[1971 Charter Laws, §§ 278-281; Laws of N.Y. (1915) ch. 535, § 92]
Ten freeholders residing in the city may present to the common council a petition in writing requesting it to consider the making of improvements for any of the purposes stated in section LL5-2 and, when lands are necessary to be acquired, it shall describe the land to be taken, the names and residences of the owners thereof, when known, and, if a street is to be narrowed or discontinued, the names of the owners of the adjoining lands when known. The petition shall be filed in the office of the city clerk.
On presentation of such petition, the common council must meet and examine such petition. If it decides that the improvement ought probably to be made, it shall so decide by resolution. It may likewise so decide upon its own motion and without such petition.
Upon making such decision, the common council must fix a time when it will meet and consider objections to the making of such improvement and the taking of such land, if any is to be taken, and it shall thereupon give at least 10 days notice by certified mail of the time and place of such hearing. The notice must describe the land proposed to be taken, the names of the owners thereof, when known, and if a street is to be narrowed or discontinued, the names of the owners of the adjoining lands, when known, and the general purpose of the improvement. The notice must be given by certified mail as provided in this subsection to the owner of the land, or in a case of narrowing or discontinuing a street or mapped street, adjoining owners. The notice shall be mailed to the last known place of residence of the owner. Any person interested may be heard and introduce testimony before the common council upon such hearing, and the common council may adjourn such hearing from time to time as it shall deem necessary. If any person upon whom the notice is served does not appear at the time specified and make objections in writing to the petition and to the notice as to its form or sufficiency or generally as to the proposed improvement, specifically pointing out the facts, omissions, or objections thereto, the person shall be deemed to have waived objections.
The common council shall hear and determine the matter. If it shall determine to make such improvements, it shall so declare by resolution to be entered in its minutes, describing the lands if any are to be taken, and thereupon it may proceed to take possession of such lands for such purposes.
[L.L. No. 3-1990, § 1]
The common council shall have the power to cause sidewalks on the streets and highways in the city to be constructed upon notice to the affected property owners, and after public hearing conducted by the common council, and to determine and prescribe the manner and location of construction, the materials to be used thereon, and the quality of such materials, and direct that the whole cost of the work be then assessed upon the property abutting the public street in front of which the work is performed.
If the construction of sidewalks shall be ordered by the common council, the director of the department of public works shall notify the owners of any premises in front of which such work shall be required to be done that if such sidewalk construction is not done by the owners within 20 days, such construction shall be done by the city, and the expense thereof shall be assessed upon the premises.
All notices by the city to landowners shall be served personally or by mailing such notices in the manner prescribed for the mailing of taxes due by the city assessor.
If any such work shall not be done within the time specified, the department of public works shall cause such work to be done, and the full expense thereof shall be charged and a lien assessed upon such premises in accordance with the charter. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the expense assessed for such construction shall not include the following:
The expense of installing that portion of the sidewalk exceeding a width of 10 feet;
The expense of installing curbs or curb cuts when such work is caused to be done pursuant to this article;
The expense of ornamentation with trees when such work is caused to be undertaken pursuant to this article; and
The expense of constructing the superstructures over streams or streambeds.
If the city undertakes the ordered work utilizing bonded funds, the cost of construction to be repaid by the owners shall be payable in equal installments over the duration of the bond, not to exceed a five-year period with interest charged at bonded interest, not to exceed 6% per annum.
In this section:
Sidewalk means that portion of a street outside of the roadway used or set aside for use of pedestrians.
Street means the entire area conveyed, acquired, or dedicated to public use and passage. The word "street" shall include in its meaning the word "avenue," "alley," "drive," "place," or any other words used to designate the public thoroughfare.