At the completion of the examination requirements set forth in Article V, the Commission shall rank all passing applicants on a list with the applicant receiving the highest score at the top of the list and the applicant receiving the lowest passing score at the bottom of the list.
For promotional positions, fulfilling the performance requirement set forth in § 17-23 is also required.
In the case of tied scores, the tie will be broken by giving preference to the applicant who submitted a final completed application first. If both tied applicants submitted their completed applications on the same day, then the applicants shall be ranked in alphabetical order by surname.
The eligibility list shall be valid for two years from the date the Commission formally adopts the eligibility list.
The Commission may, at its sole discretion, void an eligibility list at any time for any reason.
The governing body may fill any vacancy in an existing position in the Police Department by the reappointment or reinstatement of a former employee of the Police Department who had been furloughed.
Except for physical and psychological examinations, no other testing shall be required for a furloughed, rehired or reappointed employee.
If no furlough list exists, or if positions remain to be filled after all of the officers on the furlough list are offered reemployment, every full-time civil service position shall be filled only in the following manner:
The governing body shall notify the Commission of any vacancy which is to be filled and shall request the certification of the three names from the list of those eligible, who have received the highest total scores in the civil service testing.
If three names are not available, then the Commission shall certify the name(s) remaining on the list.
The Borough Council shall make an appointment from one of the three names certified with reference to the merits and fitness of the candidates.
However, for initial appointment to the position of police officer, when one of the three applicants on the certified list is a veteran, that applicant shall be selected.
The Borough Council may object to one or more of the persons certified for the reasons set forth in § 17-24 of this chapter.
If the candidate to whom the Borough Council objects fails to timely exercise the rights of appeal under § 17-25 or if the Commission declines to uphold the appeal, the Commission shall strike the name of that candidate from the eligibility list and certify the next highest name for inclusion on the list of three candidates for each name stricken off.
In the case that there is more than one vacancy to be filled, the Commission shall certify, from the eligible list, a number of the highest ranked candidates equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, plus the next two highest ranked candidates. This provision will provide that the last appointment will always be made from the remaining three names certified.
The Commission shall request the Chief of Police or the Chief's designee to conduct a background investigation of applicants who have passed the written, oral and physical components of the examination and who remain one of the top three scores, including ties. In the event of more than one vacancy to be filled, a number of the highest ranked candidates equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, plus the next two ranked candidates, shall also undergo the background investigation.
The background investigation shall include:
Interviews with the applicant's family, acquaintances, current and former employers, current and former neighbors, reference and current and former teachers and school officials;
Checking the applicant's credit history;
Checking the applicant's criminal record for criminal convictions; and
Checking the applicant's driver's license record and history.
The applicant may be interviewed directly when the information collected during the background investigation requires clarification or explanation.
After the background investigation is completed, the Chief or designee shall make a written recommendation to the Commission on whether the applicant is appropriate for consideration for appointment as a full-time civil service police officer. Appropriateness of the applicant shall be based on the criteria set forth in § 17-24 of this chapter.
If the Chief's recommendation is to disqualify an applicant, then a detailed written explanation of the reasons for disqualification must be included.
The Commission shall make the final determination on whether the information collected during the background investigation warrants rejection of the candidate.
Within 30 days after the Commission considers the recommendation of the Chief of Police or designee, all applicants shall be given written notice indicating whether they have passed the background investigation.
Every applicant for the position of full-time civil service police officers shall fill out a personal data questionnaire and may, at the discretion of the Civil Service Commission, be required to undergo a polygraph examination.
If a polygraph examination is required, the Commission shall furnish the polygraph examiner with forms upon which the examiner shall state whether any of the applicant's responses to questions from the applicant's personal data questionnaire are deceptive.
The top three candidates from the Civil Service Commission's certified eligibility list shall undergo a polygraph test. In the event of more than one vacancy to be filled, a number of the highest ranked candidates equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, plus the next two highest ranked candidates shall also undergo the polygraph test.
The report on each examination shall be submitted to the Commission within five days after the date of the examination.
The examiner shall ask questions based on the information contained in the personal data questionnaire.
