[Adopted 9-29-1995]
[Amended 1-20-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
All employees must punch in and out of the appropriate time clock.
There shall be 12 1/2 paid holidays days per year, as follows:
New Year's Day.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Presidents' Day.
Good Friday.
Memorial Day.
July 4th.
Labor Day.
Columbus Day.
Veterans Day.
Thanksgiving Day.
Christmas Day.
Floating holiday.
Dutchess County Fair. One-half day shall be taken during Fair week; date to be set by the Village Board.
Paid vacations are noncumulative and must be taken by June 1 of the fiscal year in which they are accrued, or forfeited (full-time employees only: in the case of request for duplicate weeks, vacation time will be granted on the basis of seniority). The Village Board reserves the right to deny any request based on the business needs of the Village.
Highway, sanitation, water and clerical departments will be granted vacation as follows:
Five days yearly after the first anniversary date. Vacation can be taken as a unit or individual days.
Ten days per year after the second anniversary date. At least five days must be taken as a unit.
Fifteen days per year after the fifth anniversary date. Ten days must be taken in five-day blocks; the balance may be taken in individual days.
An additional day of vacation after the five-year anniversary and an additional day per year up to the ten-year anniversary, for a total of four weeks vacation at the ten-year anniversary. Vacation time will not be cumulative. This subsection is only retroactive to the current fiscal year June 1, 2011.
[Added 11-7-2011 by Res. No. 9-2011]
Notice must be given 48 hours in advance when planning to use an individual vacation day so work schedules can be planned accordingly.
Health insurance for all full-time Village employees and their dependents is paid in full by the Village of Red Hook. Regular civil service employees with a minimum of 20 years of service will receive continued health insurance coverage for himself/herself only, upon retirement. This will be paid in full by the Village of Red Hook.
In event of death in the immediate family, members may request bereavement leave. "Immediate family" is defined as husband, wife, children, and/or any other member of the employee's household, including father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law or brother-in-law. Such leave shall be granted up to a maximum of four days. The employee shall be paid his/her normal day's salary for each day of absence. For aunts and uncles, employees shall be allowed one day of time off, if requested.
Full-time employees of the Village of Red Hook are provided with 10 sick days per year (based on hiring date of employment) which are cumulative up to 30 days. The Village Board reserves the right to require a doctor's note for any illness and further reserves the right to discipline any employee abusing this benefit.
Requests for personal time off will be considered on an individual basis, when submitted to the Board, in writing, on the proper form. Department Chairpersons retain the authority to authorize personal time as needed when the request is for less than a full day.
Overtime pay will be provided at the rate of 1 1/2 times the employee's hourly rate for all time over 40 hours.
All employees, whether full- or part-time, hired prior to January 1, 1976, will be provided with a retirement plan which is noncontributory. Those employees hired after January 1, 1976, will be required to contribute 3% towards their retirement.
Editor's Note: Former § 20-10, Mileage, was repealed 4-8-2019 by Res. No. 16-2019. See now Art. III, Employee Personal Cars; Mileage Reimbursement, of this chapter.
In the event that an employee must eat lunch while out of the Village on official business, reimbursement shall be provided by the Village (see Village Law § 5-524, Subdivision 7).
All employees must abide by the dress code at all times, which includes all safety gear provided.