[Adopted 3-14-1996 by Ord. No. 96-10]
West Manchester Township shall join with Dover Township, Dover Township Sewer Authority and Manchester Township in accordance with the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Act[1] and enter into an intermunicipal agreement with the aforesaid municipalities, which agreement is adopted by reference with the same effect as if it has been fully set forth verbatim in this section and a copy of which shall be filed with the records of West Manchester Township.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 481 et seq.
West Manchester Township is authorized to enter into the intermunicipal agreement for the purposes contained therein. The actions are to be taken by the officials, employees or appointees of West Manchester Township designated for this purpose, pursuant to general or specific instructions by the Board of Supervisors of West Manchester Township. This article is intended to ratify and confirm all actions taken by the Board of Supervisors of West Manchester Township previous to the enactment of this article with respect to the intermunicipal agreement.
As required by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act,[1] the following matters are specifically found and determined:
The conditions of the intermunicipal agreement are set forth in the intermunicipal agreement referred to in this article.
The participation of West Manchester Township in the intermunicipal agreement shall be for an indefinite period of time and until such time as it shall no longer be practicable for the municipalities to treat sewage at the Dover System.
The purpose and objectives of the intermunicipal agreement are to provide sewage treatment facilities and services to the residents of West Manchester Township.
The intermunicipal agreement shall be financed as provided in the intermunicipal agreement, with Dover Township issuing bonds to finance the upgrade and expansion of the facilities. Each municipality will share in the debt service for the expanded and upgraded treatment capacity.
The intermunicipal agreement will be implemented and managed by the Joint Advisory Committee established pursuant to the agreement.
All property, real or personal, shall be acquired, managed or disposed of by the municipalities in accordance with the terms of the intermunicipal agreement.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 481 et seq.