A person shall not:
Place, confine or allow an animal to be placed or confined inside a motor vehicle under such conditions or for such a period of time as to endanger the health or well-being of the animal due to temperature, lack of food or drink, or such other conditions as may reasonably be expected to cause suffering, disability, or death;
Permit an animal to ride in the unenclosed area of a motor vehicle unless the animal is confined in an animal transport container, well-ventilated container, cage or other enclosure that is securely affixed to the vehicle, appropriately sized for the animal or number of animals and designed to safely transport the animal;
Cross-tether a dog as a means of securing a dog in a motor vehicle or the unenclosed portion of a motor vehicle; or
Allow an animal to extend beyond the window frame of a moving vehicle.
A violation of § 7-6-501A is a Class C violation.
A violation of § 7-6-501B or C is a Class B violation.
A violation of § 7-6-501D is a Class A violation.