The city clerk shall receive for his services as city clerk such salary as the common council may prescribe. Except as stated in this charter, the city clerk shall not receive any other fee or award from the city.
The office of the city clerk is declared the town clerk's office for the purpose of depositing, filing and entering for record therein all books and papers required by law to be deposited, filed or entered for record in a town clerk's office. The city clerk shall possess the powers, discharge the duties and receive the fees of a town clerk.
The city clerk shall be present at all meetings of the common council and shall act as clerk of the common council. The clerk shall record all local laws, bylaws, rules, ordinances, resolutions and proceedings of the common council.
The city clerk shall act as clerk for such officers and public boards within the city as the common council may direct.
Except as otherwise provided by this charter the city clerk shall have the custody of the city seal and all city records, books and papers.
The city clerk shall within 48 hours after the passage by the common council of any order, resolution, ordinance, act or proceeding of the common council requiring the approval of the mayor, deliver to the mayor a transcript of the same, either personally or by leaving the same at his office, place of business or residence. The transcript shall be certified by the clerk to be a true copy thereof and contain the date of the passage of the legislation therein by the common council.
The city clerk shall furnish a transcript or copy of any other paper or record kept by him as clerk upon payment of the fee established therefor. The city clerk shall receive the fee from all persons requesting the information, except where the copy of the record to be furnished is to be used for a municipal purpose. The books and papers of his office shall be produced on reasonable demand made by anyone who wishes to secure information for themselves.
Every local law, ordinance, rule, regulation, resolution and bylaw, together with his certificate of the time and manner of the publication thereof, shall be recorded by the city clerk in books provided by the city and kept for that purpose.
It shall be the duty of the city clerk upon the request of any person therefor to make careful search of the books and records in his office for any unpaid taxes or local improvement assessments upon or against any parcel of land and make a proper abstract thereof, showing the year in which each item was levied, the amount of such item or sum and the amount required at the date of the certification to pay the tax or assessment. The city clerk shall also certify on such abstract the amount of any unpaid water rent to the time that the last bill was rendered prior to the date of certification, if the water bill is or may be a lien against the property. The city clerk shall certify the abstract as the city clerk, and shall be entitled to a fee of $10 for each separate parcel of land so searched. Such fee shall be paid by the party requesting the search.
The city clerk shall countersign all permits for sewer connections, gas connections, street excavations or other licenses granted by the common council, and shall keep an accurate record of all such licenses and permits in books to be provided by the city for that purpose. Such record shall specify the date of each license or permit, to whom issued, the amount paid therefor and such other matters as may be required by the common council.
The city clerk shall be the registrar of vital statistics.
The city clerk shall be the treasurer of the city.
The city clerk shall receive from any officer or employee of the city any money belonging to the city and receive all moneys belonging to the city coming from any source whatever.
The city clerk shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received by him belonging to the city and shall, the day immediately following receipts by him of any such moneys, deposit the same in full in an official depository.
The city clerk shall be the custodian of all moneys of the city and of all commissions and departments thereof, and shall keep and preserve the same in such manner and in such banks or trust companies as shall be determined by the common council.
The city clerk may transfer any city moneys from one official depository to another only upon check countersigned by the city auditor.
The city clerk shall present to the common council once each month a summary statement of all his cash receipts of the month preceding.
Except as otherwise provided in this charter, the city clerk shall pay out money only upon warrants issued by the city auditor under the authority of the common council. The city clerk shall draw the moneys on deposit to the credit of the city only for the payment of claims ordered to be paid by the common council or pursuant to the lawful direction of some court. If the city clerk draws or appropriates money for any other purpose, it shall be deemed a malfeasance in office and cause for removal therefrom.
The city clerk shall possess all powers and perform all duties now possessed and performed by town tax collectors, except as otherwise provided in this charter. The city clerk shall collect and receive at his office all taxes and assessments levied in the city and retain possession of all warrants and assessment rolls delivered to him for collection.
The city clerk shall be the collector of all water rents and miscellaneous water revenues.