Before administering the test, the examiner shall ask each applicant whether there is any more information related to the personal data questionnaire that the applicant would like to provide.
After administering the test the examiner shall again ask the applicant, if deception is indicated, whether there is any information, which the applicant is withholding.
If the examiner shall deem any of the applicant's responses to be deceptive, the examiner must tell the applicant immediately and give the applicant an opportunity to explain, deny or admit the deception. If the applicant denies being deceptive or if the explanation is found unsatisfactory by the examiner, the applicant will be give the opportunity to retake the test with a second examiner. Notice of the opportunity to retest shall be given, in writing, to the applicant. The second examiner will not have access to the results of the first test prior to readministering the polygraph. If the second examiner finds no deception, the applicant will be considered as having passed the polygraph examination. If the second examiner also finds the applicant deceptive, the applicant will be considered as having failed the examination.
The position of Chief of Police in the Borough of Summit Hill shall be a civil service position and shall be filled as such unless otherwise explicitly decided by the Council by resolution.
In the case of a vacancy in the office of Chief of Police, the appointing authority has full discretion in selecting the individual to fill the position of Chief of Police.
In the case of a vacancy in the office of Chief of Police, the Council may nominate a person to the Commission. It shall thereupon become the duty of the Commission to subject such person to a noncompetitive examination, and if such person shall be certified by the Commission as qualified, he may then be appointed to such position, and thereafter shall be subject to all the provisions of these rules and regulations. The Council shall then vote to bestow civil service status on that person and the persons nominated may only be removed from the position of Chief of Police for the reasons stated in § 17-41.
After the appointing authority selects a candidate from the certified list for appointment to the vacant position, that candidate shall submit to a physical examination and a psychological examination by the appropriate medical experts.
If the candidate successfully passes both the physical and psychological examinations, then that candidate shall be appointed to the vacant position in the Police Department for which the application was submitted.
The appointment shall be contingent upon successfully passing both the physical and psychological examinations.
Failure to pass either examination shall result in the candidate being rejected from consideration.
The rejected candidates may appeal this decision under § 17-25.
In the event the candidate is rejected, the Commission shall then certify another name to be included with the two previously certified names for the consideration by the appointing authority pursuant to § 17-35.
Every successful applicant for the full-time civil service position of police officer or for a promotional full-time civil service position within the Police Department shall serve a twelve-month probationary period beginning the date of the probationary appointment.
During the probationary period, a newly hired full-time civil service police officer may only be dismissed for the reasons set forth in § 17-24.
During the probationary period, a promoted officer may only be returned to a prior rank for the reasons set forth in § 17-24.
During the probationary period, the Chief of Police shall monitor the performance and the general acceptability of each probationer to determine if the probationer is fully qualified for permanent appointment.
At the end of each month during the probationary period, the Chief of Police shall make a written evaluation related to the performance and general acceptability of the probationer.
Each monthly evaluation report shall be reviewed with the probationer, thereby giving them an opportunity to improve their performance and general acceptability.
The Chief of Police shall make a final report no less than 20 days and no more than 40 days prior to the end of the probation period for each probationer.
The final report shall contain a final recommendation as to whether the probationer should be offered permanent appointment.
All reports shall be submitted by the Chief of Police to the Chairman of the Police Committee upon completion of the report.
The Borough Council shall review the Police Chief's final report, as well as any monthly reports the Council deems necessary, prior to the expiration of the probationer's probationary period in order to make a decision regarding permanent appointment.
If the Council finds that at the end of the twelve-month probationary period the conduct of the probationer has not been satisfactory, the probationer shall be notified, in writing, within 10 days of its decision and prior to the expiration of the probationary period that appointment will not be permanent. At that time, a newly hired officer's employment shall end, and a promoted officer shall return to a previous rank.
Any officer who is not informed, in writing, that their performance has been unsatisfactory shall receive a permanent appointment to the new position.
Any probationer who is notified, in writing, that their appointment will not be made permanent has no rights of appeal under these rules and regulations.
The probationary period may be extended for up to 60 days in the event of extenuating circumstances or for just cause, such as a pending investigation of the probationer or illness at the request of the Mayor with the approval of Summit Hill Borough Council and the probationer.