling system.
No fire hydrant shall be operated or utilized without the prior receipt of a permit therefor from the Water Department of the Incorporated Village of Mineola. The Department shall from time to time promulgate a schedule of fees for such usage. This section does not apply to fire departments and to departments of the Incorporated Village of Mineola.
The following additional restrictions are placed upon water use:
Car washing within the Village, whether performed on residential or commercial premises, or on any streets adjacent thereto, shall be performed only with hoses fitted with spray nozzles equipped with an automatic shutoff.
The use of water for washing down driveways, sidewalks, or walkways is hereby prohibited.
The enforcement officer designated in Chapter 25 of this Municipal Code, the Superintendent of Public Works, and the Water Plant Operations Supervisor are hereby designated as persons in power to enforce the provisions of this article and are further hereby authorized to issue appearance tickets pursuant to § 150.20 of the Criminal Procedure Law.
Any conflicts between this article and Nassau County Ordinance No. 248-A-1987 shall be resolved in favor of the Nassau County ordinance, which ordinance shall control with regard to matters not covered by this article and with regard to any provision of this article which is less restrictive than such ordinance.