[Code 1971, § 2-1]
All the City offices located in the municipal building, except the Youth Bureau, shall be open weekdays, except Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
[Code 1971, § 2-6]
All City automobiles and trucks shall have the name of the appropriate City department thereon in letters at least two inches in height.
All police cars shall be lettered OLEAN POLICE DEPARTMENT on their doors, in white, with letters not less than six inches in height or suitable for the size of the door.
This section does not apply to police cars designated by the Chief of Police.
[Res. No. 6-92, § 2, 3-10-1992]
It is the policy of the City to ensure that all citizens of the community, including members of the public with disabilities, wishing to attend any public meeting or activity of the City shall have full accessibility to such meeting or activity, and shall be able to participate and communicate as effectively as possible. This shall include, without limitation, the furnishing of auxiliary aids and services where necessary. In determining the type of auxiliary aid or service that is necessary or appropriate, the City shall give primary consideration to the request of the individual with a disability. In implementing this policy, the Common Council adopts the following guidelines with respect to all public meetings and activities conducted by or on behalf of the City. However, in doing so, the Common Council specifically acknowledges such guidelines are intended to address those circumstances which reasonably are anticipated to occur, but such guidelines are not expected to be an exhaustive itemization of responses which may be required as a result of the requests of individuals with disabilities. The guidelines are as follows:
In connection with any public meeting or activity in which a visually disabled individual desires to participate and upon 48 hours request and notice to the City Clerk, sufficient copies of all documents distributed to the public in connection with such meeting shall be enlarged for distribution to the visually disabled person.
Upon 48 hours notice given to the City Clerk prior to any public meeting by a hearing impaired person desiring that an interpreter provide sign interpretation of a meeting, the City, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide one or more sign interpreters.
[Res. No. 153-91, 12-10-1991]
The enforcement response plan for the City pretreatment program attached to Res. No. 153-91 is adopted by the City as the City of Olean Enforcement Response Plan.