[Res. No. 20-09, 3-24-2009; amended 3-9-2016 by Res. No. 15-16]
The following terms, when used in this Division 5, shall have the meanings indicated:
The entity or individual that is applying for a license to tow and/or store vehicles on behalf of the City of Olean and/or to attach immobilization devices as prescribed by this chapter.
The City of Olean.
A device which when locked to one of the wheels or axles of a parked motor vehicle immobilizes the motor vehicle, and which cannot be removed by the owner of the motor vehicle.
The license, issued by the City of Olean, authorizing the licensee to attach immobilization devices to motor vehicles within the City of Olean, or to conduct a business that does so and/or to impound and store vehicles pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
An entity or individual holding a valid license issued under this chapter.
Includes automobiles, trucks and vans.
An individual, partnership, unincorporated association, corporation, limited-liability company or other entity.
A parcel of land located within the City of Olean, regardless of the form of legal ownership.
It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to operate a business which attaches immobilization devices to motor vehicles within the City, without first having obtained a license.
An application for a license under this chapter shall be filed with the Clerk of the City upon forms which shall be provided by the City and which shall be verified under oath.
A verified application for a license shall contain the following information:
The name and address of the applicant, the names and addresses of all corporate shareholders having more than 25% ownership share, the names and addresses of all officers and directors, if the applicant is a corporation, and of all members of an unincorporated association, partnership or limited-liability company, as the case may be.
A disclosure of misdemeanor or felony convictions against the applicant or any person described in subsection (b)(1), where the convictions were entered and the date thereof.
Any other relevant information which the City may require.
Any license issued hereunder shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of its issuance. Any such license may be renewed in the thirty-day period prior to its expiration date upon submission to the City Clerk of the same information that would be required under an initial application.
Insurance. No license hereunder shall be issued before the applicant provides a certificate of insurance or other proof satisfactory to the City Clerk to demonstrate that the licensee is insured against liability for personal injury and property damage in an amount of at least $100,000. Said certificate of insurance shall require that the City Clerk receive 10 days' prior written notice of cancellation or amendment of said policy.
There shall be no fee associated with this license.
The license of any person to attach immobilization devices within the City or to operate a business which engages in attachment of immobilization devices to motor vehicles within the City may be suspended or revoked for a period to be determined by the City Clerk if such person shall violate any provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation adopted hereunder or if the licensee shall be guilty of making a false statement or misrepresentation in its application for a license. No suspension or revocation shall be made by the City Clerk without a hearing having been held thereupon not less than five business days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the licensee, either in person or by registered or certified mail.
The City Clerk, upon receiving information giving him/her reasonable cause to believe that any licensee has violated any provision of this chapter or has been convicted of any violation referred to in this section or is guilty of having made a false statement or misrepresentation in its application, and upon finding that the public safety and welfare requires immediate action, may temporarily suspend forthwith such person's license and permission to attach immobilization devices within the City until such time as a hearing is held by the City Clerk as provided hereinabove and the City Clerk shall have rendered his or her determination thereon.
Effect of suspension or revocation. It shall be unlawful for any person to attach an immobilization device to any motor vehicle within the City or to cause such a device to be attached if it has been determined, in accordance with this section that said person's license to operate within the City has been suspended or revoked.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be punishable for each violation by a fine not to exceed $250 or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
In addition to any other penalties or fines imposed for the violation of any parking law, rule or regulation, the provisions of this chapter shall apply to the following categories of vehicles:
Vehicles which have three or more outstanding and unpaid parking violations issued against them and which, after mailing a notice to the registered owner at the last address shown for him or her in the Department of Motor Vehicles' registration records for the automobile in question, are found operated or parked on any public street, public highway or private road open to public travel, including any portion of the entire width between the boundary lines of said roads, streets or highways, paved or unpaved, or on any property leased by or in the possession and control of the City of Olean.
Within 48 hours or by the first business day after towing, the Police Department shall send a certified letter to the registered owner of such vehicle at the address described in § 24-61(e) above of the fact of its towing, the place where it may be recovered and the conditions under which it will be released.
Before the owner of any vehicle taken into custody, as above provided, shall be allowed to repossess or to secure the release of said vehicle, the owner or his agent shall pay the following:
All sums due the City of Olean for any parking violations issued and outstanding against such vehicle and/or any other vehicle owned by such person.
Additional fees may be owed to the contractor hired to immobilize or tow said vehicle prior to removal of immobilization device or release from storage for the costs of booting, towing, and storage for each day that such vehicle is so stored.
No such vehicle shall be released until the owner or his agent has established his identity and right to possession and has a proper receipt therefore signed by the Olean City Clerk.
If any provision of this Division 5 or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of the division and the application of such division to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
This Division 5 shall supersede any and all the provisions of ordinances, rules or regulations previously enacted or promulgated which are inconsistent with the provisions of this division.