A fence or wall a maximum of six feet in height, or higher if a retaining wall, may be erected within the limits of any yard not extending beyond the front set back line. Within the front yard a fence or wall a maximum of 36 inches in height shall be permitted, except as provided in § 475-40 below. A fence intended to mark a boundary shall be located either on the boundary line itself or within six inches thereof.
Open fire escapes shall not extend into any required yard more than 4 1/2 feet.
In any district, a lot which abuts on and at the intersection of two or more streets or upon two parts of the same street shall have the required front yard for the district in which it is located for the frontage on both streets.
In any district, a lot which runs through a block from street to street shall have the required front yard for the district in which it is located for the frontage on both streets.
A paved patio or terrace shall not be considered in the determination of yard sizes or lot coverage if such patio or terrace is unroofed and without walls, parapets, or other form of enclosure and does not encroach within 10 feet of any property line. Such patio or terrace may have a fence or railing a maximum of three feet in height.
Any porch or deck shall be considered a part of the building in the determination of the size of yards or lot coverage.
Chimneys, cornices, eaves, gutters, and bay windows and similar architectural features may extend not more than two feet into any required yard.
Accessory structures, such as garages or carports, which are attached to the principal building shall be considered a part of the building in the determination of the size of the yards or lot coverage.
Unattached accessory structures on residential lots in any district may be erected within the rear or side yards, provided that the maximum height of such structure be limited to 1 1/2 stories, no more than 18 feet. For structures greater than 125 square feet in floor area, the minimum distance of such structure from the rear and side property lines shall be as required for the district in which the structure is located; however, in no case shall an unattached accessory structure be permitted closer than 10 feet to a property line.
On any corner lot in any district, no fence, wall, hedge or other structure or planting more than 30 inches higher than the road surface shall be erected or maintained within 50 feet of the corner so as not to interfere with traffic visibility across the corner.
No principal building or sewage system drain field shall be permitted within 100 feet of any watercourse drainage ditch or any other natural drainage area.