The elected officers of the city are the mayor and the councilmembers.
The appointed officers of the city are the city clerk, city auditor and the city attorney.
The mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the common council, all city officers provided for by this charter, or created by the council, or authorized or approved by the council, or required by state law.
The mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by a 2/3 majority vote of the common council, all city department heads.
The term of office of all elected officers of the city shall commence on January 1 next succeeding their election. Except as stated otherwise, the terms of office of all elected officers of the city shall expire on December 31 in the last year of their respective terms. Every elected city officer shall hold his term of office until his successor shall have been elected and shall have qualified, unless the office has become vacant.
The term of office of appointed officers shall be until their respective successors are appointed and confirmed by the common council in the manner provided for in this charter.
In addition to other circumstances provided by law, city offices become vacant under any of the following circumstances:
The incumbent is removed from office, resigns, dies, or ceases to be a resident of the city; or in case of councilmembers, ceased to be residents of their respective wards.
When a person dies after his election or appointment and before his term of office has commenced.
At any election any two or more persons running for the same office shall each receive an equal number of votes, being the highest in number, in consequence of which there shall be a failure to elect.
The resignation of a city officer must be made in writing to the common council and filed with the city clerk.
Except as otherwise provided by this charter, state law, or personnel rules, the mayor shall have the power to remove, suspend or terminate, subject to approval by a 2/3 majority vote of the common council, any appointed city officer or department head.
All vacancies in an appointive city office shall be filled by appointment by the mayor in the manner provided for an original appointment to the office.
Vacancies in the office of councilmember occurring prior to the expiration of the term shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by appointment by the mayor subject to confirmation by a 2/3 majority vote of the common council.
Vacancies in the office of mayor shall be filled by special election for the remainder of the unexpired term. The common council within 30 days after such vacancy occurs shall by resolution order the election to be held not less than 20 days nor more than 30 days after the adoption of such resolution. The city clerk shall immediately thereafter publish a notice of such election once a week until such election is held in two newspapers published in the city. Certificates of nomination for the offices to be filled at a special election shall be filed with the city clerk at least 15 days before the election. Every special election shall be conducted and the vote canvassed by the inspectors of election in the same manner as that provided by the Election Law, except that the statement of the result of the election and all papers relating to such election shall be filed with and returned to the city clerk by the inspectors of election.
This section does not apply to persons who are subject to Civil Service Law § 75.
Written charges against any appointed city officer may be filed with the mayor alleging the officer:
Is guilty of misconduct or neglect of duty;
Is incompetent or without capacity to perform the duties of office; or
Is guilty of some delinquency seriously affecting his general character.
The mayor must designate the time and place when he will hear, try and determine such charges. A copy of the charges with a notice of the time and place of hearing thereon must be served upon the accused at least three days prior to such hearing.
The mayor shall be present at the time and place designated by him for the hearing and proceed to hear, try and determine the charges. The accused shall have the right to be present at his trial and be heard in person and by counsel, and to give and furnish evidence in his defense. The trial shall be open to the public.
The mayor has the power to issue subpoenas in his name and to compel the attendance of witnesses upon any proceeding authorized by this section, and any person served with a subpoena is bound to attend in obedience to the command thereof. The mayor may compel the attendance of witnesses and compel them to testify in the same manner as in the case of any officer or board authorized by law to issue subpoenas and take testimony.
Subject to section 3.006, if the mayor shall find the accused guilty of the charges made against him he may punish him by reprimand, by forfeiting and withholding pay for a specified time, by suspension without pay during a fixed period or by dismissal from office.
The salary or compensation of an elective officer of the city shall not be increased or diminished during the continuance of the term of office to which such officer shall have been elected, except that the common council may increase the salary of an elected officer after the election of the officer, if his duties shall have been increased.
The salary or compensation of any appointive office or position, except compensation on per diem basis, shall not be increased during any fiscal year, after the same shall have been fixed and provided for in the budget for such fiscal year.
The city may obtain blanket bonding for city officers and employees in accordance with Public Officers Law § 11(2).