[Ord. 524, 12/31/1991; as amended by Ord. 09-638, 5/12/2009]
A building may be erected or used, and a lot may be used or occupied, for any of the following purposes and no other:
Any use permitted in the R-A Rural-Residence District, provided that special exception uses shall require special exception approval and shall comply with all standards of § 27-301. Agricultural or farm use shall be permitted only when in accordance with § 27-301, Subsection 2.
Tilling of the soil as an accessory use only.
[Ord. 524, 12/31/1991]
Lot Area and Frontage. A lot area of not less than 30,000 square feet per family shall be provided for every building erected or used in whole or in part as a dwelling and each lot shall have a frontage on at least one street of not less than 150 feet, subject to the provisions of § 27-302.
Building Area. Not more than 30% of the area of each lot may be occupied by buildings.
Front Yard. There shall be a front yard on each street on which a lot abuts which shall be not less than 35 feet in depth, provided that the front yard on the long side of a corner lot may be reduced to a depth of not less than 20 feet.
Side Yards.
For every dwelling, there shall be two side yards on each lot, which shall be not less than 30 feet in aggregate width, and neither of which shall be less than 12 feet in width.
For every main building other than a dwelling there shall be two side yards on each lot, neither of which shall be less than 20 feet in width.
Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard on each lot which shall be not less than 25 feet in depth.
[Ord. 524, 12/31/1991]
No building shall exceed 35 feet in height.