There is hereby created a department within the city to be known as the department of community development.
The head of the department of community development shall be the director of community development. The director shall be a graduate of an accredited college or university with a degree in regional or city planning and a minimum of one year's experience in municipal direction or planning, or a minimum of five years related experience in municipal development and five years actual general business experience in related and equivalent fields. The director's salary shall be provided in the budget of the department of community development and shall be fixed from time to time by the common council.
The director may appoint and dismiss department personnel as authorized by the mayor and common council.
The department of community development shall coordinate, implement, and execute the general policies and directives of the city and of such state and federally funded programs as the city may elect to participate in. The department shall develop and administer programs for future rehabilitation of housing and neighborhood development within the city. The department shall prepare and submit all applications made by or on behalf of the city for specially funded revenue sharing programs available to the city under federal, state or private grants-in-aid and shall prepare and submit all applications for any federal, state or private grant-in-aid programs that the city may be eligible for and elect to participate in. The department shall furnish information and assist in the financing, construction and maintenance of all local programs including the construction and operation of public offstreet parking facilities and any future housing construction programs within the city.
The department shall assist the zoning board of appeals in the orderly development under the master plan of the city and shall make appropriate recommendations as may be necessary to update the master plan from time to time. The department shall carry on and coordinate a comprehensive plan of code enforcement and enforcing all local codes regulating the construction of dwellings, carrying on of certain occupations and businesses and such other codes as may be from time to time enacted by the common council. The department shall assist in the orderly development of the central business district and in promoting comprehensive and orderly industrial growth within the city.
All activities of the department shall be under the general supervision of the director of community development. The department shall also act as a general liaison between the city departments and furnish such information as may be required to coordinate the orderly progress of the city.