[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § 1]
There is hereby created a Recreation Board in and for Manheim Township, York County, Pennsylvania. Said Board shall have all powers and duties conferred by law including, but not limited to, the Second Class Township Code; by the terms hereof; and as otherwise directed by the Manheim Township Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § 2]
The Recreation board shall consist of not less than five persons nor more than seven persons, all of whom shall be residents of Manheim Township, York County, Pennsylvania. The members of the Recreation Board shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors for terms of five years or until their successors are appointed. The members of the Recreation Board first appointed shall be appointed such that the terms of not more than two members shall expire annually. All persons so appointed to the Recreation Board shall serve their full terms unless they voluntarily resign or are removed from office by the Board of Supervisors for dereliction or neglect of duty. Vacancies in the Recreation Board occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be for the balance of the unexpired term and shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments.
[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § 3]
Members of the Recreation Board shall serve without pay.
[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § 4]
The Recreation Board shall draft its constitution and bylaws subject to review and confirmation by the Board of Supervisors. The Recreation Board shall elect its own officers, including a chairman, vice chairman (if desired), secretary and treasurer, to serve for a period of one year.
[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § 5]
The Recreation Board shall formulate a recreation plan and submit same for approval by the Board of Supervisors. Amendments may be made to said plan either at the recommendation of the Recreation Board or the Board of Supervisors, but in any event subject to final approval by the Board of Supervisors. The Recreation Board shall be guided by and shall perform its functions in accordance with said plan.
[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § VI]
The Recreation Board may receive, invest and expend for purposes permitted by this Part the Board's constitution and bylaws and the recreation plan any gifts, grants, appropriations and sums from any source, including Federal, State and local, public and private, and may contract with governmental or private agencies or individuals with respect thereto. The Recreation Board shall not spend or commit funds of the Township without specific authorization from the Board of Supervisors and shall not bind or obligate the Township for any contract, debts or liabilities without such authorization or approval from the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § VII]
The Recreation Board, at such time(s) as directed by the Board of Supervisors, but in any event no less than annually, shall submit a report to the Board of Supervisors regarding its activities, transactions and recommendations. In addition, the Recreation Board, at such time(s) as directed by the Board of Supervisors, but in any event no less than annually, shall submit for review, revision and approval by the Board of Supervisors a proposed budget for the ensuing year, setting forth all proposed expenditures, salaries and programs. The Board of Supervisors shall take into account said proposed budget as reviewed, revised and approved in preparing the Township budget for the next year.
[Ord. 36, 10/6/1994, § VIII]
The Recreation Board shall exercise authority over any recreation facility hereafter acquired, subject to the direction of and as specified by the Board of Supervisors.