[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Summit Hill 9-20-1966 by Ord. No. 11-1966. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Whereas the Panther Valley Library was established to provide library service to the residents and taxpayers of the Borough of Summit Hill and other interested persons, we hereby authorize and designate the Panther Valley Library to act for and on behalf of the Borough of Summit Hill, to provide public library service to the residents and taxpayers of the Borough and other interested persons.
We hereby agree to maintain the Panther Valley Library in accordance with the provisions of Section 401 of the Library Code, the Act of June 14, 1961, P.L. 324, and at a level of financial support that will ensure that the library will be able to qualify annually for state financial aid in accordance with Section 303(1) of the Library Code.
In accordance with Section 411 of the Library Code, the Borough, Council, and Mayor shall appoint five people to serve as the Borough's representatives on the Board of Directors of the Panther Valley Library, each representative to serve three years, the terms to expire in different years. Subsequent vacancies are to be filled by people appointed by the Mayor and Council.
In accordance with Section 412 of the Library Code, the Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the library shall give bond to the municipality with satisfactory surety in such amount as the Board of Directors of the library may determine.
In accordance with Section 413 of the Library Code, all monies appropriated for maintenance of the library and all money, if any, received from other sources for its use shall be under the exclusive control and shall be disbursed under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Library. It shall have all of the rights and duties delegated to such boards by the Library Code, and shall present a financial report to the Borough annually. The Borough of Summit Hill shall arrange to have the accounts of the Treasurer of the Board of Directors audited annually as in the case of other municipal expenditures.
The Board of Directors shall prepare and present to the Borough of Summit Hill such reports as are required by Section 414 of the Library Code and shall give free library service to the residents and taxpayers of the Borough, as provided in Section 415 of the Library Code.