Preserve the physical diversity and the harmonious relationship of
the City with its natural environment by providing an opportunity
to preserve lands from urban development.
Availability of dredge spoil disposal areas that are unsuitable
for urban building development but are suitable for park and outdoor
recreation opportunities.
Provide for residential development in the outer portion of the City
at a lower density. This zoning designation is intended for annexed
lands that are already developed at similar densities and for annexation
of undeveloped lands.
Provide for community facilities and services which, although they
generate high levels of traffic during the day, are compatible with
one another and contribute to the recreation, safety, and functioning
of the City.
Provide for establishments offering retail products and services,
commercial entertainment, professional and financial services, and
other businesses which are vital to a year-round working community.
Encourage a mix of retail, office, and residential uses, consistent
with the existing scale and character of the area, in order to promote
the economic stability of the area.
Provide for establishments offering retail products and services,
commercial entertainment, professional and financial services, and
other businesses which are vital to a year-round working community.
Encourage a mix of retail, office, and residential uses, consistent
with the existing scale and character of the area, in order to promote
the economic stability of the area.
Purpose: Accommodate enterprises engaging in the manufacturing, processing,
creating, repairing, renovating, cleaning or assembling of goods,
merchandise or equipment.
Provide opportunities for residential development in areas not
currently within existing City borders to be annexed into the City
in accordance with adopted Comprehensive Plan policies;
Conserve open land, including those areas containing unique
and sensitive natural resources such as woodlands, streams, floodplains,
and wetlands, by setting them aside from development;
Provide development options for landowners which minimize impacts
on sensitive environmental resources, reduce disturbance of natural
and cultural features, and conserve scenic views;
Provide opportunities for a mix of residential uses and a limited
number of types of nonresidential uses in areas not currently within
existing City borders to be annexed into the City in accordance with
adopted Comprehensive Plan policies;